

  • I sent you a message; feel free to add me. Ditto everyone else on this thread. My newsfeed is also pretty sad. Keep happy + healthy, everyone!
  • Absolutely! Every time I cook from fresh ingredients at home, and each resonable portiosn (including my ultra-lux salads with nuts, dried fruits and cheese!) I inevitably come up with something slightly under 300 cals, which suits me fine, because I load up on snacks in between.
  • PS, some people I used to do yoga with recommend twists since stretching back and forth is supposed to be stressful on your back. Supine twist and half lord of the fishes are both good: I have very weak abs and find that sit-ups, boat pose and leg raises make my back ache - not…
  • I agree; it took you a long time to gain that weight - it'll take a while to work it off. Aim for 1-2 lbs per week, and don't overdo it. This is for two reasons: first it's mentally exhausting; if you're working out too hard or starving all the time you'll probably just quit; second, slow loss is healthier, and you're much…
  • I already eat low-grain, have no food allergies, but still have a big middle. (CW: 158, daily cal about 1200 net.) Questions for those with experience: 1. Is there a difference between reducing grains and cutting them out all together? 2. Can you eat rice, corn, quinoa, other stuff on the Wheat Belly diet? 3. How long…
  • I did the same: was losing on 1500, "pushed" myself to 1200 and I haven't lost anything for 12 days! I'm going back to my original plan - fingers crossed. It's an old cliché, but... is it possible that moderation is best?
  • If we believe the experts, that 1 lb = 3500 calories, then to lose 2lb / week, you'd need to cut twice that, through diet and exercise (7000). As we all know, actual results will vary, so the key is to figure out what works for you. See you how feel, track your progress weekly, and adjust as needed. Cutting 11,000 is more…