Drop weight quick--help

Is there anyone out there that has a diet and/or exercise plan that you can do around the house to lose weight quick. I don't have money to go out and buy exercise machines. I can jog, but if im jogging for a long period of time i cant breathe and my spit turns into like a slime-spit. I need to drop weight quick. can someone please help me out? thanks.


  • Elzubair
    Elzubair Posts: 35 Member
    First thing you need to drop the word quick. Losing weight needs time and dedication at the beginning you might start losing weight fast but later on it will slow down. try reading about Intermittent fasting and yea you don't need expensive machines and equipments to lose weight cardio, bodyweight exercises , and eating right will take you to your goal.
  • aolivez
    aolivez Posts: 8
    I agree; it took you a long time to gain that weight - it'll take a while to work it off. Aim for 1-2 lbs per week, and don't overdo it. This is for two reasons: first it's mentally exhausting; if you're working out too hard or starving all the time you'll probably just quit; second, slow loss is healthier, and you're much more likely to keep it off for life.
  • Rangjew
    Rangjew Posts: 12 Member
    Diet is the most important aspect of weight loss and will do wonders when combined with a good work out. Try to eat whole foods (nothing that is processed or comes out of a can) eliminate all added sugar and limit your portion sizes. Basically use common sense, have a small salad and grilled/poached chicken instead of McDonalds and a coke. Sounds basic but most people don't realise how much sugar and fat is in processed foods.
    generally you don't need weights to drop fat as it usually comes off quicker with cardio. however its good to incorporate some weights into your routine as they help boost your metabolism and burn more calories while you are at rest.try running (I tend to also get the slimy mouth feeling when I push myself too much but I find that Metamusil and lots of water with lime juice in it helps get rid of that) jumping jacks, skipping rope, burpies (always a hateful experience but worthwhile) lumber jacks and Turkish get ups. These will get your heart rate up and help shed the love handles without too much time or effort as long as your diet is good.
    Sit ups, push ups, squats and lunges and the plank are also very good to do when you have limited time and space. I am also one for time trials rather than reps as I get bored easily, so 20 seconds reps then rest for 10 then 20 seconds rep.
    For weight training things like 10l bottles of water or garden pavers can be used, especially good for squats, but when you are ready to build muscle its probably best to invest in a gym membership so you can have access to a qualified trainer to show you how to do the exercises and which areas to target.
    I hope this helps a little bit, its always worked for me in the past. Good luck!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Stop eating. Run for 24 hours a day.