Martinigirly Member


  • 50 snuck up on me and it started out depressing. Now that I have been exercising on a regular basis, and in general become more active I am embracing it more fully. My goals for July are: - Live a more active life and retire my TIVO subscription. - Get back to my normal weight (10 more lbs to go). - Strengthen my core. -…
  • Here's one for you. "Oven fried okra"!!!
  • Thanks for the tips! I started 3 sets of push ups. I started with 10 but couldn't quite do a 90 degree angle at my elbows. Now I am pretty much there but can't do many. Whenever I am doing things around the house I will drop and do 5 or 10. It definitely is a challenge. I didn't realize how bad my upper body was til now!?…
  • Thanks for the tips! I think the moisturizer helps. When I extend my arms out to the sides I get the little sacks hanging underneath. I guess it's so vexing because I am finally realizing I am no longer a young woman. The girl I see in the mirror isn't the one I remember being. However, on the bright side life just seems…
  • I'm in! Thanks for the suggestion.
  • EVERYTHING!!! I didn't realize how little 1200 calories a day can translate to. Especially when I eat the wrong foods that don't carry me through the morning or afternoon. I am so glad I whooped it up on food when I was in my 20's and 30's!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Thanks for the post! I am finding 20 lbs is what most people seem to gain. I just started trying to lift weights and am enrolling in a pilates reformer class for core strength. I didn't think my diet was bad because I eat mostly raw fruit and vegetables, little fat. Now I am finding it's not only important to eat foods…
  • Thanks for the advice! In a year and a half I gained nearly 20 lbs. My diet didn't change all that much but my metabolism sure did. And you are right about the belly fat! I never had that problem until now. I am trying to start long hikes with my husband as well as lifting weights to gain some core strength. I wish these…
  • You might find this article interesting. Basically take more of an interest in how food is prepared. For example, instead of friend potatoes, how about tossing them in a little olive oil and herbs and baking them? I've been reading Fitness and Shape magazines…
  • Not to be grim, but just wait til menopause kicks in and you have health issues that don't allow you to be active enough to keep your weight in check. Lose the weight now and learn how to eat. It will really pay off!!!!!