
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning!

    Ejnancy2-Know what you mean about drinking water in the evening and then having to get up in the middle of the night! Cutting back on that!

    Lin-You mentioned the fibro group you were in-I worked with someone a few years back that had fibromyalgia and I know how diificult it is to manage and how hard it is to get support! I'm glad you are away from that moderator who sounds like she should noe even be a moderator! My prayers are with you!

    It's amazing how many calories there are in restaurant foods like Olive Garden. Yes, you think they're high but it was a real eye opener to actually look at nutrition info on website! Ended up having lunch portion of Apricot Venetian Chicken w/asparagus which was abt 290 calories and quite good!

    Pleasantly surprised when I was watering flowers this am and jeans were literally falling off my behind! Only lost 9 lb so far but still a good feeling!

    Now off to the foot doc to find out abt outpatient surgery for my pinched nerve and hammertoe. Have a great Friday the 13th!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: TGI Friday!

    Meg- enjoy your time away, yep keeping busy is a great way to keep from eating when you shouldn't:drinker:

    Raysfan- your job sounds interesting and fun...what is it you do with all those teams:huh:

    DeeDee- TAG you played tag:noway: I pretty much try to find games that when I play with the grandsons I'm the one saying "on your mark get set GO":blushing:

    Jane- take care of those shins so that they will heal and then you can get back into the exercise,:flowerforyou:

    Sherry- ahhh Legoland, my three sons would love to visit there (35, 31, 28) they are still upset that they built that park after they had grown:laugh: Getting to work from home, what a wonderful boss you have letting you see if this will work hope it does:drinker:

    Nancy2- we ride our bikes at the Cherry Creek Resevoir or on the Highline Canal trail. Denver has a lot of bike trails and the only problems are that sometimes they seem like a freeway with all the bikers, joggers, dog walkers and just plain walkers so we try and get out early on the weekends and then just hope we are hitting a break in the crowd after work:ohwell: :ohwell: Eating all those veggies is paying off...even if you are feeling like you may turn into one:flowerforyou: Drinking water and heading the the bathroom all night is just something I've come to live with:laugh: it's the small victories that turn into big ones....keep away from those snacks...you can do this:drinker:

    rfsahae- Two days exercising is a great start:flowerforyou: we all start somewhere.

    Jen- glad you heard from your DS. Hey you can use his time of deployment as an incentive to want to show him all the changes in his mom when he returns...he will be surprised and you will be reaching for all those goals you have set:drinker:

    kmmealey- welcome:flowerforyou: sounds like you have jumped in the right way and are doing a great job with the exercise and a personal trainer.

    Michele- new pj's...I love getting new ones even though no one sees them just Peanut and hubby:wink:

    Barbie- good for you calling your cousin, even knowing there will negative words coming back at you:flowerforyou: You are so postitive I'm sure it has to affect your cousin in a good way.

    Elizabeth- logging in and checking in with friends of like minds is what keeps us going on this journey. Keep coming back and you will get in the habit of logging your food and getting into some exercise.:drinker:

    Linda- yes reading the posts is a great way to keep from raiding the frig:drinker:

    Amanda- I wondered why "Charles" last name had been ****:laugh: it's amazing what people seem to think needs editing. How fun to see your son in a play. Sorry the weather is just not being what you want...it seems to be summer here over the pond...hope that your change of clothes brings you some summer weather:wink:

    DebA- What a great Dr you have that would walk you through this journey and then continue on to see your life style completely turned around...great job on that loss:flowerforyou:

    lauralind- :drinker: congrats on NOT stopping at McDonalds! It's those victories that will help you keep going (if you can do it once you can do it again). Sorry you are having issues with your daughter, but I know what you are saying when it's out of your control but what you can control is what you put in your mouth. That's how I'm living right now, I can't control hubby not employed or my work situation or my parents house not selling, but I CAN control what I eat.:flowerforyou:

    Lin- I'm pretty sure what you will receive here is very positive encouragement...even when you vent and struggle...hang in there and keep us up to date on all you are doing.:flowerforyou:

    kathyszoo- Congrats on the pants :laugh: falling off:laugh: It's those NSV that keep us going.

    Last night I totally was naughty, will post about it later...food got the better of me:sad: We have company this evening and we are BBQing chicken.

    Have to get to payroll or there will be riots in the yard this afternoon and I don't want the boss calling me to ask about why it's not done:blushing:

    Have a great day all.Log it, drink water and move the body:drinker:

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    YAY it's Friday! Happy start to the weekend to all my friends here!

    Well this will be short since we are on our way out. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll see you Monday!

    Jen: tell your daughter (the newbie nurse...congrats!!!) to LEARN, LEARN, LEARN everything she can! People are not in the hospital because they need medical care, they are in the hospital because they need NURSING care and she will be in charge of her patients, so she has to be on her toes and not afraid to speak up when something is not right. Best wishes to her. I've been a nurse for over 30 years and it's a very rewarding career.

    OK, take care, drink up, and stay cool this weekend! Meg
  • cjspensley
    cjspensley Posts: 21
    Meg, what looks like a critter is actually a lady's head! The pic was taken at a local quilt show.

    So, I'm all packed for our trip to Allen's graduation. Projects to knit in the car are ready and all necessary supplies and accessories are in the appropriate bags. I cannot sit still in the car and not do anything for 900+ miles!! (and Steve, being a GUY, will want to do most of the driving, which is fine with me). The hardest part of traveling will be making good food choices along the way. My husband is supportive of what I'm doing here, but doesn't get it for himself. Several of our overnight stops were chosen (by him) because of their proximity to places we've seen on "Diners, Drive-in's and Dives" and other similar food channel shows. Charlie Parker's pancake house for breakfast in Springfield IL tomorrow...The Rendezvous in Memphis TN for dinner Sunday night. It's going to be hard to make good healthy choices. I debated packing the bathroom scale but I don't think he'd go for that! The good news is that there is an exercise room and pool just about everywhere we are staying so I should be able to swim and ride a stationery bike every night.

    I have MFP on my smartphone, so that should help with choices.
  • Hey all, I just saw this thread and would definately like to join. I am 51 now (a very young 51) even though my body doesn't look it. I have 9 year old twins that I would like to be around for and just had a scare the other day. A younger cousin of mine just had a heart attack!! Yikes! His mother and my mother were sisters, so we all have that blood running through us. I definately don't want to end up the same way. I am fairly healthy except for depression that has just caught up with me due to some terrible things that happened in my life in the past. I am dealing with it and moving on. Come next summer at this time, I will be 50-60 lbs. lighter.

    My goals are: Lose at least 1 pound per week
    Work out at least 3 X per week (it's been hard for me lately due to the depression)
    Eat a healthier diet including more veggies and fruits.
    Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

    Have a great day!!
  • Martinigirly
    Martinigirly Posts: 13 Member
    50 snuck up on me and it started out depressing. Now that I have been exercising on a regular basis, and in general become more active I am embracing it more fully. My goals for July are:

    - Live a more active life and retire my TIVO subscription.
    - Get back to my normal weight (10 more lbs to go).
    - Strengthen my core.
    - Enroll in pilates and do one of those insanely unnatural poses!!!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Friday, the weekend cometh. :smile:

    Barbie, thanks for posting the "Quiet minds" quote, it's just what I needed. Staying calm during a storm takes practice but it can be done. I'm having a rough time with hubby still being out of work, it wears on me something terrible. The tendency to scream and shout has to be kept at bay, I mean what good would that do. I've been "venting" by taking 12 very fast walk/jog laps around the track each morning. It helps immensly. I'll remember the line about the clock during a thunderstorm. :flowerforyou:

    Lin, a little negative puts me right off balance, too. I had a very similar experience in an online group where the moderator was making hurtful and belittling comments, acting like a know-it-all, and a rude one at that. :grumble: I held my tongue and disappeared. We don't need that kind of stuff. Good for you for withdrawing! Positive is as positive does. :wink:

    Oh, about the water, it's just something I've read over and over again on MFP and many other places. Half of your body weight in ounces is 10 glasses a day for me, you can do the math :laugh: I don't drink much else other than coffee or V8 which I don't count. I would think decaf tea would definitely count as water. I try to drink at least 7 glasses during the day so that by evening time I just have 3 left to choke down :bigsmile:

    Nancy, wow, you have a foot again!! Here's to you! :drinker: Now you can enjoy the rest of your summer without lugging around that big old boot. I thought of your hubby's radishes yesterday as I was slicing a bunch of mine to put on my salad. They're just the best! :love:

    SALAD SISTAS! Eat a huge salad everyday is the motto. I've been replacing a lunchtime salad a few days a week with steamed spinach or chard since the garden is pumping it out like mad. And beets. And carrots. And shelling peas, yum.

    Welcome to everyone new, this is a very fun and informative thread. What a great group of gals here. :flowerforyou:

    I'd best get going, I see the sun is coming out from the cloud cover. Must give my mom a call, then grocery shop and get the dogs out for a good walk. Have a wonderful day everyone!

    :smile: jb
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: good afternoon all, just a quick check in while on my lunch break. :smile: Welcome to all the new ladies, how wonderful we keep growing. :wink: Today was weigh in. I was surprised with a one pound loss. I really thought with all this constipation I was going to have gained.:blushing: Better get back to work. Everyone have a wonderful day. :heart: Love ((((HUGS)))) and Prayers, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello again from the sunny Okanagan Valley (BC Canada) :happy:

    J'boy is at sailing camp and I just got a pedicure! Oh yes, the ortho-boot is definitely a part of my past. :laugh:

    I have been cooking for my parents, and even though they are not big eaters I have been over my limit most of the week. :noway: It's a good thing I found a great place to work out at the Y. Summer is always a challenge for me anyway, so it is my goal to maintain...

    It's very fun to read all the posts from new folks and from old friends.

    JB, I think DH is addicted to his radishes. I wonder what he'll get into next year? As long as the basil, oregano and rosemary are abundant, I'm a happy gardener - because I don't really garden, I cook!

    Hasta pronto,

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    arewethereyet - welcome! You sure don't look 51 to me, that's for sure!

    ejnancy - I didn't even realize it was Friday the 13th until you mentioned it! Good for you shutting that drawer!

    Deb - I'm glad you didn't have WLS. I guess it works for some people, but I do feel that WLS just forces you to have better eating habits, and that's what's needed. I have a friend who had WLS. Before she had the surgery she would complain and complain about how her knees hurt her, etc. We went out to eat and you should have seen what she had! A tuna melt (all that mayo, cheese, ok, the tuna is ok, but that's all) and lots of french fries. I had what they called a diet platter, basically fruit, cottage cheese, deli meats (not the greatest) on lettuce. After her surgery we went out again, I couldn't get over how many pills she had to take. Yes, she'd lost weight. When we were ordering, she said "I have to have the salmon for my protein". I think what she really needed all along was just watching her diet. Now WLS worked for her because it forced her to monitor her intake of food. My apologies to anyone who had WLS.

    Laura - good for you not stopping at McD!!!! I'm proud of you

    Had a bit of time before water aerobics class so instead of sitting around the house eating, I went to a food store to get the nonrefrigerated items. Did an hour of dep water today, then went back to the store to get the refrigerated items. They're still looking for someone to replace the gal they fired, but the gal who was there today had taken the class and has a great personality. I do hope she gets to do it more. Tomorrow is yoga then I told this lady I'd stop at the store on the way home for her to get cherries for $1.99/lb. She said to try freezing the cherries, I just might try that. She said she freezes her cherries pits and all, and when she takes them out of the freezer, they just fall off the pits. Well, I'll give it a try.

    needamulligan - everyone is always, always, always, welcome! Post often.

    Kathy - I hear ya about Olive Garden. I usually get the chicken spindini. It's usually on the lunch menu, but they will give it to you for dinner. Also, their minestrone soup isn't all that bad. But some of their other foods! You did great! Sounds like it's time for you to be buying new clothes (can you tell that I like shopping?)

    barbie - there was a time when my father was really negative, I dreaded calling him. So many times he'd go on and on complaining, that I'd hold the phone away from my ear. Thank goodness we didn't have video phones....lol Eventually, he wasn't doing that any longer.

    Oh....we got a call yesterday. our preconstruction meeting (for the pool) will be either July 23 or 24, they start excavation on the 26th, the pool and spa will be delivered on the 31 so depending on when it's delivered, it'll be placed in the ground the 31st or 1st.

    cjspensley - I'm with you, when we're taking a long trip somewhere and Vince is driving, I ALWAYS have something to do in the car. The only time I don't is when I'm doing the driving, like when we go to FL, Vince takes his SUV and the cats, I take my car and the luggage. But I still bring a craft with me. If I don't have something that I'm not working on at the time (which doesn't happen very often) I will start something. I usually take a bag of food that I have. Vince will go into McD's or BK or one of those places, I will go in but have my 1/2 sandwich, veges and what I brought. He just doesn't want to eat in the front, he wants to be where not a lot of people will see what he calls my "contraband"

    Nancy - a friend of mine grew basil and rosemary last year. I froze some of the rosemary, just finishing it up now. She's growing more so I'll restock

    littlecesar - welcome! So sorry to hear about your cousin, but the bright spot is that it brought you here.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: I think I am in a much better stage right now. I have started riding my bike to work (20k) a couple of times a week. Next week hopefully 2x again, and after that 3x a week. Sure gets the endorphins going.

    :drinker: Currently not logging my food, but logging the exercise. I don't have a hold on my food intake yet. Although, Barbie, I got the book out of the library on the "Thin Commandments." Perhaps that will help.

    :bigsmile: Today there was a power outage at work - no phones, no computers, no air, no security access - and everyone (oh say about 300+ in the building) was sent home. As management, of course, it meant bringing work home. I should do this more often, I get soooo much more work done at home, without interruption. I am sure my colleagues will tell me the same on Monday, since I know we all took work home!

    If staff only knew how much management does. They just think we have meetings and go out for lunch or something. ( I know that's the case because that is what came into the famous "suggestion box".) Whenever I have been in management (and I have been both) I am always astounded by the enormous workload (and actually the lack of commensurate compensation for that workload), grief and responsibility that position carries with it. It is so easy to judge someone, isn't it, until you walk a mile in their shoes.

    :drinker: :drinker: Now, isn't that the truth. So, why the heck am I in management? You wonder.

    :heart: Rebel
  • I started my diet this week, but need more motivation to stick with it. As long as I stay busy, I stay away from the food. Bottom line, I don't like what I see in the mirror and know that I am turning 57 this weekend is even more reason I should get myself motivated to do this. I really don't like to exercise, does anyone have any suggestions for fun exercise activities that a woman my age can do?
  • I am new at this thread. I enjoy reading what others have to say about their journey. I, too have started, day 4, to make better choices of food and how I spend my time. I am 63 yrs young and want to be able to work in my yard and flowers without having to worry about not being able to get up off the ground. Soooo, I have made a committment to myself to get this extra weight off and keep it off. Goal, include be accountable to myself, drinking more water, enjoying the better choices I am making to eat. Checking in on MFP for encouragement and support on this journey.
    You all might be in your fifties, but you all look and sound wonderful.
    Happy Friday
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Busy day that started with waking up at silly o'clock to a thunder and lightning storm that scared the dogs.....Jake walked the dogs during the storm to do their "business" and they were out for a really short time......the storm slowed by 6 AM so we went for our usual two hour walk. I taught the big line dance class this morning (almost 40 students) and it turned out great....the afternoon class (4 students) was cancelled because all four students couldn't be there. I celebrated my surprise free time by taking a nap with Jake and the dogs while the thunder and lightning continued outside.....later I went to a birthday party with finger food potluck.....I ate my supper before I went and ate nothing at the party.

    :flowerforyou: my phone call with my cousin was hilarious......the doctor told her that her ankles were swollen and her blood pressure was too high and she wished I were there to help her take care of things. So I said that she was retaining water because of all the sodium in the restaurant food she eats ( she doesn't cook and eats out all the time) and she said it wasn't the sodium, it was the salt and restaurant food tastes good. So I said that if were there I'd put her on the Isagenix and home cooked food that I eat and start her on strength training and she argued that she wouldn't do any of that and that the food she eats in restaurants is much healthier than what she fixes at home.....I changed the subject :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: two great comments from something Jake read to me today:

    "As TV's have gotten flatter, people have gotten rounder"

    "Why do people need energy drinks to sit in front of a computer all day?"

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • TheRoseQueen
    TheRoseQueen Posts: 27 Member
    Day four, and you are doing great! Love MFP!!!!!:smile:
  • Dar1356
    Dar1356 Posts: 15
    Hi Ladies...... unfortunately, this has been the week from HELL..... our family computer crashed, and so did everything on the hard drive, needless to say, my darling husband has not been in a very good mood, but we will finally be getting a new computer this weekend, YEAH, so since my darling daughter came home from her internship this weekend, I can finally write something:happy: and vent.... so, besides the computer, our 12 year old springer spaniel sprained his left paw, somehow, so he is hobbling along, and the sad look on his face just makes me feel horrible,:sad: but the vet says he will mend, and then of course to top it all off, one of the cars need to have work done...... SO GLAD the weekend is here, and the humidity is finally going away, and the weather will be comfortable, as opposed to my dear bff, Kat, in La Quinta with the 110 degrees......looking forward to the morning beach walk.

    Needless to say, I DID NOT follow my allotted calorie intake this week, but there is tomorrow..... THANKS to all for listening to me, have a great rest of the weekend:heart:
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I think that I must always be the last post for the day. Its 11:34 on the west coast and I have some time before bed.

    Meg, I spent most of my nursing career in the emergency room level 1 trauma center, but i have some other jaunts in my nursing career. I worked as a stadium Rn In Portland,Oregon ( for pro basketball games, concerts, etc) I worked in the middle east as an emergency room R.N . Other jobs - home health, worked in the county jails doing triage and working off of care plans -could give meds and suture(after a suture class at the local university) I was a flight RN in the Air Force Reserves. So, with all these years of emergency room nursing, I am now doing telephone triage. The best part of this job ,is that I work at home. All the RN'S work remote! We joke and say this is the job for "broken nurses",may of us have physical problems, backs, knees etc. So, it is the perfect job! :laugh: :laugh: :tongue: :tongue:
    Tomorrow is going to be a challenge a 3 hour car ride and being at a scholastics shooting event all day tomorrow in the heat and humidity.:glasses: :glasses:
    So, I have my organic greek yogurt which I love in 5oz containers to take ,fruit and a healthy sandwich! Temptation is going to the trail mixes that are going up in the car for the rest of the family. I am going to try to drink water if I feel the temptation to eat some. 1/2 cup is 120 calories, I may not stop at 1/2 cup, so why start!:explode: :explode: :explode:
    I cant remember everyone's names that I wanted to say something too, but this is my weekend off, so my plan is to start from the beginnings of the posts, so I can get to know of of you better! May we all walk on this journey together. Where there are many there is strength! Have a great weekend , do your best to be your best!
    Sunday I am going to go for a walk and burn some calories!:happy: :happy:
    Blessings, Linda
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello all, This is my Friday post though it is Saturday so both :) Realize I hadn't posted couldn't sleep so here I am. Overall a good week in the area of food. Not a good week in exercise not getting in good workouts an area I need to improve in for sure. A busy weekend again think that is why I can't sleep had to get myself organized so not to forget anything. It will be a challenge for there are 2 BBQ/birthday parties going too but since both are potlucks plan is to bring the healthy side so something for sure to eat. :) I use to do this cook ahead and freeze meals for the month but most of the recipes I did were good/comfort food but not very healthy so busy looking for new recipes that will make it easier to feed my family the work week. I to get better at this forum stuff so I can get names down to start respond. But for sure wish everyone a good Saturday.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning ladies:flowerforyou:

    Just a quick note to say hi to everyone.
    I'm getting ready to go to the farmers market, time to stock up on fresh veggies and fruit. At the moment I'm craving fresh green beans :smile:

    Hope very one has a fabulous Saturday. Will try to catch up with everyone later on.:flowerforyou:

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :love: Happy Saturday, my favorite day of the week! And only 3 more work days until vacation! DS sent a message via facebook that he arrived safely..ok step 1..we can do this. I probably shouldn't be but I always am amazed and thankful for the support around us in a time of need. We always hear about the horrible stuff in the media...but there really are some great and kind people in the world.:flowerforyou:

    I did not do weights yesterday am (having trouble sleeping...but it will get better) but I did play tennis with my sister..she only beat me 6-4 and many of our games went to deuce...so we have fun and we are both getting better...my goal is to have a doubles match with 2 of our brothers by the end of summer..:laugh: .I'll keep you posted!

    Very muggy in New York today...I need to clean the pool..and then maybe some float time, we'll see what the day brings. Headed to the lake house when dh gets home from work and hope to kayak tomorrow...weekends go too fast.

    Have a great day..drink lots of water and keep moving even if it is a stroll!