barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member


:flowerforyou: Welcome to the place for support and encouragement on your weight loss and fitness journey.

:flowerforyou: The title says Women ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

:flowerforyou: You can be part of this supportive family just by posting and returning regularly to join the discussions, ask your questions, and share what’s on your mind.

:flowerforyou: How have you done with the goals and resolutions you set for June?

:flowerforyou: What goals and resolutions have you chosen for July?

:flowerforyou: It’s never too late to make positive changes in your life……never, never, never give up.

:heart: Barbie from NW Washington

July Resolutions:
*walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
*100 Warrior III poses a day
*weight training three days a week
*planks every day
*17,000 steps a day
*Act the way I want to feel
*Come from a place of love
*Don’t take things personally


  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks again Barbie for the thread.
    well enter goal later off to bed work week starts tomorrow.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks Barbie!!!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy July ladies.

    Thanks Barbie x
  • walker001
    walker001 Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks Barbie for the icons, they are cute.

    My goal for July is to continue get to get health, and lose 5 lbs.

    Exercise 6 days a week.

    Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadian Peeps

    l and Happy 4th of July on Wednesday to all my US Peeps.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Thanks Barbie:happy:

    Goals for July are:
    Upped my calories from 1200 to a bit over 1400, trying to eat a bit more
    drink at least 9 glasses of water a day
    walk at least 3 times a week, even on my injured foot:frown:
    lose 5 lbs. this month
    do my best to check in here at least every other day

    Happy July ladies!!!!!

  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi Barbie, nice to have a group that caters specially for me! Here are my July goals:

    To get to grips with increasing my calories

    To get a proper exercise regime in place

    To understand better how my body uses calories

    To lose 7lbs

    To stop feeling like a failure because no other diet has worked for me long term

    Thats it for me, I'll check in regularly!!
  • ShirleyFed5
    ShirleyFed5 Posts: 35 Member
    My goal for July is to change from walk/run to run/walk. I did a half-marathon in June and walked it, which was awesome! But next year I would like to be able to run the whole thing at a good, competitive pace. :happy:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,162 Member
    Thanks for the July thread Barbie!

    My goals for July are to keep logging every day, to keep eating within my calorie goals everyday and to up my activity from 20 minutes per day 4X a week to 30 minutes per day 4X a week.

    Wishing everyone well.


  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Hmmmm July goals...continue with the interval workouts and try to increase my distances without increasing time, weight training twice a week and keep the calories around the 1350 mark without using the exercise calories

    This maybe a little challenging because I am going to St John with my sister and one of my brothers this month...it will be a blast but there will be very little exercise so will have to keep the food and beverages in check!

    Had a great time at the class 50th group birthday party...everyone greeted with a happy birthday which we all found very funny. I ate before I went and kept the wine to a reasonable level...nearly lost my voice..so I guess that shows I did a LOT of talking! :blushing:

    Well I was going to float in the pool this afternoon but my sister called and we are going kayaking. I have not kayaked here at home only up at the lake. We will be in a creek that feeds into the Hudson River...not sure I am up for the river, but it will be fun I hope!) Lol!

    I am so happy I have lost weight (20# before MFP) because I don't know if I would be interested in kayaking and tennis, etc...just a random thought!:happy:

    Enjoy your Sunday ladies...hugs and high fives..we can all do this and ail never, never give up (thank you, barbie!)
  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    Yes thank you. Love your goals ! Especially act how you want to be, and come from a place of love!
    July goals
    Lose 2-3 lbs
    Continue with present exercise regime, experimenting with suitable weights and exercises for strength
    Continue to be accepting of where I am right now
    And keep logging in and counting
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :bigsmile: Good Morning, it is cloudy in NW Washington but no rain and promises to get warmer.

    I did well with all my goals for June and have decided to keep all of them and add another goal to improve my attitude and outlook on life. The new goal is "don't take things personally" :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Welcome to all the new members....I hope you will stay with us......keep coming back and no matter what happens, do not be discouraged......if this worked for me, it can work for you.

    :flowerforyou: a word about exercise.....no one started with 20,000 steps a day and burning 900 calories and training for a marathon or triathlon.....we started by getting off the couch and going for a walk.....one of the goals I read on this thread was to not stay on the couch for more than an hour and that inspired me to get moving.:bigsmile: the best exercise is the one that you'll do.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    now I have to get out of my chair and walk the dogs.....they have new haircuts and want to show them off:bigsmile:

    July Resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    *100 Warrior III poses a day
    *weight training three days a week
    *planks every day
    *17,000 steps a day
    *Act the way I want to feel
    *Come from a place of love
    *Don’t take things personally
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    DH and I went out this morning to visit Chiswick House and grounds. It's not far from us, yet it's the first time DH has ever been. Fabulous place and the weather was great for the most part - only had a couple of showers when we walking round the grounds. Got back home just before the torrential rainfall started .... yet again.

    We are having a Sunday alone - the first time in months. Normally we at least go to visit MIL in the nursing home, but I put my foot down and said we have to start making time for each other. I think this is the first time we havedone this since last year!

    I got a text message from my hairdresser last night, she's had to cancel my appointment for tomorrow. Just as I'd geared myself up to go shorter too. I'm hoping to rebook, but it's tricky to find the time to have a half day at the salon.

    Oh, I sold the atlas yesterday. Had to give a hefty discount, but everyone was happy with the outcome. (Yay me, more commission to come!) In case you are interested http://alteagallery.com/stock_detail.php?ref=13029&search=book_or_atlas this is what a £150k atlas looks like.

    I'm persevering with the tart cherry juice for my arthritis. Trying to disguise it in different ways.

    Speaking of which, I'm going to try it in a hot drink now.

    Speak soon.

    Hugs to all.
    Amanda x
  • lgalloway1940
    lgalloway1940 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks, Barbie, for July I will walk everyday & loose 5 lbs. Wish me luck, I have a bad knee.:happy:
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Well today is the last of the birthday week celebration dinner with my kids tonite. DD took me out to dinner last nite, and had breakfast with friends yesterday morning. I really need to make an effort this month. Have been down in the dumps and have decided to do what Barbie said, if i have sat on couch or on computer for more than I should I need to get up and move. It seems that scale gets down to almost 10 lb marker and then we go back up again. Im looking for baby steps down not baby steps up.

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy July everyone! Thank you Barbie for starting us up for July. I am reposting from last night as to my June goals.....

    :heart: Walk at lunch time instead of sitting in my office working while I eat.
    :smile: I have managed to do so at least 4 days a week
    :heart: Drink 4 16 oz bottles of water every day.
    :smile: with the summer heat this one was easy.
    :heart: Log my food every day
    :smile: I logged my food every day I was home. When I was away I kept a paper log and logged on MFP when I got home.
    :heart: Walk or do some kind of activity every evening
    I exercised one way or another every day
    :heart: Lose 10 lbs
    :smile: I lost 12lbs
    June was a pretty good month

    :heart: My goals for July are pretty much the same

    :heart: Walk at lunch time instead of sitting in my office working while I eat.
    :heart: Drink 4 16 oz bottles of water every day.
    :heart: Log my food every day
    :heart: do Tae Bo 3 days a week, Leslie Sansone 3 days a week and ride the stationary bike 15 in the morning before I go to work
    :heart: lose 8 lbs

    Congratulations to everyone who met their June goals and prayers for those who struggled. July is a new beginning, I have faith we can do it with the love and support we get from our family and friends. Have a happy Sunday,
    :heart: Love ((((Hugs)))) and prayers for all, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    Rose - great job on meeting your goals!

    Did an hour of balance games on the Wii today. Tomorrow is yoga and then the extreme pump class. On my way home, I think I'll pick up some cheddar cheese that is on sale and make these cheese meatballs for Mexican Train dominoes Tuesday. Right now I'm making a triple chocolate cheesecake for the guy who became the manager at the bowling alley. Would like to get in good with him, you never know when that'll come in handy!

    Happy Canada day to our neighbors to the north

    I seem to have a really hard time losing weight in the summer, I think it may be because of the heat I just retain more water. This happened almost every year. I know that once the cooler weather gets here, I'll have an easier time of it. Not really gaining..but not losing either. But then again, maintenance is the hardest to do anyway.

    djhobbs - is that St. John in Florida? If so, where do you live in FL? Maybe on the east coast? We have a place in Titusville. Anyone close to there? Hey, laughing burns calories! You certainly use a lot of muscles, that's for sure. Glad you had a good time at the party.

    Normally, I wouldn't post quite yet, but I'm going to now so that I mark my spot.

    Off to do some crocheting....

    Oh, Loki had another seizure this morning. I was reading the newspaper and hear this funny noise so I went to investigate, and he was having a seizure. Clyde just sat there and looked. He knows something isn't right...he just doesn't know exactly what. We'll probably go to the vet tomorrow. He was out this week so it may be later in the day.

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    I did okay with my goals for June, but hope to do better in July.

    My goals for July are:
    to be able to run for a full 30 minutes
    weight training 3 times each week
    find new ways to incorporate "exercise" into my regular routine

    I seem to have a handle on food and am drinking lots of water. I have lost 70 pounds so far, but would like to lose another 10.

    Jen- I started kayaking last summer and I can tell you that it is much easier without the extra 70 pounds! We go with a group and never know where we will end up. At first I was afraid that I might end up in a situation that I wouldn't be able to handle, but have gotten to trust the more experienced members to help me through any challenges we encounter. I always come home exhausted, but totally refreshed. Only wish we could kayak year round!

    Barbie-Thanks again. This group is the most encouraging I have ever encountered. I love reading about everyone's adventures as well as food and exercise ideas.
    Deb A
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks Barbie!!

    My goals for July is to "move it" "move it"! Going on vaca July 14 - 28. Plan on walking the beach every day.......maybe 2X's a day.

    I plan to eat well, rest and take a well-deserved vacation.:flowerforyou:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Good morning to my long lost (and treasured) MFP friends. I've been MIA for awhile.

    I've been computerless for weeks...seems like forever. I accidentally flung my laptop to the ground awhile back. The battery proceeded to swell and ooze, so out went the battery. But I still had my power adapter so I was still in business.

    I bought two (one at a time) batteries off eBay. They made my letters skip around. Pretty weird. (The guy at the Apple store later told me the batteries were just slightly too big which caused them to press on the mousepad, causing all the ruckus.)

    Then I pinched the power adapter between the desk and the wall and cut it in half. Out went the power adapter. Now I had no computer. Aargh. No computer. The worst. I was cut off from the world.

    I ordered a power adapter off eBay. Turns out it works only if you have a battery with some charge in it. Huh? Back went the power adapter.

    Finally, I broke down and bought a battery and a power adapter at the Apple store. (3 times as much as on eBay but what are you gonna do?) Everything worked fine at first. Then the battery started causing the computer to overheat and buzz. It's going back to the store. BUT the power adapter WORKS! So here I am, back among the living.

    I'm back on the 50+ forum starting today. Good thing too as I don't even want to know what the scale says. I guess I have a choice - be an MFP junkie the rest of my life or be fat. Huh!

    It's good to be back.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Just thought I'd post a little story to tickle your funny bone!

    When you're old AND DON'T MOVE FAST ANYMORE.

    Phillip Hewitson, an elderly man, from Norwich, was going up to bed, when his wife told him that he'd left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from the bedroom window. Phillip opened the back door to go turn off the light, but saw that there were people in the shed stealing things.

    He phoned the police, who asked "Is someone in your house?"

    He said "No, but some people are breaking into my garden shed and stealing from me."

    Then the police dispatcher said "All patrols are busy. You should lock your doors and an officer will be along when one is available."

    Phillip said, "Okay.."

    He hung up the phone and counted to 30.

    Then he phoned the police again.

    "Hello, I just called you a few seconds ago because there were people stealing things from my shed. Well you don't have to worry about them now because I just shot them." and he hung up.

    Within five minutes, Six Police Cars, a SWAT Team, a Helicopter, two Fire Trucks, a Paramedic, and an Ambulance showed up at the Hewitsons' residence, and caught the burglars red-handed.

    One of the Policemen said to Phillip, "I thought you said that you'd shot them!"

    Phillip said, "I thought you said there was nobody available!"

    (True Story) I LOVE IT!
    Don't mess with old people