

  • deb1962
    deb1962 Posts: 36 Member
    Awesome advice and support, Thanks
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member

    great post!!!

    Do not get discouraged! Like that one!
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    Well, I made it my goal yesterday to drink 8 glasses of water, and I made it to seven which is a big improvement, so I will keep trying. And my excercise was kettlebells and core work. Now my glute muscle hurts on the left side, so I will do some stretches. Yesterday someone asked me what single sculling is, which is one of my favorite exercises. It is like crew -- but rowing in a singles boat. My boat is 26 feet long and weighs 31 pounds. I carry it down to the river by balancing it on my head. I will go out in it tomorrow morning. I go with a friend, we meet and walk down to the boat racks together. I help her carry her boat down to the river. I find at age 58, that I row more slowly, but enjoy it more. Thanks everyone for your inspiration. And now to bed, because my biggest problem, is that I don't like to let go of the day and get enough sleep.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Barbie - great post! I am certainly going to take your advice on not staying on the computer more than 30 min. at a time, sometimes 2 hours get away from me while I'm working. I think I will set a timer to remind me to at least get up and stretch if I can't take a walk.:smile:

    Have a wonderful evening everyone!


  • SusieQ103
    SusieQ103 Posts: 27
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    We had a great day for kayaking. Our "guide" missed a turn and got us to paddle an extra 2 miles for a total of 10. I got very tired, but enjoyed every minute! After kayaking, we went to our local beach to spend time with the grandkids at their campsite. Tomorrow we are going back with our kayaks to give them a chance to try them out. We will stay for the fireworks, so it looks like another long, fun-filled day.

    Barbie- you are so right about not trying to change everything at once. I have tried to add too many new habits at one time and failed. Now I just focus on two or three things that will make a difference. It is funny how many other better choices are made when I concentrate on only a few.

    Good night all.
    Deb A
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Hey Dar - so nice to have you with us.

    Barb - I, too, am amazed at how full I get when I eat lots of veggies.

    Got up, did 1 hr of a step DVD, then went to the soup kitchen and took them some of the cheese meatballs (I didn't like the consistency so I made more today to take to Mexican Train). Went to the food store to get the cheese for the meatballs, had to go to PetSmart to get Pill Pockets for Loki, came home and made the meatballs, bowled 5 games, then went to mahjongg. Just had dinner (I'm not real crazy about the things that people bring, last month someone brought Popeye's deep fried chicken <yuk>) and I have to make something for Vince anyway, so I just had some soup for me. I'm taking the cheesemeatballs (the recipe says for 3 it's only 153 calories, the way I made them it's more like 5) and some cherries. I'm not a fan of cakes and that sort of thing, but give me fruit and watch out! Last time we had bunco here we made the mistake of putting the cherries in front of me. All the time I was munching away on them.

    I understand that they're having the water class tomorrow even tho it's a holiday. I'll go and see, and if there's no class then I'll just swim on my own

    People have such grand plans for tomorrow. Me? Just staying home, nothing special.

    CarrieLynne - we all look forward to getting to know YOU. Welcome!

    megblair -- welcome, and have a happy fourth!

    Gee, every other post is of someone new here. Welcome everyone, I won't even begin to start naming everyone individually. You'll enjoy this thread immensely

    sissy - that's wonderful that you've got the trainer. Be sure to keep us updated. I know that I need to have accountability or it would be very easy for me to fall into the "not right now" mode for exercise. Even just having the accountability of people in a class depending on me. So I totally understand where you are coming from.

    Went to Mexican Train tonight. I was quite good with the food, just had a SMALL piece of this pizza, some veges, and cherries that I brought. On the way home, I had the basket of cherries in my lap and couldn't stop from munching on them. Then it happened! I found the Dove candies. Why do I do this to myself? I really wasn't hungry. I need to find a way to keep myself from doing this type of thing.

    barbie - great post!

    Well, going to finish logging and then off to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Joined MFP in January and have been logging food daily. I'm not a writer so up until now have just been reading other's posts. I've lost just shy of 40# since January 3rd and would like to loose at least another 60# . I am having a hard time loosing lately, up and down the same couple of pounds. I do pretty well with the eating portion but have trouble with the exercise. I have bad knees and feet so I've been sticking with just walking.

    I always have a hard time finding this group. Someone said by posting it should be easier. So I thought I'd give it a try.

    Everyone on here is so inspiring.

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Day 3 done and still doing okay. I was worried though...made popcorn for my kids and g'kids who were heading for the movies. (We have to make our own as Olivia has celiac disease and can't have the (awful for you anyway) stuff at the theatre.) Had a few handfuls - mindless eating that I haven't been doing the last couple of days.

    I counted it as 3 cups and 1 T butter. I think that was a safe estimate and probably on the high side. And I still came in under calories for the day. Yippee!

    I'm not completing my diary for each day for now though. Not until I get back to where I was before I went nuts. I can't stand seeing it say that if I continued doing what I was doing I'd weigh X in 5 weeks. That just hurts!

    It's so nice to see all of you again. Barbara, you inspire me to amp up the fruits and veggies. Fruit is easy for me. It's the veggies that are easy to not quite get around to. I did cook broccoli tonight (not roasted though). That counts but it was not enough.

    But the fruit. Oh my, the fruit. I went to the little organic produce stand a couple of miles away this morning. I picked up some heirloom raspberries that had just been picked. I was doing well to get home (with most of them) then share a few with my DD and DGD's. I have to admit I ate the lion's share though. (Only a little more than 100 grams though. I wanted more.)

    I also picked up turnips, kale and enough lettuce to make a big salad tomorrow for a 4th of July get-together. Then I stopped at another roadside stand for a local orchard and bought Bing and Royal Ann cherries. Oh my.

    Tomorrow will be a challenge. I'm making a salad and I can make my own separately and measure all the ingredients. My DSIL will bbq chicken on the rotisserie so I'll be good with that as long as I weigh it (which I can do as I live "next door" in my own suite in the same house!) The tough things will be the appetizers, the twice-baked potatoes, the pasta salad and the dessert. Oh yeah - and the wine. :tongue:

    It's good to think about these things ahead of time and have a strategy. Barbie, your oft-repeated advice is finally starting to sink in. Never, never, never give up. It's my mom's favorite advice too. She gives it to every soon-to-be-wed bride in the family. She remembers Churchill's speech where that was the text of his entire speech. Powerful.

    :heart: Mimi SVQ
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Haven't posted lately but wanted to take Barbie's advice to at least stop by and say hi!

    Barbie- You are always very encouraging and inspiring!

    To all the new people- there are a lot of great people in this group, always willing to give support!

    My knee's having a flare-up again so not getting much exercise in. Tried to get back into water walking but unfortunately my knee didn't like that either. For now guess I'll have to be content with upper body workouts, trying not to get too frustrated and really stay under my calories.

    Hope everyone has a great 4th of July!

  • Annette1513
    Annette1513 Posts: 7 Member
    Main goal is to burn 3500 calories a week...will post more later..
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good evening, lovelies!

    Joyce 2 MORE twelve hour days a week? Yikes! How many days a week do you work?
    Haven't been able to work 2 12 hr days in a row for over a decade, one wipes me out completely.:noway:

    Just a quick pop in to celebrate SOME mat work 3 days in a row, Fruit and veggie goals met too.:drinker:
    Walking with our Scottish country dance club in tomorrow's We the People Independence day parade. Feel a little foolish but they needed the bodies, ANY bodies.

    "Make peace with myself" wouldn't that be great? Better still than finding my waist. :laugh:
    Any suggestions of steps to take in that direction?:huh:

    Time to turn in, parade starts staging early.

    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    July: EVERY DAY: 3 fruits + 5 veggies, at least SOME mat work, average 10K steps, let it be. Really. and no hooch til the weekend!
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!

    matminutes: 3=20 2=20 1=33

    steps: 3=9913 2=12201 1=4561
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Happy 4th of July to my friends across the pond.

    Guess what - it's raining in London .... what a surprise! I think we had summer the other day between 11 am and 3 am. I'd better get my autumn clothes ready. (Sarcastic? Moi?)

    Got to run as I'm off to see my beautiful grandtwins today and their half-brother who is over from the States.

    Have a good one my friends.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    I love this thread! I have taken the time to read all the entries, slowly, but with dedication! I turned 50 in October. I started being of my weight gain and joined a strength training class 2 times a week. It isn't during the summer, so I will add walks!

    I want to add to my July goals:

    take my vitamins, calcium and fish oil every day

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Happy 4th:smile: to all of us in the USA!!!

    Happy Wednesday:smile: to those all over this great world!!!

    Welcome to all the newcomers:flowerforyou: , this really is a great support system. Lots of wonderful women with great advice.

    Today I`m going to enjoy being with friends, having fun, and eating good food, all the while being in my calorie range!!!!

    Remember everyone drink your water:drinker: , and if you`re in the sun wear sunscreen:glasses: !!!!

    Have a most fabulous day!


  • swkittrell
    swkittrell Posts: 48
    Sounds like this may be my jumping in point. I am new to this site. I am looking for a support group that I have something in common with. I am going to go back and read some older posts so I can pick up some tips. I guess I need to make a list of goals for July.
    1. Exercise 6 times a week 30 to 45 min. a day.
    2. Eat more fruit and veg. I thought I was eating enough until I joined this site. Now after listing my foods it tells me I am not eating enough and after I enter my my exercise it is even worse.
    3. Try to plan out my meals a little better.
    4. Just have fun and remember not to beat my self up. This is not a short term fix I am in this for the long haul.
  • milli51
    milli51 Posts: 33 Member
    new to this so hope i am doing this right.
    goals for july:
    * exercise every day for at least 15 min
    *eat healthy and stay within my calories
    *drink 8-10 glasses of water every day
    *lose 5 pounds
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Happy Fourth of July!!

    I am having a sad time with my scale :sad:

    I just bought the Aria thinking it would be a nice addition to my Fitbit, but...Everytime I step on it I get a different reading and all of it's higher than my old scale (which is not that old...).

    People have said it's very accurate ...so that is why I got it.

    The jury is still out!

    Have a great day folks!!
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Happy 4th!
    It is another hot day- guess it will be hot into next week. Not my favorite weather, but am trying to find ways to keep moving through the heat. We are headed to the beach and more kayaking. Could do this everyday!

    To all of the new members- This group is very supportive and motivating. I have gotten great ideas for food and exercise. It also is amazing to read about the strength and tenacity of women who have medical issues to overcome in their efforts to get healthier. Very motivating!!

    Several posts have talked about not staying on the couch for more than 30 minutes at a time. This is now my new goal. I can easily fall into a habit of sitting for long periods of time and I need to stop! Am always looking for new ways to keep active.

    Have a great day.
    Deb A
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Hello all - for those celebrating the 4th of July---wishing you a happy, safe day.

    Nice to hear from so many people; I always enjoy reading the posts.

    Lots of things I'd like to do today but we'll see what actually gets accomplished. :-}

    So here's to you: :drinker:

    Until next time.
