Menopause Weight Gain



  • Martinigirly
    Martinigirly Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! Thanks for the suggestion.
  • Rikasue
    Rikasue Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for the advice! In a year and a half I gained nearly 20 lbs. My diet didn't change all that much but my metabolism sure did. And you are right about the belly fat! I never had that problem until now. I am trying to start long hikes with my husband as well as lifting weights to gain some core strength. I wish these issues were touched upon at least in school, as I would be a little better prepared to deal with them as well as have treated my body alot better!!!!
  • Rikasue
    Rikasue Posts: 20 Member
    OMG - the belly fat. I never had a muffin top, even when I was heavier. Lost 30 pounds in 2005 when I was 50. I'm up about 15. 7 years later makes a difference! I've always worked out, I run, strength train. Since I started MFP, I've tried to maintain 1200 calories a day. After 2 weeks, i lose less than 1 pound. I get discouraged easy. But, it beats the alternative - weight gain.

    Keep at it.
  • dddp1
    dddp1 Posts: 1
    (never ever have I posted or sign up on a fitness app)
    I'm over 50
    In Menopause
    Have had NO success on my own getting help
    Reaching out to EVERYONE for ideas!
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I'm 43 and haven't started menopause but one of the reasons i lost what I have is my female trainer saying to need to lose it before menopause because once you hit that it's a whole other story. My mum has been through it and was a successful weight loser 20years ago... Kept it off, conciencious... Now she could weep... Is ticked at how she feels she has to start again. It's all in the middle too.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
  • kellybatkin
    kellybatkin Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! I am a student nurse, and I recently came across an article related to this! You should take a look... in short the evidence shows the menopause doesn't cause weight gain but it changes the way to body stores fat - more likely to get "a belly" which is what a few of you have said!

    Ultimately weight gain is determined by non-hormonal factors, rather than the menopause itself.
