

  • It's a sad fact that, while you can eat healthy for pretty cheap if you are prepared to spend the time, the processed JUNK is so much easier and often cheaper. Anyone interested in Big Food and their influence on government regulators (Who are supposed to be looking out for us!!!) check out this guy: Dr. Yoni Freedhoff at…
  • I am sure with you on that! I NEVER have the problem of racking my brains to figure out how to "use up" my calories!! I started this in January and that has been the hardest part - trying to not go over my calories. I found that with entering all my food, trying to think of healthy things to eat, entering my home-made…
  • You know, you're right. I enjoy reading others' profiles but never knew what to say on mine. But there, I just did it. Thanks for the nudge.
    in Your Profile Comment by TinaM March 2008
  • "Plank" is just the top of a push-up (arms below shoulders, core firm, toes on floor, heels pushing back), held for a few seconds at a time to start with, longer as you get stronger. If your wrists hurt, you can be on your forearms. If your core is not strong enough, begin with your knees on the floor til you build up…
  • About the teaching calories to kids thing...I have an 11-year old daughter and I have explained that calories are simply energy, and different foods have different amounts. Your body needs energy to function, grow, etc., and when you are active you burn energy so you need to eat more. When you consume more than you use up,…
  • Black bean and (light) cheddar quesadilla.
  • Wow, you people are all really patient!! I hope everyone takes the time to read your comments carefully and tries to understand.
  • 6 for me so far.
  • How do you cook it? My father-in-law keeps us supplied with deer, moose, elk, and I am always looking for ways to use them that don't require the wonderful sauces he makes (German-trained chef - dangerous to those of us with high cholesterol!!!)
  • Ground bison has less than half the fat of beef. In fact, bison contains less fat than skinless chicken, turkey, or even halibut. Because it’s so lean, make sure you cook it for about a third less time than you would beef - otherwise it tends to be dry, which is the biggest issue people tend to have with it. If you’re a…
  • What button is that?
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