

  • On Biggest Loser Jillian always says that traveling makes you retain water. At least you are back down now =]
  • I'm also 5'2". I started at 208 but now am 160. Goal is 130 =]
  • Part of it could be the over sodium intake.. And also since you are doing so much extra I'm assuming your body is sore? I gain/hold up to 4 lbs in water weight with sore muscles. I would make sure you are stretching good before/after the workouts/biking, keep better track on your sodium, make sure you account with caffiene…
  • Camelback! Got mine on Amazon! I love it!
  • Danville, Illinois. Close!
  • I LOVE these! Had them for a few months now. My ears are really tiny so I have to use the small and they fit very snuggly into my ears. And the sound is awesome. Worth the money
  • Haven't lost that much, only 47 but I started at obese. I'm 5'2" started at 208. I was on depression, anxiety, high blood pressure meds, water pill for HBP and sleeping meds. After loosing about 30 lbs, I'm OFF all those medications. I did this all at home also. I've done Slim in 6, Body Revolution, 30 Day Shred,…
  • It's not the program. It's probably your eating/drinking habits.. I ran a 5k yesterday and threw up right when I got home.. Think of it as your body getting rid of all the CRAP you've probably been eating and wanting to be healthier. It sucks, but it gets better. I've done 30DS 2x and I can tell you, it's not as intense as…
  • I am buying a fitbit pedometer this weekend! Hoping it will help track my over all calorie burn so i can adjust my food. I seem to hit a wall every 10 lbs I loose. I am right there with you girl!
  • I'm loosing. Eat 1200 5 days a week, 1500 on 2 days that I burn over 1000 calories. I'm only 5'2" and weight 160, goal is 30 more lbs.
  • It's a little more challenging, but don't NOT do some of the moves. Jillian always says "Trust the system" She BUILT the program that way for a reason. I lost 10 lbs the first time I did it, 7 the second. By Day 11, your body will be ready to move to a different level. On day 5,6,7 (Which she says IN Level 1 that you will…
  • You just have to play around with your calories to know what works for you. I was on a thread yesterday and people were flipping out about 1200 calories but the girl was like 5'6". I'm barely 5'2" and been doing 1200 calories M-F and about 1500 on weekends. it's worked wonders for me. I'm not tired, not hungry, feel…
  • My great grandpa was a wine maker so we usually get some from him but since he's passed and we've since run out =/ So now if we really want wine, I'll go cheap and get barefoot brand, it's only like 6 bucks a bottle. Or Verde, it's cheap to more like champaign.
  • I have been doing 1200 a day for over a year (probably 2 days about 1500). I've lost 46 lbs so far. I moved up to 1400 but after 3 months of no weight lose I hit a wall. I went back to 1200 and have lost 8 lbs the last 8 weeks. I'm 5'2". I'll be moving my calories up once I'm closer to my weight.
  • Feel free to add me also! I've lost 46 lbs, still have 32 to go!
  • I take swim aerobics Mon and Wed at the Y and do the Glider machine 3-4x a week, but still can't get that same feeling. Am I just crazy? Haha
  • Congrats! I just went into Overweight as well after 5 years of being in the Obese catergory! I know most people say don't worry about the BMI, but they've probably never been big enough to be considered Obese!
  • I use the "Workout Trainer" App! The logo is a blue watch. I love it!
  • I was already eating right/exercising regularly (including 90 oz water daily) when I did 3 months of wraps. They DID work until I stopped buying them. Every single inch came back.. No more gimmicks for me. Loosing weight and toning the RIGHT and cheap way for me!
  • Kellogg cereal bars are only 100 calories! I eat the Special K pastry chips (100 cal), jello sensations (100-140 cal), laughing cow cheese wedges with a few mini keebler crackers (100 cal) , protein shakes (200 cal)
  • I use mint cookies protien, I will def be trying this tomorrow. Cutting my creamer would be kick *kitten*!
  • I have a 6 and 7 year old, 40 hr work week, plus 2 hr workouts daily..I hear you! Add me to! =]
  • Have you googled to check and see if they have nutrition info online? Or even just search mexican restaruant whatever you eat into MFP and see what you come up with.
  • As I was reading your diary and your other blog posts, I'm gathering you are trying to gain weight? At 5'1", 91 lbs no wonder you threw up after eating 3K calories, which BTW was almost 8000Mg Sodium. I blow up like a baloon if I eat over 3K! How the heck is someone so tiny eating 3-9 CUPS of cherrios at once?!
  • Ice, heating pads, and tons of stretching! I got them pretty bad from 30DS also, and the days where I could barely handle it, I just modified the jumping jacks and other moves that made impact to hard. Then just did some extra ab/arm stuff later to make up for calorie difference. But don't give up! =]
  • I started with one cup coffee with 2 tsps of sugar, and reg coffee creamer (2 cups daily). Once I started tracking my food I realized how many calories I was using JUST for coffee. I switched to stevia and then no calorie sweetner. I eventually just cut all sugars/artificial sweetners and now just use 1 tablespoon of sugar…
  • I'm 5'2", 163 lbs. I started at 208, goal is 130. Feel free to add me! I've been loosing weight for over a year now!
  • Hell I'm only 5'2" and I don't wanna get down to less than 130! Really think you should talk with a dr because you are extremely underweight! Pack on muscle before you've lost ALL of it!
  • I would just go ahead and get your food on track (If you aren't already) I became overweight in my first pregnancy and gained 40 lbs. My blood pressure became so high they had to induce me 2 weeks early because they were afraid I was going to have a stroke and could affect the baby. If you are eating good, you should be…
  • I would invest in a HRM! But Before I got mine, I did 1.11 X my weight for 30DS. It was pretty accurate!