5000 calorie thread update



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I wonder how many of the people upset by this are just jealous because they're too scared to live a little...

    eating till you throw up is 'living a little'

    for me, i am not upset (i can easily trough 3-4000 cals in one sitting), i just havent seen in any of the OPs posts why she is doing this, i am curious, thats all!
  • get psychiatric help.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    I wonder how many of the people upset by this are just jealous because they're too scared to live a little...

    I don't want to live a little, I want to live a lot. By being healthy.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Here we go again...........:ohwell: :huh: :yawn:
  • dunkindonutmom
    dunkindonutmom Posts: 6 Member
    It was definitely too much rich food for your body all at once, & the sugar intake.. WHEW!! That's like the Man Vs. Food show!! Your body told you don't do that again.
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    Love all the disparaging comments in here.. hilarious!

    If you're on point most of the time, even once a week eating like that is not going to turn you back into the couch king or queen. Take it from me, I do work my *kitten* off and stay pretty strict during the weekdays, but I would say I probably easily surpassed 5000 calories on Sunday myself.

    You know what I like about a good spike day? Granted, I would not say it's necessary to go 2500+ calories over your daily goal, but at least in my experiences, you rev the metabolism back up. My biggest burn days have always come right after spikes - generally Monday/Tuesday.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I'm gonna go ahead and say it was the foods you chose to indulge on that made you sick. Those were all very sugary, highly processed foods. Nothing wrong with it if that is what you wanted to eat, but you shouldn't really be that surprised that it made you sick if you don't eat those foods every day.
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    OP, I think what happened is you ate large amounts of types of foods that you haven't been eating in a while, and your body couldn't process all of it, so it "rejected" it.

    Have you ever had a pet (cat or dog, specifically), and ran out of food, and then bought a different kind of food, and fed your pet the new food "straight up", without mixing it with any of the old food? With a lot of cats and dogs, what you'll get is a very sick pet, for the first few days at least. If you were to mix the new food with the old food and do a more gradual change-over, the pet will not experience the same sickness.

    That's what happened to you. You changed your diet overnight, and you got sick.

    Next time, I suggest you have a week (as opposed to one day) over which you eat smaller quantities of whatever you want, along with whatever you usually eat. This will give your body some of what it's used to, and some of what you crave, and you'll be much less likely to be sick.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the day itself!!
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I think it all sounds yummy!
  • SimonIsChanging
    SimonIsChanging Posts: 91 Member
    I feel sick if i don't eat 4000 cals :)
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I'm going to NYC in a couple weeks, I plan on hitting my 5000 calorie goal 5 days in a row! Then I will go back to proper eating habits.

    People are so uptight!
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    So I'm on both the 'nothing wrong with a splurge day' and 'why on earth did you do that' boats at the same time.

    To me, a splurge day is relaxing and eating what you enjoy. This doesn't sound like it was at all a relaxed and enjoyable experience for you, more of a chore. So why bother?

    Maybe next time don't set a calorie goal to eat as much as you can, just enjoy a few of the foods you love?
  • SillyFitMe
    SillyFitMe Posts: 130 Member
    Seriously do not understand why partaking in unhealthy eating habits like this are an actual goal>

    I'm pretty sure this is not her daily goal. So she wanted to have a guiltfree food day. Nothing wrong with enjoying food on occasion.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    So I decided to have my ultimate cheat day on Mother's Day. I had:
    3 Krispy Kreme donuts (glazed, maple, and eclair)
    3 Shrimp spring rolls with peanut sauce
    1 10" Dominos Pepperoni and Mushroom pizza
    1 McDonalds ice cream cone
    1 Mini Oreo travel cup
    1 Venti Starbucks Coffee Frap light
    11 pcs of Kimbap (Korean sushi rolls)
    Small sliver of cake

    That was only about 3700 calories and I couldn't eat anymore. I was seriously stuffed and felt sick. In fact, I woke up at 3am feeling nauseous and threw up a lot! I mostly saw pizza in my puke. I still felt sick when I woke up and had a tough time focusing in school cause my stomach was churning. Then I puked a large amount again after school. I had no appetite the entire day and drank only tea with cream and half a banana. The thought of any kind of food grossed me out. All I wanted to do was sleep the pain away. I'm feeling better now and might eat normally tomorrow but that was so horrible to go through. What was happening with my body?

    I once had like 4500 calories at Golden Corral (all in 2 hr) and none of this happened. I don't get it.

    I used to do this regularly, maybe 2-3 times a week or more before I changed my habits. 5000 easy.

    I think you ate a lot of volume, i.e no dense enough calories.

    for breakfast, I would have 2-3 of these:

    lemon yum yum from waitrose uk - 483cals


    butterscotch pecan yum yum - 547cals


    as an 11zies snack, I could eat 1, or maybe 2 of these bags - 1056cals per bag


    thats 3000 calories in 4 items, and this is before lunch!

    ad in half a tube of pringles and you are at 4500

    add a cournish pasty and you hit 5000+ with only 6 items

    probably I'd eat a pizza or a curry for dinner and have sushi for lunch.

    caloric density. the key to weight gain! its surprising that I didnt gain faster than I did. i think I gained 6-8kilos in a year.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member

    theres nothing wrong with a 'splurge day' but isnt there a difference between that and eating till you feel sick, which is what the OP said.

    Exactly. Eating until you make yourself sick doesn't sound like a "splurge" day to me. A splurge might be a higher calorie meal (like my favorite lobster/asparagus/pasta dish at a local restaurant) or an extra delicious dessert. Eating crappy food until you puke multiple times isn't the same thing at all and frankly seems disordered.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member

    theres nothing wrong with a 'splurge day' but isnt there a difference between that and eating till you feel sick, which is what the OP said.

    Exactly. Eating until you make yourself sick doesn't sound like a "splurge" day to me. A splurge might be a higher calorie meal (like my favorite lobster/asparagus/pasta dish at a local restaurant) or an extra delicious dessert. Eating crappy food until you puke multiple times isn't the same thing at all and frankly seems disordered.

    she didn't try to puke, it just happened, but yeh, once you eat well, eating a day like that seems very extreme. I don't think I could do it.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Out of curiousity, I had to check out the OPs diary, and it amazed me. How does a 19 yr old girl eat 9 cups of Cheerios for breakfast almost every day? You have quite a few very high calorie days, most of which are super high in carbs and very little protein. Don't know if you are trying to gain weight or lose it, but just find this pattern of eating very odd and unhealthy.
    Also wonder if throwing up is a normal thing for you, and if posting this thread might be a cry for help. No judgement, but if you find yourself throwing up after large meals frequently, perhaps you should talk to a professional.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    I would definitely have not had mini Oreos if I had a splurge day. At least spring for some Double Stuffed.

    Haha! Right?!!!

  • momo9128706
    momo9128706 Posts: 45
    As I was reading your diary and your other blog posts, I'm gathering you are trying to gain weight? At 5'1", 91 lbs no wonder you threw up after eating 3K calories, which BTW was almost 8000Mg Sodium. I blow up like a baloon if I eat over 3K! How the heck is someone so tiny eating 3-9 CUPS of cherrios at once?!
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I can easily, and have, eaten 5000 calories in a day. The wings where I work are about 140 calories each plus bleu cheese that's 200 calories for a 1.5 oz soufflé cup (one serving). I can easily eat 16 wings with 4 portion cups of bleu cheese. I would have gotten the full fat frapp (light version when trying to hit those calories is just a waste) the feast I order from Taco Bell is 1700 calories, and I can easily put down 3 blocks of ramen in a sitting. Add in a box of Samoas and a jar of peanut butter... Done and done. I am a seasoned eater though and am hungry eating 2000 calories a day. I'm 118 lbs and 5'4. For all the naysayers out there, not saying it's healthy but stop acting like its impossible.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    There is nothing wrong with a splurge day. Something wrong and odd, with a day where you eat so high over your cals by so much you actually gain a pound of mass by plan, and not accident. That's not a cheat day, that's a sign of an eating disorder.
  • Irene514
    Irene514 Posts: 62
    You got sick because you are eating crap everyday and your body has just had enough. Seriously, 4 to 12 cups of cheerios every day?? That is insane! You should start feeding yourself better, with more veggies and fruits and protein and WAY less processed sugary foods
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I can easily, and have, eaten 5000 calories in a day. The wings where I work are about 140 calories each plus bleu cheese that's 200 calories for a 1.5 oz soufflé cup (one serving). I can easily eat 16 wings with 4 portion cups of bleu cheese. I would have gotten the full fat frapp (light version when trying to hit those calories is just a waste) the feast I order from Taco Bell is 1700 calories, and I can easily put down 3 blocks of ramen in a sitting. Add in a box of Samoas and a jar of peanut butter... Done and done. I am a seasoned eater though and am hungry eating 2000 calories a day. I'm 118 lbs and 5'4. For all the naysayers out there, not saying it's healthy but stop acting like its impossible.

    Wings!! I bloody love wings. I can have a bucket of it and keep going!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    There is nothing wrong with a splurge day. Something wrong and odd, with a day where you eat so high over your cals by so much you actually gain a pound of mass by plan, and not accident. That's not a cheat day, that's a sign of an eating disorder.

    O rly? Taking an isolated day and then calling it a sign of an eating disorder? Guess you don't have big eating days during the holidays or special events
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Well OP, I commented in your last thread with some ideas and I'm glad to see you had your day, even if it went a bit sideways at the end. I"m going to agree with the others and say your body just hadn't adjusted to that kind of food. I had fried chicken wings and baked Mac and Cheese about two weeks ago and spent an ungodly amount of time in the bathroom the day after. I don't really eat fried food anymore (Or pasta laden with three kinds of cheese, heavy cream, and eggs anymore) and my body had a fit.

    Totally worth it though. Was delicious right up until I my body betrayed me.

    I hope things are going well with your weight gain goals and I'm sorry your day ended badly.
  • pinktiger8
    pinktiger8 Posts: 130
    Out of curiousity, I had to check out the OPs diary, and it amazed me. How does a 19 yr old girl eat 9 cups of Cheerios for breakfast almost every day? You have quite a few very high calorie days, most of which are super high in carbs and very little protein. Don't know if you are trying to gain weight or lose it, but just find this pattern of eating very odd and unhealthy.
    Also wonder if throwing up is a normal thing for you, and if posting this thread might be a cry for help. No judgement, but if you find yourself throwing up after large meals frequently, perhaps you should talk to a professional.

    I love Cheerios. I eat them like chips (pour into a bowl and munch away) because I find that they fill me up better than an entree. Plus they take longer to eat. If I eat something like a burger, I can finish it in 5-10 min. I'll feel hungry again and reach for something else. With Cheerios, I can eat a large amount and feel satisfied for relatively low calories. Throwing up is not normal for me which is why I'm having a big reaction to this.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,628 Member
    BARF !

    I don't really see the need for "cheat" days ....... but if you do, hope you have better luck next time !

  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    Sounds crazy to me.
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    An occasioanl splurge day is a fun way to reward yourself by eating your favorite foods! If she ate like this EVERY day, then there would be a problem.
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    I don't believe in cheat days, I eat what I want and I work out to make up for it. Generally speaking I eat really healthy, very balanced, but there are days when you just have to have pizza (or wings as someone mentioned - yum) but 3700 calories without working out would really bother me. When I spend an entire day hiking or running around Six Flags or doing some serious gardening (cutting down trees etc) I can EASILY eat that much but I'm burning off most of it.

    Also I agree that the sugar content is what made you sick. If you decide to have another day like this again I would suggest splurging on a wider range of foods so you're not just spiking your sugar levels through the roof.
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