

  • Thanks for the post! It is so easy to get discouraged when you don't see that damn scale move!! Glad you stuck with it and shared your inspiring story!!
  • Good luck!! It is very important to be healthy before you get pregnant, I agree! It will make the experience a better one for you and your baby. You can succeed and achieve your goal. Make it a life choice and don't think of it as a diet and you will be fine!! :smile:
  • I am sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a parent is devastating and I will pray that you find the strength to get through this. It is important to take good care of yourself during this time especially. It will be very easy to forget yourself and put your health in danger. Don't give up on your healthy eating and…
  • I agree with you 100%.:happy: I have learned so much in the past two weeks on this site and logging does help to keep you on track!! I have gotten hooked on logging because this site makes it so easy to do!! Congratulations on your success and don't let a day of indulgence cast a a shadow on your goals and just continue…
  • Hi and welcome! I am also trying to lose 110lbs. Slow and steady that's how I am going this time!! :glasses: No quick fixes!!. Good Luck, this site has inspired me and I hope you will be inspired too:bigsmile:
  • Hi and welcome! You sound focused and you have a great plan!! :drinker: The people here are very motivational and I find the journal to be very painless( so far only a week in!!LOL:bigsmile: ) Good luck and I look forward to seeing your new before and after pics!! :smile:
  • [/quote] Is it possible you also need a fill? [/quote] I did have a problem with over-fill but i think i am almost where i have to be now. Time will tell:smile:
  • hi MacMadame, I agree that journaling is key!! I lost more when I was conscious of what I had eaten. I am making a point of listing everything and this site certainly makes that very easy to do. U are doing great with your weight loss!! Congratulations!!:happy:
  • hi Adopt4, I thought that the weight loss would continue no matter what, unfortunately i went back to old habits and that is why I gained. I still believe that had I not gotten the surgery I would have been much heavier by now, so it's still a plus for me, I just have to go back to that mental state that I was in when I…
  • Hi Momooftwo29, Thanks for taking time to send me such nice motivating words!! your children are beautiful! I really am gonna stick to it this time!!
  • hi Faitjobes, 30 lbs in 2 months thats awesome!!:happy: Well u are doing great and I know I will too!! You are inspiring!!
  • Hi BrenNew, Thanks for the suggestions!! I feel really good about this site and I am really glad I found it! :smile: