100 lbs to go redux

Seems several of us in the 100-to-go club have joined today. I read about this site on another website and thought I'd see what it was all about. I like being able to keep an online food diary. The auto calorie counting is cool.

I have lost 30 lbs and couple of sizes since April, but still have a LONG way to go.

My story:

I am 42 years old, married, no kids.

Never had to watch my weight when I was a young, skinny thing back in the day (was "the day" really 25 years ago?)... but gained during college due to bad eating habits and no exercise. Moving into the workforce continued with no exercise, too much eating out, and bad haibts. One day I woke up and realized I had gotten fat. (suddenly? yeah, that's how it happened... had nothing to do with chips, Mexican food, or french fries)... hmmm... that 10 lbs a year doesn't seem so bad in the moment... but after 10 consecutive weight-gaining years... uhhh... reality check.

So in 1999 I got fit, lost it ALL, had a serious cardio and weight training routine and then.... did the whole before/after photo montage, fat pants and all. After about 3 years of maintaining quite diligently.... I went to grad school.

I also changed jobs, had 3 surgeries, got married... and gained it back over the last 7 years and then some. GRRR...

So, now I am starting over-- I am back in the gym, working out, watching what I eat, and hoping to get back into shape over the next year or so. I'm off to a good start and have lost 30 lbs. Since I'm back on the weight training, I will probably stop focusing on pounds and go by clothing size/fit.

No fad diets, no crazy stuff for me. I know how this works-- sensible diet and lots of exercise. Two pounds a week would be great, that would get me to goal in about 50 weeks. But, weight training will accelerate that if I can up my resting metabolic rate.


  • tati111
    tati111 Posts: 14
    Hi and welcome! You sound focused and you have a great plan!! :drinker: The people here are very motivational and I find the journal to be very painless( so far only a week in!!LOL:bigsmile: ) Good luck and I look forward to seeing your new before and after pics!! :smile:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever. You will love this site if you don't already. I :heart: it here. This site is so motivational, helpful, supportive, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • 9726172000
    9726172000 Posts: 428
    Weightloss is alot like "Climbing the mountain, sometimes you will pause, sometimes its 2 steps back, its what you have learned durring that climb is what shapes us as a person inside not the outside"
  • thatcoopergirl
    I'm doing about the same thing you are doing. Don't want to put so much on losing pounds, but losing inches is the key. Means muscle tone is peak and that is what matters. Good luck on your journey, and we're going to make it permanent!
  • thatcoopergirl
    Love your quotes. So true, huh! God is so good, and He gives us the strength we need to perservere. :flowerforyou: