

  • krogers makes a yogurt called carbmaster that only has about 3 grams of carbs. And it is really good! And not so sweet.
  • I don't mean to sound like a b#$&* but the big mac is probably more or close to all of the calories you should eat in a day... :)
  • Good for you! You are so right about age,babies and weight loss. I have 5, my youngest is 11! It is suddenly very hard to lose weight. Persistance is the key. And try not to be a slave to the scale! You can do this. Good luck. Feel free to add me as a friend! Beth:bigsmile:
  • My best advice is STAY OFF THE SCALE!!!! It is very frustrating to get on the scale expectiong a certain result and not getting it. Just keep tracking your food-everything- and exercising. I've only lost 6 pounds in 2 months but I am wearing a smaller size jeans. So I only get on the scale once a week, but I am considering…
  • I saute some onions and fresh garlic in olive oil,and pan fry the tilapia in same pan. very easy and delicious!
  • I thought I was good at estimating my food weight until I pulled out this old food scale I've had forever and weighed a portion of a pork roast that I thought was 2 oz, but it was actually 3oz. That is a 30% under-estimation!! So I am going to weigh and measure EVERYTHING for awhile until I get better at estimating! Good…
  • I found snack size almond bags at Walmart. Around 160 calories.Perfect snack to keep in your purse. I can't be trusted with a whole container! And cheese sticks, but I have to hide them from my kids! Beth
  • Thank you to everyone for the advice! I am trying to drop 30 pounds.I have been working out about 5 days a week and tracking my calories here. The pounds just aren't moving! I decided to stay away from the scale for awhile after reading some great articles on this site. I just joined the local YMCA so I am hoping they can…
  • Tracy, Good luck to you! I have 5 children age 11 to 22 and am stuck with the baby fat I acquired with my last one! I am determined to not get frustrated this time and just do it day by day. Good for you to be able to be with your kids all day! Beth:bigsmile: