no weight loss

sheggymarie Posts: 13
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Why haven't I lost any weight? I have actually gained 5 pounds. Can someone help me out on this. I made my diary public so anyone can check it. I changed my lifestyle choice from sedentary to light active because I thought maybe I wasn't getting enough calories. I've been trying to get in my water requirements. Could it be that my body is holding onto water because it was so dehydrated (really ws) before hand? Could It because i'm building a little muscle in my legs? Can anyone please look at my diary and see what you think? After having gastric bypass 4 years ago and lossing 130 pounds, then to gain 40 of them back, I am extremely nervous about gaining.

I've been counting calories, and sticking with the plan. Have been exercising even though I am in excrutiating pain when doing so, I just want to know its worth it.

I know my tastes are changing because that big mac yesterday was disgusting.

PLEASE any input would be great.


  • widmanab01
    widmanab01 Posts: 14 Member
    What are you doing when you exercise? It's not good that you are in such pain. It could be that you are gaining muscle before you are losing fat, which would account for the weight gain.

    I looked at your diary as well. Remember that calories are not the most important thing. What is in the calories is the most important. Try to not eat processed foods, soo much sodium and chemicals! That will def cause you to hold water and feel bloated. Try making a sandwich and bringing a price of fruit and some nuts for lunch or something. That is what I do to try to stay away from processed.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    I noticed for myself, when I consumed too much sugar and carbs in addition to the sodium, my body held on to water. But when I monitor those and keep them as low as I can, I've reduced my water retention tremendously. It didnt matter how much water (or Diurex (water pills) I body would not let go. It's like night and day.
  • I don't mean to sound like a b#$&* but the big mac is probably more or close to all of the calories you should eat in a day... :)
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Looking at your diary it's possible (of course that's only my opinion) you get too much sodium in, which would explain why your body is holding on to water and you're gaining. Watch it next to fat/carbs/protein to be sure you don't get more than 2500 mg a day.
    It is possible you gained a bit muscle mass, but in no way could this be 5 lbs in such a short time while being on a calorie deficit. I seriously think it's water, which means you will have to drink even more, so your body starts releasing it again. Hope that helps a bit.
  • I have chronic pain from severe plantar fasciitis. I'm in physical therapy for it because the drs want to do surgery, and I definately am not going to do that. I can't do any other exercise because it puts too much pressure on my feet. In addition to the platar fasciitis, my feet in general cause me a great deal of pain. I've been dealing with the plantar fasciitis since the beginning of Jan. I've had injections, and worn a boot for 2 months. PT seems to be helping some. But, I'm still in a lot of pain. I have an appointment with a pain management specialist next week to see if he can help me. So, any exercise I do will be painful, the bike is the least pain causing, Thank you for asking. And for your comments.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    540 calories in a big mac is all one needs in a day? Check the stats before you criticize. If you don't want to sound like a B, then dont..
  • I don't mean to sound like a b#$&* but the big mac is probably more or close to all of the calories you should eat in a day... :)

    Oh, I know the big mac was a bad choice, but since it fit in caloric wise i thought I would try it. It was nasty. And i didn't finish it, which left me hungry, so I grabbled the leftover chicken nuggets. Yes, one of my weaker moments.

    Tonight will be a challenge because it's my daughters birthday and she wants to go to cicis pizza. I already looked up nutritional info for that.
  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    How active are you? I go to the gym 3 days a week and walk on weekends. There are a lot of times that I don't add the regular stuff I do every day...simply because it's just a regular part of my day. I have myself classed as "sedentary" because I have a desk job ...unless you are walking around most of the may want to keep yourself as "sedentary", I don't know your weight and height...but you may be consuming too many calories. Just something to think about. Cheers
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Processed foods, sodium, drink more water, and I guess only you know for sure if your lifestyle is truly "light active" or "sedentary". I can say that even with exercise I rarely go over 1200 calories a day. Make sure you are actually hungry when you eat and eat healthy foods that will fill you up. Also, if you are in such pain either change the type of exercise you do, or I would suggest seeing a doctor about it (since we don't know what kind of pain it is).

    Main suggestion though: eat foods that have only a few ingredients, the less processed the better. If you can't figure thinkgs out, you may just need to speak with a nutritionist/dietician, not everyone responds the same to these changes.

    Good luck.
  • 540 calories in a big mac is all one needs in a day? Check the stats before you criticize. If you don't want to sound like a B, then dont..
  • _Shelley_
    _Shelley_ Posts: 206
    I browsed your food intake and from what I saw you're taking in A LOT of fruit. While fruit is good for you, it is loaded with sugar. You should limited yourself to two fruits a day. There are certain fruits that have more sugar than others so you have to be careful.

    I have a similar problem and turned to a friend of mine who recommended I cut back on my fruit intake. And esp cutting back at night. The sugar will not process properly, unlike if you were going to eat it before/after a work out, and may end up being stored as fat.

    And eating processed foods is no good. Esp McDonalds. Even if you only eat a small portion, it's loaded with so many bad things that it counteracts the fact that you didn't eat much of it. Plus, the meat and chicken are not exactly lean or "real" for that matter! Maybe replacing it with a small salad with a chicken breast would be better. Wendy's has a great chicken breast salad and it's pretty low in calories (around 200) if you don't include the dressing & pecans.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    You can add another category (sodium) to your daily plan. I would be interested to see what that is. Try adding that maybe and I wonder if it might be on the high side.
  • I put light active because I watch 5 children at home and have two autistic teenage girls of my own.

    I will be seeing a dietician next week, so maybe she'll be able to help.

    Trying to eat less processed foods, but when you rely a lot on local food banks to help you out, unfortunately that's what you get. i try to keep fresh fruits stocked, but it doesn't allways work out that way.

    Going to keep working on the water intake. HATE water. LOL.

    My weight is 285 and my height is 5foot 2. I weighted 375 before gastric bypass four years ago, got down to my lowest weight of 247 then krept back up. I'm dealing with PCOS, Hemochromatosis, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain due to plantar fasciitis.

    Will try to keep sodium in check. Again, hard with the limited foods we have.

    Hope that answers some questions so maybe someone has some other suggestions based on that information. Please don't think I'm being defensive. I just wanted to put out the info. so yall can help. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • You can add another category (sodium) to your daily plan. I would be interested to see what that is. Try adding that maybe and I wonder if it might be on the high side.
    Thanks, just added that.
  • I browsed your food intake and from what I saw you're taking in A LOT of fruit. While fruit is good for you, it is loaded with sugar. You should limited yourself to two fruits a day. There are certain fruits that have more sugar than others so you have to be careful.

    I have a similar problem and turned to a friend of mine who recommended I cut back on my fruit intake. And esp cutting back at night. The sugar will not process properly, unlike if you were going to eat it before/after a work out, and may end up being stored as fat.

    And eating processed foods is no good. Esp McDonalds. Even if you only eat a small portion, it's loaded with so many bad things that it counteracts the fact that you didn't eat much of it. Plus, the meat and chicken are not exactly lean or "real" for that matter! Maybe replacing it with a small salad with a chicken breast would be better. Wendy's has a great chicken breast salad and it's pretty low in calories (around 200) if you don't include the dressing & pecans.

    Yeah, I don't eat fast food all that much, we got it for the kids and I thought I would try. Mistake, I know.
    About the sugars though. My weight loss dietician said that I needed to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Since the gastric bypass helps dump the sugars quickly, it doesn't matter if I eat more than I should
  • widmanab01
    widmanab01 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm so sorry about your medical issue! That sounds so painful! I totally understand why is it hard to do any sort of cardio, which is generally attributed to weight loss. Have you looked into Yoga? I do yoga on a daily basis and there are tons of moves you can do where you are off your feet. It gets your body moving and you won't be in such severe pain when your workout! Always listen to your body :) There is a really good website for yoga...

    Check it out. :) I hope this helps!
  • Mary1NYS
    Mary1NYS Posts: 15 Member
    Ugh..plantar fasciitis...I battled that for 7 years and basically stopped exercising for a few years. I tried everything and nothing worked until I got orthotics for my shoes. That was 6 months ago and now I am pain free. Have you tried a recumbent stationary bike? Less weight on the feet and that did allow me to exercise pain free.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Well, you've just gone over the sodium a few times. Just by looking at it I know my sodium would be through the roof if I ate those things. My calorie intake is set to 1260 though. Have you tried the Sobe water with zero calories? They are sometimes a little switch from plain water. I would say just keep at it. I'm new to all of the calorie counting, but what I have found out for me is that anything from a drive through/ frozen type things just wreck my calories/sodium. You can eat so many more calories at home then anything from the drive through.
    More one ingredient foods seems to easy on the calories and everything else.
    I've also cut a lot of bread out. I still like to make paninis, but don't eat much bread besides that.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    You really aren't eating a huge amount of fruit, and if you feel the need to cut down then look up fruits that aren't as high in sugar or replace it with more veggies. Yes sugar is sugar, but fruit provides the body with essential nutrients it needs, as well as fiber which will make you-well regular- which can in turn flush out more fat.

    I was vegan years ago and in a little less than a year I lost about 60 lbs. I ate a ton of fresh fruit all the time. For many reasons now it's hard for me to maintain that sort of diet (vegan) but I am still a fan of fruits and vegetables (yes, I should be eating more) and have not seen anything anywhere that is likely to deter my opinion any time soon.
  • joesan563
    joesan563 Posts: 18 Member
    Looks like your eating alot of garbage. stay away from items marked low fat and the Mcdonalds.
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