

  • Yes, I finished about a month ago. Loved it....feel inspired. Friends reading it now :)
  • One thing I got from the book that I do and that works - 6 days of exercise a week works and trying new things. Right now I really like doing arm weights while I lunge or do knee bends. I'm working on balance and lower body while I get the teeny tricep or bicep muscle. Make it more interesting and, shoot, you can really…
  • Welcome to one of the most supportive groups on the web. This isn't your superficial group - it's good people with a common focus on improving our health and our lives.
  • Yes, I want to be a part of this competition! Thanks for starting this....ecoPeep SW 124 GW 110
  • The low carb was good, but my body was aching - muscle aches...and when I looked at my diet the only culprit was Splenda. I wqas using 10-20 packets a day in oatmeal, coffee, tea, yogurt++ I took it out of my diet 3 weeks ago and I'm slowly feeling better. Also trying Network Chiropratic treatment...very interesting gentle…
  • Right on - kudos to you for taking it back! Life is a rough ride and I'm glad to know you are focusing on YOU! You've got you're plan, your goal and your timeline? Now go get em'. Best to you! ecoPeep :)
  • Thanks to all. Still, I admit, I cannot bear the idea of looking at the scale for a few days. I know what it will say. I agree, it's just a number, but still....thanks everyone for the input!!:smile:
  • HI AGAIN - great news....all 3 of us are losing weight. We had a new addition, an old friend and neighbor from Oregon. I love this website, seriuosly, thank you KA for the intro! Now I love knowing how many cals I'm eating. My fat intake was crazy, but stict low carb keeps my appetite down so lean meats are the day. Yep,…
  • Nectar brand is delicious and fat free and sugar free! try vanilla bean or cappucino (which really tastes like coffee).
  • Howardrw - I agree with you that success with low carb requires reduced carbohydrate intake and moderate caloric intake. It's a marriage, but it's the right one for me : ) Thanks for your input!
  • I'm in a similar boat...I'm 44 and 126 pounds, 5'5. I'm a little heavy for my frame and look better at 120. I've been doing the low carb route for a month now and i love it. I suppose we all go through periods of overeating, but when you're low carbing it, you can get by. The binges don't happen. NOW, I like you lose self…
  • Good choice - low carb is the best way to diet!