

  • First off, you're writing in this forum, reaching out to the community. Unlock your food diary if you want, so others can look at why you're so hungry. Are you getting enough protein, fat, and carbs? 40 (carbs) 30 (protein) 30 (fat). That's the roadmap plan i'm pretty sure you're using like I am. You need the energy from…
  • I'm a little late, but please feel free to add me. I've graduated from the program, but I was a treadmill runner. I am now running outside, and it's SO HARD! I have also been on a roller coaster ride, and i'm tired of it. So I have been running consistently 3-4 times per week, but this week starts C25K outside :) I also…
  • I started at a 4.0. Trying to build myself up. I can do 4.5 now, and sometimes a 5.0. It's good to read everyone's comments - the incline kills me. I rarely go over a 3. Sometimes if I get tired, a 1. I suck. But hey - running is running, and we're being active, right? It's also therapy for me :)
  • I love this suggestion, thanks!
  • Thank you so much everyone!!! I've been suggested the "roadmap" - so I entered all my numbers, and according to it, i'm eating WAY under calories that MFP set - 1200. I did however eat back my calories when working out. The roadmap suggested by my BMR and TDEE (or something like that) that I need 1716 to lose weight (but…
  • Thank you all for the positive support - I definitely need to change my attitude, and I appreciate all of your advise. I've gotten (and read) a lot of responses to myself and others saying that I need to just do it. That i'll hit a breaking point and just do it. I appreciate each and every one of you, and truly appreciate…
  • Feel free to add me!!! My journey is similar to yours. I was on WW a month after having my daughter (who is now almost 2). I plateaued for about 9 months. I tried to show the employees my tracker, and even though I was doing everything right, there was still some excuse as to why I was staying the same, or gaining a point…
  • Oh my gosh, I think I finally understand!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I deleted the fitbit adjustment, thinking that it wasn't supposed to be there, haha. But I need to be eating a net worth of my 1200 calories. Thanks for explaining it to me in simple terms!
  • Hello!!!! Feel free to add me. I've lost 50lbs so far after my daughter was born, and lost all of the baby weight. I still have about 25-30 pre-baby weight that I want to shed. I would love to keep each other accountable. The last few pounds is hard, but WE can do this!
  • I also own JMBR. I love the workouts, and I will be starting week 3 tomorrow. Does everyone do it 6 days a week? I am active, and sometimes do not want to do a workout dvd when it's so nice outside. I run, walk, and hike outside, and try to do JMBR at least 3-4 times per week. Will I just see results a bit slower (which is…
  • Thanks!
  • Welcome!! I'm in the same boat as you!! Congratulations on starting over - and I wish you the BEST of luck!
  • I do it because I feel incredible after my workout. I constantly beat myself up, because i'm leaving my daughter in gym's childcare, or with my husband almost daily (for about 45 min or less). I continue to tell myself that a happy momma equals a happy family. But it's hard to get over the guilt. Anyone else feel this?