All About The Number....

And it's not working out for me. I'm feeling depressed and alone and like....all the things I've succeeded at....are just, falling apart.
Nobody ever reads my posts and that's okay, but if anybody reads this and can motivate me in any way or even be a friend to me and help be the person who knows what I'm going through, that would be amazing.
I'm so hungry..... :( *tear*
Wish I wasn't, but I am. Does anybody know how that feels? It's so much easier to just want to starve yourself just to see the number go down, but it sucks because that doesn't work either. I eat.....because I enjoy eating. What am I supposed to do?


  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I like to eat often. So I started looking for some lower calorie brands or types of food I can eat that I still think taste good. I switched to a different brand of bacon, popsicles, mayo and other things. That helped me some.
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    It would help if your diary was open so we can see what may be your issue. You may need to adjust your numbers. Remember your quote in your profile. Hang in there and good luck.
  • dominique2118
    First off, you're writing in this forum, reaching out to the community. Unlock your food diary if you want, so others can look at why you're so hungry. Are you getting enough protein, fat, and carbs? 40 (carbs) 30 (protein) 30 (fat). That's the roadmap plan i'm pretty sure you're using like I am. You need the energy from the food, so I know that eating crap (which I do, not gonna lie) makes me feel like crap. It's an emotional/psychological thing at times. I just inboxed you. :)