epixed Member


  • string cheese love your ticker btw
  • I just use less peanut butter. Instead of having a whole sandwich, I'll make half a sandwich and have a fruit with it. Usually an orange or peach.
  • I had a math teacher in high school who's initials were BAD. Hmm. I think my middle name right now is Beth "Don't piss me off!" Last. Having temper issues atm. Legally, my middle name is Kathleen. My parents were all for having long formal names which could be easily shortened into nicknames. I used to hate that when I was…
  • Plus, many non-organic farmers use manure too. So the risk isn't really that different between the two.
  • Hmmm. Crop yields between the two don't differ very much. The expense for organic is typically more: one because it's such a niche market still so there aren't a lot of producers, and two because organic pesticides and the like are often more expensive than non-organic. I can't remember why they said so, but all my ag…
  • Chicken, Garlic, and Brown Sugar 1 teaspoon butter 2 cloves garlic 4 chicken tenderloins (or 2 breasts cut thin) 2-4 teaspoons brown sugar 1. In a skillet, cook butter, garlic, and chicken together until almost completely cooked. (There should still be a little pink inside.) 2. Add brown sugar on top of chicken, flip and…
  • I get really bad craps too. To the point of passing out sometimes. My doctor recommended taking 1 aleve in the morning for the first two days with hot water bottles as needed. I find this helps a lot. Also, massaging my lower stomach seems to help. Sometimes what's causing the cramps is free clots. Massaging helps them to…
  • I think there are some over the counter stretch mark creams you can buy at your local drug store that helps moisturize and renew the skin and help stretch marks fade. I've also heard Palmer's Coco Butter lotion being recommended for stretch marks. Try talking to your doctor or the pharmacist at the drug store. And actually…