Peanut Butter



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Thanks! I will look into these alternatives. I don't mind the calories, but 90 per tablespoon? I love peanut butter, so I can only imagine how much i pile on a sandwich.

    so don't cut it out!!

    you have two options: option A is to start accuratly measuring and tracking your peanut butter consumption; option 2 is to do that, but eat less.
  • ericarae33
    ericarae33 Posts: 211 Member
    Nothing replaces PB creamy goodness, however to mix in stuff (shakes, oatmeal etc) I use PB2, you can find it in organic section of grocery store or Amazon!
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Better N Peanut Butter is pretty decent.
  • I say find something else to cut. There's no way I'm giving up Jiff peanut butter. It's just not happening. I buy the little single containers and try to split it up between two days of snacking. Doesn't always happen, but I'm okay with that. I'll do something extra to make up for the calories. Mmmm, now I want peanut butter.
  • PB2, I haven't tried it but i hear it's pretty good. Nothing wrong with regular peanut butter. I eat it daily. 1-2tbsp a day. :) I buy trader joes peanut butter. Only ingredients are peanuts and salt. (i buy the salted one)
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Can't replace it unless you want something with different nutritional values. Peanut Butter is what it is.

    I cannot eat nuts so I have WowButter and it's ridiculously good and has omega-3's which peanut butter doesn't have and from what I remember (I wasn't always allergic) it could rival the flavor of PB.
  • niesje520
    niesje520 Posts: 8 Member
    SO TRUE! Due to the high cals....I just stay away. But I do miss it. Just think you can have it on special occasions :( everything in moderation :)
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    You have to stand your ground on something. Mine is peanut butter. Walk at a fast pace for an extra 15 minutes and grab a spoonful. Cut out a can of Pepsi and enjoy two spoonfulls. :)
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Thanks! I will look into these alternatives. I don't mind the calories, but 90 per tablespoon? I love peanut butter, so I can only imagine how much i pile on a sandwich.

    so don't cut it out!!

    you have two options: option A is to start accuratly measuring and tracking your peanut butter consumption; option 2 is to do that, but eat less.

    Yup, use a scale. And then enjoy every lick of peanut butter you can fit into your daily calories. Yummmmmm.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Replace peanut butter? Blasphemy!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    yep, find something else to cut,,, some things you just cannot pass on.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member

    I just read my Jif peanut butter jar and realize 1 TBSP is 90 Calories!!! uugghhh.. any good replacement suggestions?:explode:

    no. Jif is worth the calories.

  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Replace peanut butter? Blasphemy!

  • I love PB2, spreaded on toast, by itself, or mixed in stuff. i'll never go back to reg. peanut butter
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    There are some good defatted peanut flour that is a fair bit cheaper than PB2.

    I get mine from (even when ordering from the UK). If you have a look round the web you should find a coupon for about $5 off your first order as well.
  • epixed
    epixed Posts: 8 Member
    I just use less peanut butter. Instead of having a whole sandwich, I'll make half a sandwich and have a fruit with it. Usually an orange or peach.
  • SillyFitMe
    SillyFitMe Posts: 130 Member
    PB2 is a great substitute!
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Why replace the PB? It's got the right kind of fats and protein to keep you full longer. I prefer JIF Natural Creamy. The crunchy has too many nut chunks.

    I'm sure you can find other calories to cut.
  • Look for brands with two ingredients: Peanuts, salt or just peanuts... :smile:

    Look at the natural brands, and then read the label.... I can't tell you how many brands say "Natural" and have tons of unnessesary ingredients... Remember that for peanut butter all you really need is peanuts!

    Read the back of your jif jar, check out how much sugar is in there, and other unnessary chemicals !!

    All Natural Smuckers is pretty good,also if there's a Kroger by you, they have a good Kroger brand natural peanut butter they both contain only peanuts and salt! If you wanna go expensive I guess you could buy the Maranatha...but there are other brands that cost less !
  • kmmpink
    kmmpink Posts: 63 Member
    PB2! I love it!