LoFoSho100 Member


  • It is so scary! However, I had to tell myself that even scarier is continuing down the same self-destructive road. YOU CAN DO IT! My suggestion is that if you feel starving, eat. Just make better choices about what it is you're eating. If you try to change too much too fast, you're going to be miserable and you'll likely…
  • I'm not blessed to be a natural runner, but I want to run a 5K in less than 30 minutes... And then, I want to run a half marathon at Disney World! :smiley:
  • This must be a common story! I did the same thing... Once I got to a place where I felt like I had my routine down, I stopped logging in... And the pounds started packing back on. Ugh!
  • I have also heard from countless people that Diet soda is the devil and causes issues with health, including weight gain. I've tried to stop drinking it SO MANY TIMES because of the warnings that it was going to ruin my life. I've lost 10 pounds in two weeks while still continuing my love affair with diet soda. Instead of…
  • If you like Plexus, have the money to purchase the products, and feel better when taking them, DRINK YOUR PINK DRINK. If you don't care for Plexus, don't have the money, or feel the same or worse when taken their supplements, STEP AWAY FROM THE PINK DRINK! I have a few friends who like it, one of them isn't even selling…
  • Me! Me! Me! I weighed in at the beginning of the week AND I am going on vacation in mid-November. My goal is to lose 3 lbs a week (don't worry everyone, that amount of weight was approved by my dear doctor who is insistent that I slim down. He actually thinks 5 lbs a week is attainable, but I'm aiming for 3!) :) Challenge…
  • I notice that I feel hungry for a few days when making changes to my diet. I drank A LOT of water and tried to keep filling snacks available so I didn't get HANGRY. After my body adjusts, I sometimes have a hard time eating enough because I don't feel hungry at all or I get full super quickly. However, if I go crazy and…
  • My starting goal was to lose 107, but I'm down 8, so I officially need to lose 99 pounds! Double digits! Woohoo! LOL! I love following others' journeys... Feel free to add me for support and encouragement through success AND epic fails. :smiley:
  • I just ordered an Eggtastic (such a silly name). You throw an egg or two in there and microwave it. Once it's done (1 minute-ish), I put a little bit of salt and pepper in there and sometimes a sprinkle of cheese. Then just take the eggs straight from the Eggtastic and put them on a piece of toast. For toast, I just…
  • You might download the Map My Run Trainer and see what it suggests. It gives you the option to select what program you want to work on (5k, 10k, half marathon, etc) and then YOU enter how long YOU want to take to complete the program. Instead of 6 or 8 weeks, you can enter 6 months or a year and it will create a program…
  • This is a super interesting thread! I've never really thought about this before... At 274, I am in some snug 18s... I should probably have bumped myself up to a 20, but have refused to buy another size up and instead have decided to lose the weight instead of losing my current pants for bigger ones. At what I would say has…
  • Before, after, in the middle of a workout (lol)... I think, as most stated above, it's really about what works for you and what calories you have to use! I know, personally, I can't eat much before a workout or I feel BLAH the whole time. It slows me down and makes me feel a bit nauseous. I know other people who eat before…
  • As everyone else has said, your doctor will know what is best to aim for in your case. However, my close friend had a very similar pregnancy situation. She stayed active through walking and swimming and never increased her caloric intake. She maintained her weight; she literally never gained a pound while pregnant. When…
  • Maybe not a typical example of NSVs... I have told myself for weeks, months, years... that I am going to meal prep on Sundays so I am prepared for the week and I don't end up winging it in the drive-thru. I finally did it today! I have multiple options prepared in the fridge. (I also bought a package of the new Chocolate…
  • YouTube Dance Fitness (I like Jessica Bass)- there are so many videos targeted at different skill levels and so many use current pop music, so it's super fun. You can always make the dance moves lower impact in order to protect your neighbors from the noise. I also love kickboxing and own Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire and love…
  • Wow! You're my hero! I would LOVE to see your specific exercise plans if you have them or decide to type them all out. I totally want to copy you. ;)
  • I have a rescued pitbull/boxer mix named Fogell (we love Superbad). I love him with my whole heart. I would love to have a French Bulldog, but you don't see them in the shelters very often.
    in Pets Comment by LoFoSho100 July 2016
  • Cereal is basically my kryptonite. LOL! If I'm having cereal, I don't want some lame, plain, boring flakes. :D I want Fruity Pebbles, Lucky Charms, or Cinnamon Toast Crunch... And I don't want 1 cup of it, I want a giant bowl with like half a box of cereal in it. Anyway, I VERY RARELY buy cereal because of all those…
  • Kansas City, MO (Go Royals!)
  • I had weekly B12 injections for 3 months(ish)... and I felt great. Maybe the reason was because I was deficient, but I felt energized and alert. I've never heard of Lipolean though.
  • Yes, please.
  • This might be a silly solution, but it works for me. After I have an evening snack that I hope will satisfy my need to take a trip to the night snack buffet (but it never actually does and I always want popcorn and ice cream at 11pm-LOL), I brush my teeth. The minty freshness does not mix well with snacks...and I know if I…
  • It sounds so cheesy, but I just ordered an Eggtastic and I am OBSESSED with it. I love eggs, but always struggle with the time and mess preparing them in the morning (I'm always running late in life). This morning, I had eggs and avocado on toast and it was delicious, the eggs were PERFECT out of the Eggtastic, and there…
  • Well, the good news is--- WE ARE NOT ALONE! It's so depressing when you come to the realization that you gave up what you worked so hard for! I lost 70 pounds previously and felt amazing. Now that 70 pounds, plus 30 more, has crept back on. I am dedicated to being AND STAYING successful this time around. I am tired of…
  • I am Turbo-addicted! :) It is a workout that I don't dread! I absolutely love the fact that there's GREAT music!
  • 25lbs- New tennis shoes! (it's an addiction) Specifically, these- http://www.amazon.com/ASICS-Womens-Gel-Extreme33-Running-Rainbow/dp/B006H1O3MC/ref=sr_1_43?s=shoes&ie=UTF8&qid=1342060310&sr=1-43&keywords=asics+womens 50lbs- Manicure/Pedicure (and as long as I continue to lose, I will continue to maintain my fingers and…
  • I also use it in protein shakes and it has yet to disappoint! :-) I imagine it would give oatmeal a little something extra... especially the chocolate/peanut butter version! Mmm!
    in PB2?? Comment by LoFoSho100 July 2012
  • TRUE! I second the SMILE at the finish line suggestion. I have had a couple of hellacious finish line photos! LOL!
  • Although the beginning of the workout might suck... I never feel like doing anything during the week of torture... BUT: Exercise relieves cramps because it helps release beta-endorphins, which are internal opioids -- your own “human morphine,” “It produces analgesia and helps to burn the prostaglandins -- chemicals…