Salleighjo Member


  • Hi.. I have 2 kids and am an single father and no family around...i have a greater addiction to sugar and beer and cigarettes (both very below average amount). I could use some motivation, support and accountability to lose 40 pounds... If y'all will have me...( i dont know how to friend request)
  • Hi.. I have 2 kids and am an single father and no family around...i have a greater addiction to sugar and beer and cigarettes (both very below average amount). I could use some motivation, support and accountability to lose 40 pounds... If y'all will have me
  • Could use some mom friends at all different stages of weight loss
  • I live in Minnesota and PROUDLY from Iowa... You know you're from Iowa when: 1. Everyone asks you what there is to do in Iowa 2. You play duck duck GOOSE (Not Grey duck) 3. People ask you where you're from in Iowa and you give them one of the biggest cities.HOPING they have a general idea where that is. 4. The major…
  • I am a person who lifted weights all through high school and loved it. Since having 2 kids and getting squishy, I just got back in the gym in the last 7 months. I found that running helps lose the squishy fat, but then do weights after. On my running day ( I'm doing the couch to 5k training) then I do dead weights (bench…
  • Anyone please add me... I have an almost 4yr old daughter and a 7 month old little boy...and my husband is a train engineer...soo kinda like single mom at times... I'm down 10lbs from pre baby #2 weight and just need some motivation to lose the next 25 (puts me at 50 total). Anyone's welcome to add me.
  • If you got the Wii or Kinect, I would definitely start with those. They are fun, you can make your own person and NOT have to see those skimpy/toned/ workout girls from other videos. Then, I did the kettle ball workout with the other Biggest Loser trainer, that was good. By the time I did Michaels video, it was MUCH easier.
  • I'm shooting for 170... I was 135 when I graduated HS...i look at my pictures now and I look soooooo unhealthy and gaunt.. 150-170 is silm but not like you're starving yourself
  • i'm in the same boat too....just gave birth to my 2nd 12 weeks ago and need to lose about 50 lbs
  • I am in the same boat as you.. add me if you want
  • I like making quesadiltla's. I have a quesadilla press and do half of the amount it allows (3 triangles instead of 6) and put whatever you want in them- chicken, pork, steak or fish, all the veggies you like and 1/3 cup of cheese.. they're so good and cut my Qudoba/ Taco Bell/John cravings down a lot... My snack is usually…
  • I'm in Boonies Minnesota but from Cedar Rapids area originally...