You know you're from



  • Salleighjo
    Salleighjo Posts: 15 Member
    I live in Minnesota and PROUDLY from Iowa...
    You know you're from Iowa when:
    1. Everyone asks you what there is to do in Iowa
    2. You play duck duck GOOSE (Not Grey duck)
    3. People ask you where you're from in Iowa and you give them one of the biggest cities.HOPING they have a general idea where that is.
    4. The major midwest cities( Chicago, Omaha, MPLS, St. Louis, KC) are within driving range and you went there often.
    5. You couldn't be more proud to say you are from Iowa.
  • lna_1981
    lna_1981 Posts: 696 Member
    I live in Minnesota and PROUDLY from Iowa...
    You know you're from Iowa when:
    1. Everyone asks you what there is to do in Iowa
    2. You play duck duck GOOSE (Not Grey duck)
    3. People ask you where you're from in Iowa and you give them one of the biggest cities.HOPING they have a general idea where that is.
    4. The major midwest cities( Chicago, Omaha, MPLS, St. Louis, KC) are within driving range and you went there often.
    5. You couldn't be more proud to say you are from Iowa.

    grew up in Shenandoah, Iowa and went to Omaha often^_^
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    New England when you move to the Midwest for grad school and feel uncomfortable by how friendly everyone is :laugh:

    I had the opposite issue being from a small city. When I was in a large city everyone freaked out because I would talk with anyone, anywhere. In the subway, on the street, while buying something, at a toll booth, it didn't matter. I'd at very least say thanks and have a good day. Everyone knew I wasn't from there because of that. And I'm antisocial compared to most people around here!
  • no_russian
    no_russian Posts: 893 Member
    You know you're from New York and moved to South Florida when it's easy to talk to all the people who also came from up north.
  • QuietLyfe
    QuietLyfe Posts: 58
    You know you are from New Orleans, Louisiana if:

    1. You know the definition of "dressed."
    2. When at a crawfish boil and someone says "Don't eat the dead ones", you know what that means.
    3. You ask for a go-cup at a bar out of town.
    4. You know what and where "Monkey Hill" is.
    5. You can pronounce and spell Tchoupitoulas!
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    You know you are from Florida when...
    The leaves don't change color seasonally but, the licence plates do.
    Any hurricane smaller then a CAT 3 is just not worth getting all worked up over.
    You have attended a hurricane party.
    Driving directions are normally in North, South, East, and West instead of "turn left or right".
    Anyplace more then 30 minutes from a beach is "inland".
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    You know you're from Kentucky when your sister could just as easily be your cousin.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Put where you are from and things that are pretty commom or known about where you live or the general area

    I'm a midwest girl, pretty much have been my entire life . Currently in Missouri but grew up in Iowa.

    1.There's a tornado warning and the whole town is outside watching for it. 
    2.Everyone in your family has been on a "Float trip."
    3.Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway.
    4.You know what's knee-high by the Fourth of July. (It's corn btw, lol)
    5.You know if another Missourian is from eastern, middle or western Missouri as soon as they open their mouth.

    1. I can relate to. Unfortunately. Living in tornado alley can be rough.

    Honestly I have no clue about the rest. Never been on a float trip, my family considered that very low class and I think just 1 of my friends has been on one. I haven't lived in a rural area with cars waiting to pass a tractor and have never heard of that knee-high by the Fourth of July thing. I also can't identify accents within Missouri at all, except maybe "old Italian lady from St Louis proper", and everyone says I sound like I'm from Michigan or New York - I have lived in the southwest corner of Missouri since I was born. LOL

    I'd say you know you're from Missouri when you have eaten a Frito Pie (I guess that's a Texas thing though?), can name all of the rides at Silver Dollar City, and know what city "the Plaza" is in for viewing Christmas lights or taking a carriage ride.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    You know you're from the Ozarks if you "warsh" in the "zinc"...

    I have never heard sink as zinc but "warsh" is one of my biggest pet peeves and I grew up close to the Ozarks. I've only heard older folks say it (like 60+), I HATE it though and wig out when my mom says something about a "warsher and dryer" - lol.

    I also notice that older people in my area always specify the state when they are talking about a large city. Instead of Tulsa, Phoenix, or has to be "We saw those candles at the mall in Tulsa Oklahoma" or "Brent moved up to Chicago Illinois"
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Winnipeg, MB Canada

    1. You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.
    2. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.
    3. You know all four seasons: Almost winter, winter, still winter, and
    4. Anytime you are in an arena you are compelled to chant "GO JETS GO!".
    5. You know what a social is.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    You know you are from New Orleans, Louisiana if:

    1. You know the definition of "dressed."
    2. When at a crawfish boil and someone says "Don't eat the dead ones", you know what that means.
    3. You ask for a go-cup at a bar out of town.
    4. You know what and where "Monkey Hill" is.
    5. You can pronounce and spell Tchoupitoulas!

    Spent the first 35 years of my life there and still can't spell Tchoupitoulas......but I know it's where to find Tips! :happy:

    6. You know what getting the baby means
    7. You are baffled by the fact that Mardi Gras is not a national holiday
    8. You have no idea what "Last Call" means
    9. OPP means something different to you than it did to Naughty by Nature
    10. You played football on the neutral ground
    11. You know that, "Howsyermomndem" is a greeting
    12. You have at least one parade ladder in your garage
    13. Community Coffee
  • ZOOpergal
    ZOOpergal Posts: 176 Member
    You know you live in El Paso when...

    1 There are just as many Burrito Trucks as Ice Cream Trucks.
    2 You rejoice when the burrito vendor walks into the bar at midnight.
    3 The day is not complete without seeing a pick-up truck loaded down with pallets.
    4 Monsoon season means ten minutes of rain.
    5 "It's not that spicy" means you will burn the taste buds off your tounge and your *kitten* will suffer for days.
    GDLAZ Posts: 3,784 Member

    1. You wear oven mitts to touch your steering wheel.
    2. If you stand in one place too long your shoes start to melt to the sidewalk.
    3. You throw ice blocks in your pool to cool it down enough to swim.
    4. A light snow dusting shuts down the town.
    5. You can pronounce Ahwatukee and Tohono O'odham
  • (Grew up in Michigan but have transplanted to Georgia)
    You know you are from Michigan when:
    1 You tell where you live by pointing to a spot on your hand.
    2. You know what people mean when they say "the bridge" (Mackinaw)
    3 Going up north is a vacation destination not a direction.
    4 Your Dairy queen closes for winter.
    5 You drink pop and bake with soda
    6 You measure distance in time not miles.
    7 You loathe anything related to Ohio with the exception of Cedar Point
  • lmhbuss
    lmhbuss Posts: 282 Member
    You know that you are from Humboldt Co. California when:
    You drive with your windows down and your heater on
    Anything over 80 degrees feels like being baked to death
    You are totally flummoxed by people who use umbrellas
    You laugh at other people's ideas of a "big" tree
    No one except pot enthusiasts have ever heard of where you are from
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Winnipeg, MB Canada

    1. You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.
    2. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.
    3. You know all four seasons: Almost winter, winter, still winter, and
    4. Anytime you are in an arena you are compelled to chant "GO JETS GO!".
    5. You know what a social is.

    Bang on! Though I would say that pub/bar/street corner would also grant a need for "GO JETS GO"
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    You know you're from WV when:

    1) You leave the state and tell people you are from WV and their response is "oh, my (family member) lives in Roanoke. Is that close to you?" (No, Roanoke is in Virginia. I live in the state called West Virginia.)
    2) You know how deilicous Tudor's breakfast is.
    3) Pepperoni rolls are one of your favorite foods.
    4) You could be headed South but driving Northwest at the moment.
    5) You know how to pronounce Kanawha and Hurricane properly.
    6) People wear camo regularly.
  • Gimpypal
    Gimpypal Posts: 16 Member
    You Know You're From Texas When:

    You see more Texan flags than American Flags.

    You know someone who ate the 72 oz Steak and got it for free.

    You attend a formal event in your best clothes, your finest jewelry, and your Cowboy Boots.

    You can write a check at Dairy Queen for 2 Hungr-Busters and fries.

    You prefer Whataburger to McDonalds.

    You dress up to go shopping at the mall.

    You've hung oraments and tinsel on a tumbleweed and used it as a Christmas tree.

    You're disappointed when a food doesn't come in spicy flavor.

    You know from experience that rattlesnake meat tastes like chicken.

    You can tell a rock from an armadillo at 300 yards.

    You know what a 'Cowboy Cadillac' is.

    You have both a dog and a brother-in-law named Bud

    Your local grocery store sells cactus in the Fresh Produce department

    You watch the movie Urban Cowboy and laugh! at the phony Texan accents

    You choose a brand of Mexican salsa with the same care that another might use to select a bottle of fine wine.

    You think that the 4 basic food groups are nachos, bar-b-que, fajitas, and Copenhagen.

    You refer to the Dallas Cowboys as "God's favorite football team"

    You know whether another Texan is from South, West, East, North, or Central Texas as soon as they open their mouth.

    You don't consider people from Austin to be real Texans.

    Your Pastor wears boots.

    There is no such thing as a "secret" sin.

    The Blue Book value on your truck goes up and down depending on how much gas it has in it.

    You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Texas.

    You Know You're From Houston When... You're on your way to work one February morning and suddenly you're trapped in a traffic jam caused by a chuck wagon and fifty horses -- with riders -- and you look around to see that everybody in the cars around you is wearing a cowboy hat.

    The "farm-to-market" roads have seven lanes.

    If you want to be a snob about your grocery shopping, you can go to a Randall's Flagship, a Kroger Signature, a Rice Epicurean, or soon, an HEB Central Market to buy bread and milk (but you have to dress up!)

    You have to turn on the air conditioning in January, two days after a low of 29 degrees.

    You have a Roach Story: You opened your flatware drawer to find a roach the size of the Taco Bell chihuahua. He stood up and looked you in the eye. You closed the drawer, bought new flatware -- and stored it in the oven.

    When you see your neighbor dancing around the front yard, you don't thin! k he's won the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes; you know he just stepped in a fire ant bed.

    The name "Bud Adams" makes people snarl, and "Bum Phillips" doesn't mean a bad screwdriver.

    "Luv ya Blue" still makes you smile, even if you did run the Oilers out of town.

    You know that the Astrodome will always be the Eighth Wonder of the World.

    You come to work in short-sleeves and walk out at noon to find that a "blue-tailed norther" has blown through, and the temperature has dropped 40 degrees in a matter of minutes.

    Your neighbor's Christmas yard decorations look like a re-creation of the gunfight at the OK Corral, complete with a ten-foot tree decorated with boots and cowboy hats, and a Santa Claus who looks a lot like Wyatt Earp.

    You wander into a section of town where you can't read the street signs because they're written in Asian characters instead of English, but you don't care because you can get great prices on fake designer merc! handise there.

    You go to an art festival on Westheimer and you're almost run down by two cross-dressers on roller blades, holding hands.

    The "Killer Bees" are not stinging insects.

    You hear everything but English spoken when you go to the Galleria to window-shop.

    You know that "Dad gummit" has nothing to do with your father's failure to practice good dental hygiene.

    You think "Y'all" is perfectly good usage if you're referring to more than one person.

    For a Chili Cookoff, you'll use anything from armadillo to frog's legs, but you know that the only GOOD chili is made with chopped -- not ground -- beef, and it has NO beans and NO tomatoes.

    Spring is not the season, Katy is not the lady, and 1960 is not the year.

    Society matrons of "a certain age" still sport big hair, and faces that have gone east, west, and north rather than south.

    You can leave your house, head out of town, and an hour later you still haven't left the! city limits. (During rush hour, you haven't left your neighborhood.)

    You've never seen I-45 in any condition other than under-construction -- and you've lived here for 20-30 years.

    If the humidity is below 90 percent, it's a good hair day.

    You know that "Clutch City" has nothing to do with automobile transmissions.

    "The Dream" is not a fantasy.

    The only real Mexican food is Tex-Mex.

    A 747 with the Space Shuttle riding piggyback has actually flown low, right overhead, and nobody paid any attention to it.

    You know that while saving you money, "Mattress Mac" has amassed more than the U.S. Treasury has.

    You're happy to have beaten Los Angeles out of a football team, but you'd rather that they keep the title of "Smog Capital."

    You see nothing unusual about an 80-something former sheriff's deputy who wears a white pompadour toupee and blue sunglasses, mispronounces names, allows televising of his frequent plastic surgeries! , seems unnaturally obsessed with slime in the ice machine, and screams, "MAR-VIN ZIND-ler, EYE-witness news" into a television camera every night.

    "Luv Ya Blue" still makes you smile, even if you did run the Oilers out of town.

    You wander into a section of town where you can't read the street signs because they're written in Korean instead of English, but you don't care because you can get great prices on fake designer merchandise and great food.

    You think y'all is a perfectly good word when you're referring to more than one person.

    You see nothing unusual about an eighty-something former sheriff's deputy who wears a white pompadour toupee and blue sun-glasses, mispronounces names, allows televising of his frequent plastic surgeries, seems unnaturally obsessed with slime in the ice machine, and screams "MAR-VIN ZIND-ler, iiiiiiii-witness news" into a television.

    You see your neighbor dancing around the front yard, and you don't think he's won the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes; you know that he just stepped in a fire ant bed.

    You're on your way to work one FEBRUARY morning and suddenly you're trapped in a traffic jam caused by a chuck wagon and fifty horses with riders and you look around to see that everybody in the cars around you is wearing a cowboy hat.

    You have to turn on the air conditioning in January, two days after a low of 29 degrees.

    The name "Bud Adams" makes people snarl, and "Bum Phillips" doesn't mean a bad screwdriver.

    You come to work in short sleeves and walk out at noon to find that a "blue-tailed norther" has blown through and the temperature has dropped 40 degrees in a matter of minutes.

    You go to an art festival on Westheimer and you're almost run down by two hand- holding cross dressers on roller blades.

    For a Chili Cookoff, you'll use anything from armadillo to frog's legs, but you know that the only GOOD chili is made with chopped (not ground! )- beef, and it has NO beans and NO tomatoes.

    You know that Spring is not the season, Katy is not the lady, and 1960 is not the year.

    You know that Society matrons of "a certain age" still sport big hair and faces that have gone east, west, and north rather than south.

    You can leave your house, head out of town, and an hour later you still haven't left the city limits (during rush hour, you haven't left your NEIGHBORHOOD).

    You've never seen I-45 in any condition other than under construction, and you've lived here for 20-30 years.

    You think that the humidity being below 90 percent makes it a GOOD hair day.

    You know that "Clutch City" has nothing to do with automobile transmissions.

    The Dream" is not a fantasy.

    The only REAL Mexican food is Tex-Mex.

    You've seen a 747 with a Space Shuttle riding piggyback flying low right overhead, and nobody paid any attention to it.

    You know that while saving you money, "Mattress ! Mac" has amassed more than the U.S. treasury.

    You're happy to have beaten Los Angeles out of a football team, but you'd rather they keep the title of "Smog Capital."

    You know that the Astrodome will always be the 8th wonder of the world.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    You know you grew up in the Balkans if:

    1. you feel uncomfortable if you're not living in a big apartment building
    2. your grandparents watch 3+ different news programs every night
    3. you instinctively keep an eye on every dog you meet on the street
    4. sour cream goes with everything (I don't do this but I'm a weirdo)
    5. you sort of like subtitles
  • DBoone85
    DBoone85 Posts: 916 Member
    The South...

    (all over the south)

    1. The Tea is iced and sweet

    2. the mosquitoes look and sound like apache gunships

    3. We call you darlin, sugah, or baby, even if we don't really like you

    4. If you have to ride, its in a chevrolet silverado

    5. Guys still open doors for the girls, and the girls still say "thank ya darlin!"