skyewatts Member


  • Started this challenge at 140, was down to 136 then after a rough weekend i was back up to 140. Im working my way back down and was at 138.4 this morning!
  • I was gone all weekend and ate horribly! I was back up to 140 this morning after being down to 136 last week but im getting my butt back on track so that I can be confident in my bridesmaid dress in less then a month!
  • Had a pretty good week, down to 136.6 this morning which would be about a pound and a half! Really learned this week that when I do get the walks in at night the weight comes off, almost no matter how well I eat! I had surgery on my wrist at the end of May and am starting to be able to put some weight on it again so Im…
  • Starting weight is 138! wohooo here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  • Awesome goals! I dont have problems staying under my caloric goal most days but have more problems having the calories i do eat be good calories!
    in Pledge Comment by skyewatts June 2012
  • my goal for today is to not eat popcorn at the afternoon matinee with the kids im watching this summer!! Im going to bring some fruit to snack on instead!
  • Hello! My name is Skye, I am a 21 year old college student in Montana. Ive been on a weight loss rollercoaster for 2 years, lowest weight was 6 pounds away from my goal weight and am now 13 pounds away. Im excited to have something to be accountable for.
    in Hello! Comment by skyewatts June 2012