

  • I see so many people say that they can hardly eat all of their 1200 cal, but i have trouble staying within my 1200 cal. If i don't eat atleast 100 cal over i'm still hungry at the end of the night. HELP!! any suggestions??
  • i haven't comitted to slim fast itself but i do have one shake a day. With a shake and a speciall k bar i can last almost until lunch time without a snack. I've only been doing this for a week so i really haven't seen any difference yet, but i've also had a few bad days too. My fav is milk chocolate and i think the worst…
  • thanks
  • Does anyone know how to add a friend?? I keep reading people say about adding friends but i can't seem to figure it out. Thanks!
  • there is 2 glasses in a bottle of water. so you need to drink 4 bottles to get ur 8 glasses a day. hope that helps :flowerforyou:
  • tomorrow is another day. i was told by my trainer that you need one day every once and awhile to cheat. he said if you don't give urself that then you will never stay on your diet. i give myself one day every other week to cheat and i'm still losing weight
  • my valentines goal is 150lbs
  • thanks its good to know that you'll are doing the same things i am. i eat mostly healthy during the day and have a junky snack inthe evening. I try to eat the 100 cal packs. when i first saw them i thought they would be gross and have no flavor but actually they are very good and you get a decent amount for only 100 cal.…
  • If i eat healthy food throughout the day is it bad to eat some junk food too, as long as i stay within my calorie limit?? I'm trying really hard to eat healthy but its hard to stop eating junk alltogether when i was use to eating it whenever before i started dieting.
  • Welcome and good luck. If you need anything let me know.:wink:
  • I don't want to be pushy but would i be able to join ur weekly and holiday weigh ins? Please
  • Hey everyone, I'm new to this site. My name is Elizabeth. I'm a wife and mother of two. Finding the time to work out is hard for me. It seems like everytime i motivate myself enough to go the the gym one of my kids gets sick and i can't go. If anyone has a good ideas for motivating urself to work out at home please let me…