

  • We have a wellness program that offers the following: - 50% off of your gym membership for you, your spouse and any dependants as long as the combination of your visits totals 80 a quarter - $50 discount on insurance premiums if you and your spouse (if covered) have a wellness check (blood work, and general physical) once…
  • My mom drinks black coffee and has for as long as I can remember. I used to think she was crazy, but now that I'm watching what I eat and can't live without my coffee in the mornings I do the same. I've found that flavored coffees are amazing without adding cream and sugar. My favorite right now is Kaui Carmel Coconut…
  • I've had this probelm for several years. My sister suggested an herbal tea that is a natural laxitive. It's called Smooth Move and is in the grocery store on the tea isle. It's been a miracle for me. I didn't love the way it tasted, so I added about a teaspoon of honey and that fixed the problem. I would suggest drinking…
  • I started CrossFit with my husband about 3 months ago. It is the best thing I've ever done. There is a huge amount of competition (which I thrive off of), but along with that competition is a sense of family. It's almost like you're competing with your sibling. If someone completes the workout before you do, there's not a…
  • Try to massage in the arch of your foot. When pressing on that area, there should be severe pain - probably as severe as the shin splint pain. My husband I started a new workout about 3 months ago and he had terrible problems for the first couple of weeks. One of our trainers massaged the bottom of his foot with a lacross…
  • As someone who has lost weight by diet alone, I don't recommend it! Although I was extremely happy with the numbers on the scale going down along with my sizes, I now contend with loose skin. Now that I'm at my goal weight, I'm still not happy with my body. Loose skin is something a lot of people experience, but I truely…
  • While I've never done Insanity, I would never suggest just giving up on an exercise! The only way you're going to achieve the results you want is to challenge yourself. If you think you're going to injure yourself doing the workout, then yes try something easier. If only your pride is being injured, then no. Stick with it…
  • [[/quote] Dude, I guess my CrossFit place is that exception. The coach is a stickler for form, and kipping is only used to get you up to doing strict pull-ups. During my first real workout (10 rounds of 10 deadlifts and 10 pushups), he watched and scaled me down to a lower weight halfway through because my back was…
  • Hmm... I hadn't thought about hard boiled eggs. I'll give that a try. Thank you!
  • start easing off your reliance on breads or milk, next week pick another, next week cut out sugars... actually do that one right away! I think for me the hardest thing to give up was sodas. I probably drank about 2 liters of soda a day for several years straight! But I have been away from them for a few months not and I…
  • Yea! I'm glad to see some other CrossFitters on here! I'm new to the sport and have not gotten up the courage to go Paleo yet. Any advice you guys can give me would be very helpful! Let's keep this group together so that we can encourage each other along the way!
  • Thank you!
  • I went to a specialty store and loved the shoes I purchased!! To make my experience even better, the specialty shoes that were suggested to me were less expensive that the Nike's I was planning to buy!
  • My husband and I have been doing CrossFit and he was cursed with a terrible case of shin splints. One of our trainers rolled a lacross ball in the arch of his foot, loosening the muscles and tendons that were pulling on his shins. He immediately felt better. The trainer suggested doing this morning and night for a few…
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