Feel free to add me, having other people on your side is always a good thing!!
I gain and and lose up to five pounds almost daily, please don't think of two pounds as a set back. If you don't drink enough water your body holds onto the water you do drink. Feel free to add me, I'd love to be part of your journey!
Hey guys, I've been a sahm since February when I got laid off my job. I have a four yr old and two year old. I'll be going back to work full time next Thursday...:( feel free to add me!
I eat at least six meals a day, that's three main meals and two snacks. I also drink half my body weight in ounces of water, so I'm about 134-140 depending and I drink 70 oz of water a day. This seems to help and it also helps your body adjust. Do not starve yourself, that just sets yourself up to fail.
I wouldn't go bk to my twenties either. My teen years yes! Thirties has been most rewarding!
37, feeling 40 creeping in. But I feel like I'm in the best shape I've been in fifteen or so years.
I eat Kirkland sea salt roasted seaweed, 100 calories and totally yummy!!!
I agree, eat more! Your body needs fuel! Otherwise you go into starvation mode. At 5'5" you should be around 1400-1600 calories. Good calories though, don't o all crazy and open up that can of Pringles. Pay attention to your ratios, you want to be on target there with your carbs, fat and protein.
Feel free to add me, the journey is better with buddies!!
I am a fan of the 'rice select' brand pearl multi colored couscous. I get it at my local Kroger. My kids love it too. As far as the quinoa I get whatever brand us at Costco, I love to make it with veggie broth and the add a little braggs amino acids. Love!!
Hey Tara I'm a mom of two little ones and I get it! What a journey it is. It always helps to have someone that has your back. How tall are you? I'm 5'3 and I don't know about you but short girls have it harder!!! Lol
Hey Jenniferft199 and LegendJenning! I'm a married mom of two children under five. I've been laid off since February and am starting a new job in a few weeks. I eat when I am bored or if I'm on the computer doing tasks. I learned early that even too much of a good thing is a problem. I was eating too much fruit believe it…