ladynasdaq Member


  • Name: Stacy My numbers: SW:1/1/17=277.5 CW: 276 as of 1/3/17 GW: 150 Gained about a pound then lost it. Trust me, I was trying so hard not to have big gains and never want to see 280 and higher. Highest weight was 301 lbs. I believe was in 2008. Never again! This year just safely get this obesity problem under control.
  • I bought Bear Creek Darn Good Chili. It is so easy to make. Add 7 cups water and a can of tomato paste. Ate that today. Sis has been dealing with a bad cold. Weird but a lot of symptoms subsiding since she ate a cup of this.
  • Good morning! It's 12/16/16. I am a horrible WW'r. I am super hungry on their Program and quit. I refuse to be starting,stopping and paying. Also, MFP is super easy and I need this. I know my final goal weight is what I weighed in the past at 120 lbs. and I used to eat 1600 calories a day. I also know after working MFP's…
  • Today is Day 1 for me. I am female, age 57 soon to be 58 y/o and a RN. I am battling with my weight for years and years but was formerly a calorie counter and have been on Weight Watchers numerous times. Decided today is Day 1 and going to do my own thing. Last night,12/15/16 used MFP's site to structure a 1600 calorie…
  • I weigh more than probably everyone in the group. I am beginning and at 1600 calories a day. I will not go below that but instead change the foods if needed. I also don't restrict myself as to what I'd like to eat. I have done the 1000-1200 calorie diets in the past. The bad thing is stalling out on the scale and when I…
  • 1-My first goal is to work a diet that us livable. I'm spinning my wheels with Weight Watchers. It isn't working for me, whatsoever. Just not repeating the same mistakes is what I'm saying. 2- I'm convinced that counting calories is the answer. I have a hurdle to jump over for now.This is a year long process but I know I…
  • Hi to you and yes,add me to your group. I lost 40,regained almost 20 and got back on as of today. I see the best way to work a calorie count Program is to plan the whole day and stay within your calories or just shy under and so I ate today with that rest of the day planned out and will be right on the money starting with…
  • I disagree. I buy the High Protein Slimfast at Sam's which has 20 Grams Protein and 2 Grams sugar,4 Grams Carb. I am on a 1500 calorie diet and I use the shake in the morning with a piece of fruit,later a lunch,later a Slimfast meal bar,dinner,snacks and the whole day equates to 1500 calories and I feel good. I also work…
  • I've asked this uestion many times to Dieticians at work. I work in the ICU in Hospitals. The stock answer is no, you don't count veggies that are non-starchy because digestion and fiber work together to make veggies negligible. Fruits are another story. They have a higher sugar cal content so yes if you count calories you…
  • I am so very happy for you!!! I'm a RN who is fighting an obesity problem for years. I started out Dec.24 morning 2014. I dropped about 36 lbs and gained back 14.5 and lost 4.5 lbs. in 2 days. Water weight yes but I can tell you that I'm happy that I got back on track. I have been on Weight Watchers but Sunday decided to…
  • I went back here as of today. It's one of the best sites to look up calories and foods with a large database.I wish they had a place to enter weight and have suggested daily calories. That would be really nice but now I just downloaded it to my IPhone and that should make things better. Good luck on your wt. loss! I have a…