

  • OOOOOK ladies and gentlemen, I see what all this BMR discussion is about now. I was thrown off by the whole "BMR is a myth" when obviously it isn't. Your BMR is the amount of calories your body needs to carry out it's normal functions. You almost HAVE to eat below your BMR to lose weight unless you are doing VERY rigorous…
  • Jillian Michaels has a protein powder that is just 100 calories per scoop and (I think...and not getting up to look lol) 15 grams of protein. In my opinion, this is a good enough protein boost for someone who is a "normal lifter" and not trying to build huge bulk. And the calories aren't as high as most powders. It's not…
  • To the three ladies who are struggling...try bumping up your calories by 100 to 200 and also bump up the intensity of your exercise. This back and forth about the BMR is silly, but yes, it definitely does exist as does "starvation mode". When this happens to your body, you WILL still lose weight (I mean, look at…
  • Hi! I am female, 25 years old, 5'3 and starting weight of I am going through almost EXACTLY what you are going through. I am also a physical therapist assistant, so I have a background in fitness/exercise. I gained weight while I was in school (stress, working a full time job while going to school full time, yea…
  • cardio is not the same as "just eating less". cardio helps rev up your metabolism for HOURS after the actual exercise, so you burn while you exercise and you also get the after effects of the faster metabolism. and if you make exercise a regular part of your life, eventually your metabolism will stay higher than it was…
  • Just a thought to put out there. I don't consider or count the calories I burn doing my normal day to day routine, because obviously my body is use to that, and that isn't really helping me lose weight....or else I wouldn't be on a "diet". I am a physical therapist assistant in a nursing home, I walk up and down the…
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