I just started and I have a question

Hi everyone. I love this site, it was recommended by my trainer. Yes, I joined a gym and made some appointments with a trainer so I know what to do to lose weight and be in better shape. Up until now nothing worked. Anyway, I also work part-time in retail and I waswondering how many calories I am burning while working 4 or 6 hours straight? we are not allowed to sit except when on our break. We have to go to the back of the room to check on our stock and of course, help customers almost non stop. If no customers are present, then we have to restock shelves, clean the shelves, we are busy all the time. Thanks for anyone's input.


  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    You may want to set your activity level to light activity, or you could just log it as walking. Get a pedometer and wear it while at work.
  • ChelleDJM
    ChelleDJM Posts: 161
    Yep, set your activity level a little higher and mfp will adjust calories accordingly. Welcome!
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    Welcome and congratulations on your new you.
  • hoosiernorm
    Additional Factors
    How many calories you burn while standing all day depends on how actively you use the rest of your body. Also, those who weigh more will burn more calories while standing because greater energy is necessary to support their greater mass.
    130-lb. Person
    A 130-lb. person expends about 570 calories while standing idly for 8 hours, only about 100 more calories than she would spend if she were sitting idly all day. Most people who stand for 8 hours end up engaged in further activity using their hands, arms and upper body. This additional activity helps to burn further calories, increasing calories consumed up to 943 calories during an 8-hour shift, according to A Calorie Counter.
    180-lb. Person
    A 180-lb. person expends about 784 calories if standing idly for 8 hours and up to 1,306 calories if he is active with the upper body.
    230-lb. Person
    A 230-lb. person expends 1,002 calories standing idly and about 1,670 calories standing while using the upper body for miscellaneous activity.
    A Calorie Counter: Calories Burned Calculator
    MayoClinic.com: Metabolism and Weight Loss: How You Burn Calories

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/312386-how-many-calories-do-you-burn-standing-all-day/#ixzz1xzXp7ooZ
  • lkpta
    lkpta Posts: 6
    Just a thought to put out there. I don't consider or count the calories I burn doing my normal day to day routine, because obviously my body is use to that, and that isn't really helping me lose weight....or else I wouldn't be on a "diet". I am a physical therapist assistant in a nursing home, I walk up and down the hallways of a very large nursing home all day, lift people up that are much larger than myself, and demonstrate every exercise I want my patients to do. Yet I am slightly overweight, and very weak. My patients tell me "wow you get so much exercise every day! you must be in great shape!"......yea, not so much. Because that is my daily routine, and my body has adapted to that level. If you want to change your body, you have to push outside of your "norm". And I completely understand your question, just curious as to how much you are burning. When I started with myfitnesspal, I entered in that I do "light" work every day, and still adjusted down my calorie goal by 130 calories of what it suggested for me. I do not count what I may or may not burn at work every day. Only additional cardio/strength training I do. I've only been using this tool for about a week and I LOVE it. It keeps me so accountable for every bite I eat. So good luck! :):)