brendajbentley Member


  • What I hearing a lot from people is that they try to think their way through Intuitive Eating - it is a process to re-learn this but remember your body has a wisdom that you can never outsmart. Your micro/macro management of your diet is an attempt to control something - and listening to your body, because you've eroded…
  • Yes I have used IE to lose over 100 lbs and I teach it to people. I find it only works when you have cleared out any emotional eating tendencies and body image issues. This means you need to get to the core of your poor relationship with food - this could be linked to a poor relationship you have with yourself as well.…
  • It only seems difficult because you have a habit in place. Intuitive eating is the most natural thing you've UNLEARNED how to do. I've seen a lot of posts from people saying that they find it hard - when it is so natural. It really is about understanding it is a process to unlearn all the conditioning you've learned along…
  • Hi - I'm an certified Intuitive Eating Professional. This is the way we eat naturally, before we are conditioned to eat differently (look at babies!) The approach honors the body, your hunger (biological hunger) and yourself (self esteem). It is about rejecting the diet mentality and rule based eating - diets don't work -…
  • Hunger cravings? Do you mean you get hungry? Are you physically hungry? Then eat! If you are hungry and you are not physically hungry, then this is emotional hunger and you need to understand what this is really about - what you are really hungry for. We use food to fill in gaps (whether real or perceived) in our life. If…
  • Hello from Warwickshire! I'll put the kettle on :drinker:
  • Not sure this is already covered - I didn't read through everything... Diet drinks effect your body's insulin levels just the same, but because there is no calorie payoff - you will have the propensity to eat something. Studies show that diet drinks actually attribute to weight gain. You are better off drinking the real…