Hunger Cravings

Hey guys,

I get really bad hunger cravings sometimes, I don't know how common it is, but it gets so bad sometimes that I feel like I NEED to eat something. It is way worse when people are eating around me. I am starting to lose motivation and feel like just giving up on my goal.. Any words of encouragement would be appreciated!


  • brendajbentley
    brendajbentley Posts: 12 Member
    Hunger cravings? Do you mean you get hungry? Are you physically hungry? Then eat!

    If you are hungry and you are not physically hungry, then this is emotional hunger and you need to understand what this is really about - what you are really hungry for. We use food to fill in gaps (whether real or perceived) in our life. If you are restricting, depriving and using your willpower to ignore and suppress your appetite, then you are setting yourself up for failure.

    Eat to lose more - if you eat when you are hungry, whatever you want (not what you think you should) you will begin to get your body back in balance, you'll be satisfied (eliminating craving things you say you cannot have) and you will reach your goals. Yes, slower than you would by starving yourself thin, but it will be healthy, sustainable FAT loss (not muscle or water weight).

    A good resource is book Intuitive Eating - diets don't work!

    Good luck.

  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Hey guys,

    I get really bad hunger cravings sometimes, I don't know how common it is, but it gets so bad sometimes that I feel like I NEED to eat something. It is way worse when people are eating around me. I am starting to lose motivation and feel like just giving up on my goal.. Any words of encouragement would be appreciated!

    How many calories do you eat a day? Do you eat plenty of vegetables, meats and healthy fats?
  • scward1991
    scward1991 Posts: 67 Member
    Hey guys,

    I get really bad hunger cravings sometimes, I don't know how common it is, but it gets so bad sometimes that I feel like I NEED to eat something. It is way worse when people are eating around me. I am starting to lose motivation and feel like just giving up on my goal.. Any words of encouragement would be appreciated!

    How many calories do you eat a day? Do you eat plenty of vegetables, meats and healthy fats?

    I eat around 1350 a day, trying to get down to my goal weight but I find it really hard to say no to foods. Say if I over indulge over lunch I have to limit myself at dinner, and by dinner I am starving. I find it so difficult to restrain myself to such a low calorie intake per day..
  • scward1991
    scward1991 Posts: 67 Member
    Hunger cravings? Do you mean you get hungry? Are you physically hungry? Then eat!

    If you are hungry and you are not physically hungry, then this is emotional hunger and you need to understand what this is really about - what you are really hungry for. We use food to fill in gaps (whether real or perceived) in our life. If you are restricting, depriving and using your willpower to ignore and suppress your appetite, then you are setting yourself up for failure.

    Eat to lose more - if you eat when you are hungry, whatever you want (not what you think you should) you will begin to get your body back in balance, you'll be satisfied (eliminating craving things you say you cannot have) and you will reach your goals. Yes, slower than you would by starving yourself thin, but it will be healthy, sustainable FAT loss (not muscle or water weight).

    A good resource is book Intuitive Eating - diets don't work!

    Good luck.


    Thanks for the support and advice, I will be sure to look up the book you suggested!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Hunger cravings are usually a sign that you're not getting enough protein, fat and/or fiber, and they are also triggered by foods high in refined carbohydrates. Try hard boiled eggs for breakfast, benefiber in your water bottle, and laying off anything sugary and sweet for a while - see if that helps.
  • scward1991
    scward1991 Posts: 67 Member
    I think the lack of protein and fibre is definitely an issue.. I'll try to eat more of those food groups and see if my level of hunger reduces! thanks for the advice guys this is really useful!
  • scward1991
    scward1991 Posts: 67 Member
    Hunger cravings are usually a sign that you're not getting enough protein, fat and/or fiber, and they are also triggered by foods high in refined carbohydrates. Try hard boiled eggs for breakfast, benefiber in your water bottle, and laying off anything sugary and sweet for a while - see if that helps.

    also lovely choice of picture for your progress bar I LOVE/D firefly!
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    Are you actually hungry? I know that seems like a silly question, but sometimes our body will say "hunger' and it really means "thirsty". How much water are you drinking? I found it helpful to drink a tall glass of water, wait 10-15 minutes. If my body was still screaming at me, then I knew it was a hunger issue. Just my opinion.
  • scward1991
    scward1991 Posts: 67 Member
    Are you actually hungry? I know that seems like a silly question, but sometimes our body will say "hunger' and it really means "thirsty". How much water are you drinking? I found it helpful to drink a tall glass of water, wait 10-15 minutes. If my body was still screaming at me, then I knew it was a hunger issue. Just my opinion.

    Yeah I thought I would have a glass of water after I felt hungry, and it really did help! I think a lot of my hunger is thirst so I am going to try and drink more water as well and see if that helps!
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 366 Member
    Are you taking a vitamin? Sometimes if you aren't getting enough nutrients, your body will constantly be in hunger mode.

    I wasn't absorbing nutrients, and found out that I was severely deficient in Vit D and B12, as well as magnesium. Shortly after that I found out it all due an gluten intolerance problem called Celiac Disease. But when I was deficient, I would eat and eat and NEVER be satisfied. It was a terrible feeling....
  • scward1991
    scward1991 Posts: 67 Member
    Are you taking a vitamin? Sometimes if you aren't getting enough nutrients, your body will constantly be in hunger mode.

    I wasn't absorbing nutrients, and found out that I was severely deficient in Vit D and B12, as well as magnesium. Shortly after that I found out it all due an gluten intolerance problem called Celiac Disease. But when I was deficient, I would eat and eat and NEVER be satisfied. It was a terrible feeling....

    I get like that sometimes, the eating and eating and never seeming to be full? This was before I started limiting what I ate, it just gets a bit tough on me sometimes, and I think 'well is all this worth it?' yknow?
  • onikonor
    onikonor Posts: 473 Member
    Hunger cravings are usually a sign that you're not getting enough protein, fat and/or fiber, and they are also triggered by foods high in refined carbohydrates. Try hard boiled eggs for breakfast, benefiber in your water bottle, and laying off anything sugary and sweet for a while - see if that helps.

    I agree with this.