mck8686 Member


  • Hi, I was wondering if I could join in with this group, too? I am just starting Atkins. I tried it once years ago but wasn't ready for the commitment even though I had good luck on it. My Mom is doing it with me so we have a buddy system. :smile: I have PCOS and I'm quickly running out of time to try and have a baby. The…
  • Welcome to the club! I, too, have a large end goal and I can't let myself think about that big number. Instead of am working on 5 lbs at a time. I have read many things about ways to work out when you have kids and most often they recommend going for a walk with the stroller and your son. Or get one of those things that…
  • Good morning! Just thought I would check in and see how everyone is doing. I have been away for a couple of weeks on vacation and have not logged any of my food. My huband and I didn't do as good as we could have but I am satisfied with what we were able to accomplish. Plus we did a lot of walking (which I felt way more…
  • I'm here! ) I hope everyone had a great holiday. I didn't do the best on my eating but still came out all right. I lost another half a pound. Walked tonight even though the skies are full of smoke from a neaby wildfire. 4.5 miles and 700 calories so far this week! :)
  • Good morning to all of you. I am so pleased to have lost another pound! I did not eat good yesterday at all and neither did my husband but we did come home last night and walk two miles! That's the first time in a very long time that I've walked all the way around our neighborhood. I was exhausted but felt so good. Then…
  • Good morning to you all. Hope you have a wonderful Friday and stick to your goals. Small breakfast for me today. We are having an office luncheon at a really nice Italian restaurant so I am saving up my calories for lunch. Weekends are the worst for me but I think we'll do okay this weekend. Have lots to do to get ready…
  • I am not a member of any other groups. I don't have too much of a preference on how big this group gets, either. I looked at some other groups and a lot of them were closed and I liked that this one was open. I haven't done too much in the way of posting but I'm hoping that sharing my struggles with others will help me and…
  • Welcome to Istpaul and kaa016! It sounds like all of you are doing very good this week! I weigh on Sunday mornings and was hoping for another pound this week but just started TOM so I probably won't see any difference. But we'll see. :smile: I know the soda struggle well! I do okay some days but my problem is when I'm…
  • All of you are doing so good!! My 10 year old niece is already going down the road to obesity and I offered to let her walk with me every night so this will help me stick to it myself! I'm pretty good at it but it's just as easy to say I don't want to. Knowing she will be meeting me each night to walk will keep me…
  • I would really love to join you. I have been here for a long while but have not been good at staying on the wagon! :( About me: 38 years old, female Married almost 4 years No kids but trying to have one Heaviest I've ever been and I'm miserable! I am not very good at viewing myself in a postive light and I am trying to…
  • Feel free to add me, too. I have been on here a while but have not been religious about sticking to it. I am really trying hard to make a go of it this time. I have about 150 lbs to lose. :smile:
  • Wow, I'm so glad I found this thread. I was diagnosed about 7 or 8 years ago. I have been on Metformin ever since then. About two years ago my new ob/gyn increased my dosage from one pill to four a day but I have never noticed that it helped with weight loss. In the beginning I was also put on a low dose of birth control…
  • Hi, there! I have been on MFP for a few months but have not been steady at it. I am determined to do better. :smile: I have 168 lbs to lose and I find that I simply can't focus on that number. I mean, that's almost as much as my husband weighs! It discourages me greatly. I keep trying to remind myself that I didn't gain…