New Group: Going into 2012 Stronger Than Ever - Week 1



  • smitchell37
    smitchell37 Posts: 121 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!!

    I did really good my 1st day on no soda. We dont have any at the house right now so thats why it was so easy. Tonight will be hard, its pizza night and we always have coke with our pizza. Pizza night is one this I will not give up.

    Hope you all have a great weekend and cant wait to get start back on my life style change. I dont get online on the weekends so I will talk to you all tuesday
  • mck8686
    mck8686 Posts: 13 Member
    Good morning to you all. Hope you have a wonderful Friday and stick to your goals. Small breakfast for me today. We are having an office luncheon at a really nice Italian restaurant so I am saving up my calories for lunch. Weekends are the worst for me but I think we'll do okay this weekend. Have lots to do to get ready for vacation.
  • Hey everybody I done okay yesterday and am starting off good today. I think my only problem will be that I'm heading home from college this weekend where my influences around me wont be good but I plan on trying my best to stick to my goals of no soda and staying under my calories although the Astros game tonight might be tough lol.....have a good weekend everybody!!! :)
  • Hello Everyone:
    I am on day 9 of 10 at work. I can't wait to be off on Monday. I am treating myself to a movie. I am really tired so not saying much. Did not count calories today, but have been eating pretty well. but back on it.
  • mck8686
    mck8686 Posts: 13 Member
    Good morning to all of you. I am so pleased to have lost another pound! I did not eat good yesterday at all and neither did my husband but we did come home last night and walk two miles! That's the first time in a very long time that I've walked all the way around our neighborhood. I was exhausted but felt so good. Then this morning we got up and did our regular Sunday morning walk and I made it a mile and a half! Woo hoo! I didn't eat good Friday, either, but that's okay. I know there will be days like that. I will not let myself get sidetracked. Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and a great Labor Day holiday.
  • Everyone come join us on Week 2!
  • mck8686
    mck8686 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm here! ) I hope everyone had a great holiday. I didn't do the best on my eating but still came out all right. I lost another half a pound. Walked tonight even though the skies are full of smoke from a neaby wildfire. 4.5 miles and 700 calories so far this week! :)
  • val071418
    val071418 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi!! Hoping to also join this group. I haven't been able to join any others cuz they are all closed. :(
    A little about me,

    29 yr old mother of three boy 8, girl 7, boy 3.
    Married for 6 years now!
    Currently a part time student because we just moved to Utah and out of state tuition was too much for full time.
    I will be volunteering at my children's schools on my days off of classes.
    I have been on MFP for a solid week!! I had played around with it awhile back but am very serious this time!!
    My starting weight last week was 234.4 and I weighed in today at 231.2...I think???
    Looking for a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. I have been addicted to the gym the last 3 days and I love to Zumba with my Wii!!
    Hoping to meet more people with like minded goals!!

    Good luck everyone!!
  • My weekend was rough but I knew it would be. Today I'm right back on track and under my calorie goals for today. I got a new tattoo on Friday so I cant quite wear tennis shoes yet so I played around with my boyfriends kinect and we played dance central for an hour and a half so I moved a little bit lol. I also received my scale in the mail today so I will be weighing in bright and early in the morning. :)
  • scrapperchick
    scrapperchick Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! is it too late to join this group? I hope not... I have been a MFP member for a while, I am just now starting to track my food and such.

    About Me:

    35 years old
    mom of two girls
    currently stay at home.

    exercise is hard for me right now. can't seem to get motivated..

  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    I would love to join this group if it's still open, I am new here but have been into fitness for a little while and really want to look and feel my best for 2012.

    About me:
    27 years old
    starting graduate school in the UK this month (full time)
    LOVE shredding, any other workout by jillian, and I do a lot of hula hoop and step on the wii as well! i'm also starting to get into resistance training, as cardio hasn't given me great results so far.
    there's more info on my profile, if anyone wants to friend me feel free!
  • mck8686
    mck8686 Posts: 13 Member
    Good morning! Just thought I would check in and see how everyone is doing. I have been away for a couple of weeks on vacation and have not logged any of my food. My huband and I didn't do as good as we could have but I am satisfied with what we were able to accomplish. Plus we did a lot of walking (which I felt way more than he did) and we went to two beaches and walked quite a way in the sand.

    Looks like it's been quiet here on the list so I hope all of you are doing well.
