trs80 Member


  • Here's a reprint of a comment I JUST made on another post "When I need a quick fix after breakfast, I grab a Quaker chocolate crunch rice cake. It's only 60 cals. and has a few small chocolate chips on it for flavor so I also get a sweet tooth fix." You must have been reading my mind :laugh:
  • When I need a quick fix after breakfast, I grab a Quaker chocolate crunch rice cake. It's only 60 cals. and has a few small chocolate chips on it for flavor so I also get a sweet tooth fix. I'll be watching this post because I too am always looking for good, quick snacks.
  • :ohwell: That's a tough one because grams is a measure of weight/mass while cups is a measure of volume. I suppose you could take 85g of pasta (3oz weight) and put it into a cup. I don't know of any other way to measure it. Maybe someone else can help. Good luck.
  • I watched the entire DS9 series on netflix but my wife likes TNG - she even has a Starfleet Academy rear window sticker on her car. Now I'm starting to watch TNG again.
  • I don't have a cheat meal, but on vacation to Cape Cod recently, I had a cheat WEEK because I just can't resist the seafood there. (it's sort of a tradition) Fried scallops, fried clams, lobster tails w/french fries and corn on the cob.... oh nuts, look out fridge!
  • I don't comment on anyones eating habits - good or bad. Not everyone on this site is a fitness nut and logs EVERYTHING they put in their mouth. Many people here are here because they are trying to make a consience effort to lose weight but, as I do quite often, I will fix lunch/dinner for my grandkids and find myself…
  • daily - I don't get discouraged for up 1/2 lb or excited down 1/2 lb. because I know it's normal. I chart what I eat and like to see if there is a pattern of foods that I eat that consistently causes my weight to go up. I really only pay attention if the pattern is consistently going up.
  • been losing weight and excercizing for about 8 weeks, went from 247 to 200.0 the day we went to Cape Cod. Weve been going to the Cape for years and seafood is part of the tradition. I figured 'go for it and pay for it when I get back'. To make a long story short, we had fried scallops (TWICE), french fries, pizza, steak…
  • I asked a similar question a couple of days ago. I have been riding a stationary bike for about a month now, 60-65mins. @12-13mph. I thought i was doing good, it reported 700 cals. burned. Problem was I didn't feel like I was working hard enough to burn that many cals. MFP shows stationary biking-moderate @ 660 cals. I…
  • I agree/disagree. Cyclists have every right to ride as do motorists, but there are a certain FEW cyclists that give everyone riding a bicycle a bad rap by having an attitude that they OWN the road because they are doing something healthy and they ride out into the traffic lane, even on extremely narrow roads that, for…
  • thanks everyone for verifying what I thought. I picked up a heart rate monitor watch yesterday but haven't had a chance to use it yet. I'm going to try it right after this post.
  • I'm over 60 myself and have somewhat bad knee and heel problems. Anyway, you might try checking out the Jane Fonda DVD's at your public library to see if they are for him before buying them. I thought they were a little tame, myself. But the library is a really good source of exercize programs to test before buying. Good…
  • WOW - threw away their peanut butter spread - terrible, but I got some of their raspberry spread this morning thinking it would be better because how do you mess up jelly? WRONG - out it went!!! I don't like vinegarry/oily salad dressings so I use Ken's Light Vedalia Onion dressing for a little sweeter taste. 80 cals for 2…
  • I spend an hour (+/-) every morning on a stationary bike for various reasons: 1. the bike gives me a count of calories burned 2. it's a habit I've become used to and can count on irregardless of heat/cold/rain/sun 3. I can stop anytime if I feel I have to without having to worry about how to get home (haven't had to yet,…