bakerh518 Member


  • Huge congrats on quitting smoking! (both of you!!) My dad passed away from lung cancer just about a year ago so I majorly congratulate anyone able to take that huge step for their health and family!! I am a sahm too! It is SO hard not to snack at home!!
  • This is the exact question I was going to ask!! Great advice! I LOVE Julian Michaels 30 day shred, although, when I first tried to start it up again after my son, I found my arms were too sore in the night to pick him up! HA talk about comical! Feel free to add me mommas!
  • My motherinlaw has the "jawbone" it tracks EVERYTHING it is a small wrist wrap that you wear night and day, it tracks sleep, tells you when you wake up And all that. She loves it! It is compatible with too! :)
  • I also had this problem at the beginning of getting back into running. Ive read that running on soft ground (vs pavement or the treadmill) will help to prevent shinsplints. I found that although my shins were sore, if i spaced out my running workouts a bit more at the beginning i could ease back into it without injury.…
  • You definitely see the difference!! Great job, keep it up!
  • Great job!!! You are an inspiration!
  • Nice job!!! You look great! Im sure you will reach your goal!!! WooooHoooo!!
  • I have shred'ed 5 days in a row and all i can say, is those of you starting, work through the pain! Make sure you stretch quite a bit after the work out, im not sure she really has enough stretching in the legs after the work out is over. Other than that, I LOVE IT. I felt like my legs were gonna fall off the first, second…
  • 83' stretch pants and side ponies! <3
  • Congrats! You should be so proud!!! Nice job!!!
  • Im planning on starting that same program on monday!! Hope you like it as much as i have heard it is awesome!
  • Food tracking is my weakness also, i just have never been able to get into it, but i really wannt commit now so hopefully i can get support there!! haha And, yes, for many women being over weight keeps them from ovulating, fortunately/and unfortunately that it not the case for me, i ovulate beautifully, haha, i say…
  • Sounds like you are in a great space!! Grab hold of that control and run girl!! My greatest weakness is logging my food! But im commited!!! I cant wait to use the mobile app! Go girl go!!
  • I love cats too!!! But hubby wont let me have one!! My first pet as a child was a stripped kitten names crackers! Each day i wear down the hubby a bit more... hahaha
  • im new too and am looking to lose a similar amount of weight! We can do it!! Ive found taking each day as it comes, not punishing yourself for yesterday and just looking ahead leads to motivation! Feel free to add me! :)