glwerth Member


  • When it really bothers me it at the top of the dead lift when I'm holding the weight. It just feels really...unstable and there is a sharp stabbing pain in the joint. Going up, no issue, just that moment at the top and then, after that, the whole movement hurts for the next one. I do a regular dead lift, as shown in the…
  • Rotated Pelvis....I always carry my bag (and kid) on the same side and long ago, when I was in college, the chiro I saw mentioned the rotated pelvis. Yeah, got to get myself to the chiro ASAP and get this squared away. Will also look up the lunge with hip drive (isn't it amazing what one can find on the internet?) and see…
  • Glad to hear I'm not the only one, but yeah, it hurts and it is scary, because when I did that second dead lift today, I thought my hip was going to collapse. I'm afraid to do any lateral movements because it also feels like it will collapse. I also always have to lead with the other side going up stairs, because it hurts…
  • I have a trick ankle that I managed to screw up every couple of years. Sounds like your situation and mine are very similar. Pigeon is doable for me, but boy howdy, sitting cross legged hurts like heck, and I've been working on stretching, but I can't seem to get the right area, you know? Ice packs, I can do and I think…
  • I'll try to record next time I try deads. Right now, my hip hurts too much to even try.
  • You can probably help him get past the dishes thing, but getting him used to rinsing them as soon as eating is done. Then, all the big, grody pieces are off and it's just a dish that needs a once-over in the soapy water. It's a process! Good that he's getting better about the food. Good luck. My DH will eat anything...and…
  • You're not alone. I have those a lot lately, as well. I get very angry with myself and sometimes I feel like I'm not pushing as hard as I know my body can push. I feel like as long as I'm getting in the gym and doing SOMETHING with lifting, I'll be ok. It'll get better, I promise. Your mind is your worst enemy in all of…
  • Anyone ever have a really bad workout day? I'm struggling today. My kids are home for summer, so my workout has been interrupted at least a dozen times, between them (fighting), my mother calling, and the dog who just had minor surgery needing attention, which makes it harder to get through. The main thing, however, is…
  • Right now, my goals are simple: relearn to recognize hunger and when I'm full without value judging my choices. It is WAY harder than I ever thought it would be and I find myself slipping back into the diet mindset, which pushes me a back a step or two. My eating in the last few years has been either extreme restriction or…
  • I'll check my grip. I'm honestly not sure because it only just became a problem these last few pounds! I'll also work on mobility, because I know I have problems there. Thanks for the suggestions!
    in OHP Problem Comment by glwerth May 2014
  • I used to increase every week, because it kept my form OK. Now, I have fractional plates and increase by one pound each workout. It works better for me and I've come to realize that no program works the exact same way for everyone.
  • I'm working on this too and it is really hard. I'm actually trying to learn to recognize WHAT I actually want to eat and when I'm thirsty but it feels like being hungry. It is a struggle from day to day. I watch my youngest child, who will sometimes go almost all day without eating, then the next day he'll eat all the…
  • Thanks for this. I think people sometimes forget all of this.
  • Just signed up, my profile is pending. Nice to see some movement in this group! HAES is a pretty radical notion around here where most people are existing on 1200 calories a day and fatties are only worthy if they are doing the same. It gets frustrating. I'm pretty ambivalent about dieting and having trouble using HAES…
  • No book, free online program, simple and effective. Give it a try. I never, ever thought I would or could lift heavy and now I do and I love it.
  • I have a whole bunch to lose too. Add me if you'd like. I'm not doing great on the eating part yet, but I'm rocking the exercise part!
  • I ended up with a very nice setup here. In my dining room, where it all looks at me all day if I decide to wuss out and not work out.....I usually end up doing it anyway! Got a power rack, bar, weights, bench, etc. DH recently bought me a second weight tree so I can keep my plates on each side of the rack. LOVE working out…
  • The nice thing about having your husband along is that if both of you watch youtube videos of correct form, you can help each other on correct form. My husband is a perfectionist, so having him watch means tiny form corrections constantly, well, less these days, but he took it very seriously! :) And congratulations on…
  • OK, that makes sense. I don't increase every workout, usually every other and by smaller increments as I tend not to be able to do a five pound leap at one time lately. I'm still plugging away though! I've never stalled on bench, it just seems way easier than OHP. WAY easier!
  • My muscles always feel fatigued after lifting, but all I have is twinges when I move from sitting to standing for the rest of the day (my thighs definitely feel it).
  • Bench is at 115. I'm doing that weight for one more workout, but then I feel confident I'll move up. It is not nearly as hard as the OHP.
  • Next time (or maybe tomorrow morning, if DH is around), I'll record OHP....then, figure out how to post it! Right now, I just can't do even one more today. Not. One. More.
  • I think I'm going to have to deload my OHP. I just can't seem to hit all my reps at 97 pounds. And I was so excited by the prospect of hitting 100 on that evil, evil thing. So, deloading (maybe to 85 or 90) for a one or two workouts and then working back up. I hate OHP, SO much.
  • I have a lot to lose, at least as much as you do. I've reshaped my body quite a bit, people ask if I've lost even though my eating has been out of control (got to get back on that) and I have not lost anything. Just do it, you won't regret it.
  • I am set up at home and I love it. It cost me about 600 to get all set up. 250 for a barbell and weights from Craigslist. 350 for a rack, bench, heavy duty mat, and weight tree (so that the plates aren't strewn around, since I have kids and lift in my dining room). Totally worth every penny. Plus, if I don't feel like…
  • I use one for dead lifts only. I don't find I need it on any of the others. It made the dead lifts much easier and (I think) safer for me once I hit about 195 pounds. I'm at 223 now and it is hard, but not straining my back at all. It also reminds me of my form.
  • Deadlift day for me. Squats: 5x5 at 140 OHP: 3x5, 3x4 at 97 (failed on rep 5 on last two sets) Got to figure out how to increase this, thinking of deloading a bit and working back up. Squats: 1x5 at 228, going at this weight one more time, since I tend to be careful with these (old back injury makes me cautious), but it…
  • I want to bust past the 100 pound point on my OHP. I'm at 97, but I'm stalling and can't seem to move up....I was at 95 for a crazy long time and now 97 for three workouts and it isn't getting any easier. So, I'm going to get there this month.
  • 22 Feb. - 2.9 23 Feb. - 1.25 24 Feb. - 1.0 25 Feb. - 1.5 , 5 miles ex. bike 26 Feb. - 2.0 27 Feb. - 1.25, 5 miles ex. bike 28 Feb. - 1.25
    in Feb 22-28 Comment by glwerth March 2014
  • I'm sorry you've had so much trouble with this. Personal trainers are often full of you-know-what. You said you could get your BF to come along. I had my husband watch videos of form and look at Starting Strength and he became my PT for the learning phase. Now, he spot checks form every so often (I work out at home, so…