bagel with cream cheese
look up Starting Strength or Stronglifts you may want to go to a different gym btw - from what i've heard PF is not very barbell friendly (i assume you are talking about barbell instead of dumbell. if not it might be worth reconsidering)
the fact she's wearing a swimsuit in canada
i agree, your assessment of your own answer "the real answer on how to be rich is to have money to begin with" is accurate - the statement is based on no real understanding of basic economics or the working of capital people should quit complaining about where they are and do something about it instead
not sarcastic at all, that's actually very accurate. for example: if you really wanted to be rich you'd be doing something other than arguing on the MyFitnessPal forums right now. and that's not the "real" answer, but it's an answer.
your knee>toe advice is, while obviously given with good intention, not accurate @op, your depth is perfect for low bar (you might find if you try high bar that it feels better to go lower - YMMV)
abs are made in the gym, they're carved in the kitchen ;)
check out starting strength or stronglifts - they are great for building strength with compound lifts (squat, press, bench press, deadlift, pullup, power clean, etc)
if you (not personally you) don't understand the original statement and context, it could be considered hypocritical or self defeating.. but what the original person (tina) was referring to is to not trust websites/pages that make statements about scientific "facts" without backing up said facts with citations the person…
why would i read his post? i didn't even read yours! besides:
sure you can, but you won't get it from fasting for four hours
i think you should look up the definition of irony. that post was not ironic ;)
unless you're diabetic, i am pretty sure this is all in your head
didn't read your wall of text. here are four things you should think about 1. you are doing it wrong and refuse to admit that it is wrong because you think you're different 2. with the form you're using (with bar in front of your feet while you go down) you are putting excess strain on your back by having the bar farther…
please don't talk about science until you actually understand it. not trying to be rude, but you don't seem to know much about what you're talking about and shouldn't be giving advice on it actually, not exactly. science disagrees - look at my previous post on this page for reference
OP and most of thread (and most of world) not actually correct (or at least mostly/partially wrong) read up on the minnesota starvation experiment to educate yourselves! tl;dr from FAQ: There is a maximum amount of fat loss your body can endure(, before it…
those aren't rules of thumb, they are physics and lifting mechanics that you are saying you're the exception to -if we weren't looking out for your best interest, we'dd not have told you that your form is bad - instead letting you figure it out yourself after ruining your back or dropping all of that weight on yourself…
i am sorry to hear that you're probably going to be using a walker about 35 years early at least don't try to teach your kids how to lift. or, for that matter, how to be people at all; you sadly are too proud to even admit that you might be wrong (which you are) and see a trainer to make sure that you are still able to…
bone and joint ranges don't matter nearly as much as you think they do. you have bad form and according to you earlier, bad flexibility in your ankles preventing you from doing the form correctly. you are leaning forward too far in your squats - pony up a few bucks and pay for a few months of training sessions with a good…
everyone's (speaking in terms of men since women's center of mass is lower) center of mass is just below their belly button to their hips - you aren't special you should see a (qualified) personal trainer who can show you and help with your form because you seem unable to grasp the concept of changing your body movements…
it shouldn't be. do a bodyweight squat where center of gravity is always above the middle of your feet and the path the bar would be on is a direct vertical drop in the center of gravity when you get that bodyweight squat form correct you can use that form forever with however much weight you put on the bar. the center of…
OP try spreading your feet out a little more and spread your knees out as you go down (imagine there is a rope pulling your knees out to the side) and maybe point your toes wider a little - hard to see from this angle the whole time you are doing this, keep that straight vertical drop to your toes in mind. the center of…
keep your chin up, you'll get your squats right someday
do more power cleans
tl;dr read starting strength and watch some videos to learn how to do the proper squat so that your bar is on a straight vertical path (versus "moving the bar forward"). also the only explosive squats you will ever have will be on the can - try power cleans and snatch if you want to be explosive also, i hope by now you…