brialie Member


  • Put the cheeseburger down!!!!! The same thing happened to me! I wasn't losing any weight and I was eating like a health freak and exercising like mad, in 7 weeks i only lost 2kg. I stayed persistant though and in the last week I lost over 3kg, it was like my body just said "fine... i'll let it go". Don't weigh and measure…
  • I read the success story threads! they help me get back on track.Or I try and get away from the house and do something distracting!
  • Pasta!! Yummmm Potato Chips Alcohol and Milo! Plus a lack of knowledge about what exactly I was putting in my mouth!
  • Full***
    in cereal? Comment by brialie May 2011
  • Oats! One of the best you can have! Dress it up with some honey or a teasppon of suger and it'll keep you hungry right through until lunch!
    in cereal? Comment by brialie May 2011