

  • sounds good i will have to try it. thanks!!
  • welcome!! this has really been an eye opener for me, tracking your food intake vs workouts in quick easy place is fun and motivating. : ) hope you enjoy....
  • wow!!! you look great and bet you feel great too!! keep up the good work. bet you have motivated others around you to get healthy too.
  • Hi Lisa! I am pretty new here too. this is a great site! Has really helped me realize how many calories i was eating. I had always heard it was good to track your calories but it was always a pain....but now with the iphone ap it is super easy!! you don't have to "go on a diet" just change your eating habits and exercise…
  • hi, I am new too! don't know about you guys but before I started tracking everything i thought i was doing's been hard to stay at or under my daily calories. but learn as we go right?! have a great day. btw love the iphone app too!! : )
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