

  • I gained a LOT of weight on zoloft! I mean A LOT. I was on it after my son (who is 13 now) was born. I had PPD. Before that I was always between 140-170. I got up to 248. I was on it for three years. I have never been back down to below 190 since. Zoloft is an amazing drug to help you temporarily thorugh rough patches in…
  • Well that makes you very awesome and your daughter's teachers very blessed!
  • thanks, Lauren! Unfortunately, I gained 35 pounds in three months! Something happened to my body and it hasn't beent he same since. We lived in korea...we are back now. Maybe the stress? I love your positive attitude and will try to apply!
  • Wow! The JC bracelt is awesome! And PJs..you are very thoughtful! I also LOVE the apron idea! Wish you were one of my moms!
  • I'm a teacher..gift cards are fanstastic! B&N, Pier One, even healthy places like Panera Bread are all very appreciated. You don't have to buy large amounts either. When you have a large number of students and many of them gift $5-10 it is still a great savings. It is very sweet and thoughtful of you to give a gift at all.…
  • what changes? If I eat lower carb I can lose, but then I always gain back twice what I lost when I have stress and give in and eat carbs. Plus I have a medical issue that prevents me from eating too much protein. If it is truly eat less/move more shouldn't I be losing on 1400 calories and 45 minutes of exercise a day? If…
  • thanks for replying..no..I try to stay at 1400 including exercise points. At 1200 it didn't move at all.
  • Also, do the products contain splenda? As I am allergic I cannot use those products
  • I was seriously considering it in January. Can you please give a ballpark idea of how much the program costs? I already buy fruits and veggies every week and eat pretty balanced but something is amiss...apparently it isn't just eat less exercise more. There must be something in the way I am eating that isn't working. Plus…
  • that is awesome! Enjoy your new found vanity :happy: :happy:
  • it sounds outrageous but is probably true...even the lower fat versions of chicken tacos at Taco Bell have MORE sodium than fuller fat versions of similar foods..go figure...I have been astonished at the sodium levels in things--here is the kicker: there is research that shows that excess sodium actually can cause some…
  • lol..thanks. An interior designer has more respect from me than the docs I have seen lately! I may try the progesterone cream again and see what I can get accomplished. Maybe I was so out of whack before that the cream had nothing to do with my weight gain. I do appreciate the support. I am just so frustrated.
  • thank you for the advice, but there is no such thing as help from military docs. Unless you are extremely lucky, you will get a standard run of the mill GP and that is it. I have BEGGED to see an endo and was denied. I go to the nutritionists and they give me the exact same requirement that are on this sight and say "if…
  • I chose 1000 because I tried everything above that and gained.
  • I tried it ( progesterone)before and actually gained weight...I've been to my GP a hundred times. My husband is military and you get extremely basic care. The only way they will help me lose weight is if my BMI is 35-oh then it is a treat. Then you get gastric bypass surgery, tummy tucks, excess skin removed. No, my GP…
  • It's so hard when your spouse is deployed! I congratulate you on losing weight and focusing on health! It is so much easier to lie in a useless heap. I looked my best when mine came home (I am assuming that is May for you). Having that time frame was a great motivator!No one says you have to cook. I'd just eat cereal for…
  • One doc's 'borderline' is another doc's deficit. My was 'sluggish' and I went years with it untreated. I lost huge hunks of hair, had extrremely dry skin and was cold all the time. I was depressed and utterly exhausted. I had an enlarged thyroid as well. I would make myself workout 45 minutes a day and kept gaining. It was…
  • Because I really don't like dark chocolate, I always keep it around for this purpose...I get my chocolate fix but am not tempted to overindulge because it isn't my favorite. Dove's dark chocolate squares really help! It has to be the 70%, though. Also, I freeze them so they last a lot longer. This worked when I was thin--I…
  • me, too! I had an emergency hysterectomy at age 28--11 years ago and the weight would VERY slowly come off but just come right back on. Now that my last little shriveled up ovary is gone, the weight came on very quickly no matter what I was doing to stop it. I am on Armour Thyroid (so much better than synthroid) and it is…