

  • I should be OK with my hair, my Granddad didn't have a grey hair on him when he was in his 70's, wasn't going bald either. My dad on the other hand...going grey and losing it a bit already...who knows! Could be worse, my step dad started losing his hair at 19!
  • I hate my job, I started of working part time in the main store (Tesco), 8 hours a week while I was at college. That was 4 years ago today, I'm now doing 28ish hours a week, not at college or anything. Only thing keeping me going is working for the Police, and that I'm joining the Army in a few months!
  • I didn't really notice it until I looked at the before and after photo, I still don't really. I'm 195cm.
  • Saw some people today for the first time in a few months and they all noticed...felt brilliant :D. Shame I ate crap over the weekend (two BBQs...opps!)
  • Thanks everyone :)
  • I have used one since January, and I can safely say, its the best thing I've done. She makes me want to go and look forward to it, before I really struggled to get up and go. It can be expensive, I pay £35 a week for two 1 hour session, which from looking around seems really cheap!
  • Looks good! I can't wait to get my resistance bands so I can start! Love the fact your stomach has got smaller as well...one thing I want to get rid of lol. Do you follow the meal plan, or just eat healthily?
  • Thanks for all the replies! I don't think I have a academy sport near by, is it a UK store? Think I will get a Yoga mat, floor is rather hard even on the carpet lol.
  • Its something that you need to keep doing, I wasn't able to do it for a few days, then kept putting it off. Now a couple of months since I last did it. I have been running since, just not doing the c25k.
    in C25k Comment by LosingGrip May 2011
  • I've had a fair few people at work notice, always family who I don't see that often, however my Gran who I see once a week, maybe less, hasn't said anything! Despite me going round once to get my some extra holes put in my belt. Its become a bit of a inside joke with my mum to see how long it will take her to say something…
  • I don't think I am intolerant to anything, never noticed anything before...always had a bit of a stomach, ever since I was younger. Thanks, I'll give that ago! I've heard a fair bit about p90x lately, some of the before and after photos are brilliant, will look into this a bit more! I'm 6ft 4" (194cm), as I said above,…
  • Does anyone know what equipment you need for P90X? I've been thinking about it, but don't have room for any equipment really.
  • I did the first fitness test of Insanity, bloody hard work lol. Sadly I only did that as I couldn't do it every day at home.
  • Have always been overweight for as long as I can remember, but never really done anything about it. Decided I wanted to change my life completely and looked at joining the Army, went to the careers office, and was told to lose some weight and then they'll talk to me, fair enough I guess, they don't want to waste their time…
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