

  • I drink white wine. It's decent as far as calories go. Light beers are good too. http://caloriecount.about.com/calories-alcoholic-drinks-ic1401 That site lists a lot of alcohols. The biggest problem I face is not making foolish food choices when I'm inebriated.
  • It's obviously not advisable though. It puts a huge strain on your digestive system and can result in stomach aches and bloating.
  • WOW. This thread made me realize how truly messed up I am. I'm 5'7", weigh 100 lbs and I want to lose more.
  • I don't by any means wish to exploit this thread. I suffered from binge eating disorder all through my childhood, and it is because of it I eventually developed anorexia. I am writing an essay on BED, and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to talk to me about it? I think it would be very powerful to have some…
  • http://well.ca/brand/the-simply-bar.html?gclid=CLnY5cbV560CFXOFQAodsDQ-3w these are my favourite, they're canadian though. all natural, gluten-free, vegan, 10 ingredients. the fibre is higher than the sugars, 10 g of carbs in total - which you NEVER find in protein bars. At 150 calories, and 16 g of protein, there really…
  • Better n' butter is REALLY good, but it's super high in carbs. I'm usually a natural PB kinda gal, so it's really on the sweet side. But, for half the cals of the regular stuff, it's a yummy treat.
  • <3 hcg is downright dangerous. OF COURSE you lose weight eating 500 calories. And probably your hair. And bladder control.
  • The oil isn't an issue. It's a spray so it doesn't stick, but I don't want the calories or fat of actual oil. I'm not really concerned with the starches, just the calories, and it's a huge difference cooked versus raw. I don't want to deceive myself into thinking i'm fine when i'm really eating 100 extra calories.
  • It may be the quality of carbs and fat you're getting that are impeding your weightloss. Fat's okay when it comes from things like nuts and olive oil. The same goes with carbs - slow acting carbs from whole grains and some fruit are better for weight loss than say white bread or french fries. On calorie counters it's easy…
  • I just bought some from Whole Foods, but, I'm in Toronto.
  • I'm pretty sure the so-called thigh gap is a result of being severely underweight and muscle loss. If you look at women over the age of 17 like 96% of them have thighs that touch.
  • That sounds like the start of an eating disorder, hun. If you need to talk, message me. Food isn't evil, and please try to take in more calories!
  • Not necessarily, it depends on how you approach it. A lot of vegetarians eat a ton of carbs and cheese.
  • it's far too psychological to "just eat". unfortunately, i have to wait to get into intensive in-patient treatment. thank you for your stories, it helps just to know that it can be overcome.
  • I buy the simply bars. They're Canadian, so I'm not sure where you are, but with 140 calories and 16 grams of protein you can't go wrong. They're also all natural and vegan. http://www.wellnessfoods.ca/
  • I'm a twenty something who spends alot of time partying. I'd drink four nights of the week, most of the time, racking in up to 4,000 calories on beer alone. I think my drinking was synonymous with my weight gain. Once I realized how excessively I was consuming, I quit pretty much cold-turkey. I've had a couple glasses of…
  • art school girl - if you don't mind my asking, do you know how much the surgery will cost?
  • I was an obese child, and I lost a hundred pounds towards the end of adolescence. I did not lose the weight in a healthy manner, and ended up with disgusting sagging skin on my front. I had resigned myself to the fact I'd have to live with it until I was able to afford plastic surgery. But, then I started reading about it…
  • That is what I mean. They say the calories are so complex that the body expels more energy to digest them than they contain. There's an extensive list, like cranberries, spinach, carrots, even mango. I guess I just am questioning the validity of it; I don't see how I can gorge on mango and maintain no caloric value.
  • I think it's more to do with bone structure than height, and thus there isn't really an average. What's normal for you could be very wrong for someone else.
  • I used to comfort eat like crazy during my youth. People don't recognize that food can become an addiction like anything else. What worked for me was to disconnect the emotional feelings that come along with food. Not that that's easy, still something I struggle with whenever I'm upset.
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