your daughter is a doll!!!
2 Chinese symbols down my left rib cage!
awesome! we can track progess together since we started same time :)
LOL thanks for the replies.. I clearly know how to make rice, i'm not completely dumb. LOL that made me feel like i need step by step instructions. Like get out the pan measure this.. I meant ways to spice it up, meals to add it to like chicken etc. something full in flavor.. STIR FRY? Something good.
Water has helped me detox! lots of water!!!
As someone who worked in an athletic club, trainers often suggest uping calories by a few and then head down again. I think it's kinda dumb but also they suggest detoxing, lots of success for me and other using that method.
Heres a bit of what it's about.. I started it two weeks ago and have lost 6 lbs! It's all natural.. It's been great for me! It's working nicely.. Was just reaching out to see if anybody else has had success..
you look great! :) congrats on the success!!!
DECISIONS DECISIONS! i don't even know where to begin!
I belong to a wonderful group of ladies on facebook who have a support group, they are not judgemental they are all in the same boat with the same goals. They share recipes and advice as well as a fun place to just vent and talk.. if your interested i'll post the link. let me know :)
Wish i could! Can't seem to find any zumba DVD's resonably price even on EBAY!!! HELP!