Anamaere Member


  • I dont use any sort of all day tracker, but i will record workouts on mfp. The day-to day exercise i get from occasional/intermittent tasks I have to do around home (stacking hay, having to strip out and redo stables, reorganising workshop) i dont bother with, even though I am aware they burn calories, unless they are…
  • I also recommend getting checked out. Exercise induced asthma is definitely something to rule out or confirm since it will change what you do if you have it. I have issues building cardiovascular fitness for running due to allergies and then the cold, yet im fine walking long distance, cycling or riding horses. Interval…
  • wait, nevermind, brain isnt processing atm. Apparently my current BMR is 2k according to that link. Thats my celing for a 'bad' day where i eat whatever i want currently...
  • Im getting slammed with Thrive spam everywhere but here (thankfully). it drives me insane. I've had a few random messages from mlm 'health' and 'lifestyle program' scams in the past, but i seem to have dropped off the radar now that im nowhere near as active on the forums as i used to be
  • I dont have a 'plan' as such, but i eat what works for me, when im hungry, with consideration to my calorie count and protein intake, since protein keeps me going longer. I can totally get onboard with @Chadxx 's chops for breakfast thing. I prefer steak though haha. My diary is open to friends, and i'm always happy to…
  • heck yes! I'm in and always happy to offer support! Please add me also. I have 100lb to lose and i want it GONE for good! Started working on myself a week ago :D I'm turning 27 this year and I have things to do when im done making the new me!
  • I dont even have a specific item of clothing in mind. i want to be able to walk in ANY store and buy something that fits and looks good, not the 4 stores in town i can currently buy clothes at that may have something that isnt a sack. I want to be able to buy all the gorgeous rodeo shirts and nice jeans my customers get to…
  • lol apologies for my absence. I trim in se qld around toowoomba (if that makes any sense to anyone). I'd agree with the whole persont hin/horse fat thing kido. i get told regularly that my horses are 'too fat' but i know if gemma carries any more weight she's uncomfortable and doesnt enjoy jumping. to be honest my horses…
  • it does take a fair while ot build the muscle stamina. i have a slightly funky stance so i can hold the foot in place ont he stand with my body/hip while still rasping with 2 hands. if i dont use the stand i just cant stop the horse's leg slipping off my lap/knees without twisting
  • haha i found out how to calculate it using met values :) at my current weight it's abotu 500 cal/hour. i use a hoof stand and sling for the back feet as i just cannot get the posture right for holding the feet up haha
  • LOL logging? whats that? i havent been as bad as normal on christmas day (only due to it only being me and mum, the rest of the family was working or away), but am currently sitting here with close to 400g of tasty lindor chocolate and i intend on eating every last bit. got to love boxing day sales!
  • I personally cant stand the gym. no clue why as i used to go all the time when i was younger (mid teens). Nowdays my exercise is my job (i trim horses hooves), fixing stuff at home (oh the joys of fencing!) and riding and general training with my horses as well as looking after the animals/etc. I know it's not the same as…
  • I ahve the same problem. i'm all good through the day then have been derailed after dinner when self control failed and then i went a little nuts :( repeat multiple days in a row -.- it was right after an awesome week too. i seem to have switched my thinking brain back on now (haha) and am back on track. can totally…
  • could you mow and make an arena fence out of portable rail panels? it's cheaper than wood and can be modified into a roundyard if needed :) thats my plan for my arena in the future
  • awesome :D I have my little herd of 5 about 30km south of toowoomba. is nice to find another queenslander :D
  • haha. lets make a list of what i dont count in a day (and i have mfp set to sedentary) i dont count: - feeding animals (5 horses, chickens and 1 dog, involves a large amount of walking, yarding horses, carrying buckets/scoops/jumping fences and carrying hay). -checking fences and troughs (i walk the 21 acres or whatever…
  • all my horses are unshod, so she's even more extra special haha. i have absolutely no clue what happened but now she's happily settled into her yard and stable with my youngest horse to keep her company (seeker got evicted because he was a bully). only needs very small doses of painkillers so she'll walk normally (or more…
  • Qld girl here :)
  • i LOVE the compendium of Physical Activites. you can find virtually everything there then use it to calculate how much you burned. it's meant ot be fairly accurate but i like to use it as a higher estimate and knock a bit off haha
  • Today's various exercises include (fyi i base my diet around being sedentary since my activity level varies so wildly) 1 hour of walking in circles (approx 3mph) - lunging horses haha trimming 3 horses feet - takes anywhere between 1 hr 30 and 2 hrs, depending on behaviour grooming, feeding and watering my 5 personal…
  • 22 from qld. feel free to add me :)
  • :) welcome to the group. I know exactly what you're going through not having horses all of a sudden, I went through the same through late highschool/uni
  • I see it as a big game/experiment too and do find it enjoyable. I also like the fact that its (in a weird way) given me control back and i feel better (and am losing weight!), yet i dont feel like im missing out on anything, unlike my other weight loss/lifestyle change attempts. I'm going to be on mfp for a LOOONG time…
  • yum! keeping this for future reference!
  • The first thing i'm buying when i reach my goal is a crazy lightweight endurance saddle :) I think since one of my major motivators for losing weight is to be able to successfully compete my two (still baby) arabs in endurance it's quite fitting. Then i'll go and buy a new wardrobe because what i have now most definitely…
  • :D I started doing this a couple days ago withotu realising it was a thing. After completely falling off the bandwagon for a few days and eating REALLY badly, I cleaned out hthe fridge and freezer and completely cleaned up my kitchen (not that that lasted). Then yesterday I had to clean the lounge because I got a wii…
  • I'm weighing myself in kg, so am not sure on the lb conversion. but am currently 116kg. i would LOVE to be 100 kg by christmas/new years. I havent been 100kg since about 2006 (highschool). i think 16kg is closer to 30/35lb?
  • haha! I'm actually in Australia in Queensland. The horse is Gemma, she's the oldest and the biggest of my little herd and is in semi retirement now. My profile picture was taken at a fun show i went to in early September. It's actually one of the only pictures I have of myself on a horse and makes me sad really. Once i'm…
  • thanks zaph0d. i'm better off not factoring in exercise as it's highly variable. I can go from sitting at a desk all day and just feeding the horses to trimming horses all day, plus a 45 minute high intensity riding lesson, plus all the usual looking after the animals stuff xD