Goal of 20 lbs down by Christmas...any joiners?



  • Monkeybutt48
    Monkeybutt48 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm down for it. Been riding a plateau, so I need a kick start. Current 199....goal 175.
  • thinby40
    thinby40 Posts: 113
    yes please!! I'd love to join..please add me!
  • Zamba74
    Zamba74 Posts: 65 Member
    Count me in!

    SW 171
    GW 151
  • gdadki
    gdadki Posts: 64 Member
    Would love to join..............197 now ................177 would be great!!
    JSMSDSAS05 Posts: 136 Member
    how do i join?
    SW ~ 170
    GW~ 150
  • i agree. i'd love to get down 20 lbs by christmas. but i'm not sure that that's entirely possible for my situation. (not trying to make excuses though :explode: )
    20 lbs in 10 weeks for me would be a miracle haha. but, HELL, i'd love to jump on for the challenge! :bigsmile:
  • Hello, that is my goal too. Starting weight 162 current weight 158, Goal by 12/25 138
  • I want in!! I'm new to MFP but will figuire it out. Was saying something along those lines earlier today. Would love to be Under 200 by New Years and Christmas is only a week off!!
    Started at 236lbs 2 weeks ago
    CW 223.8
    Goal For Christmas is a 24 lb loss!! 199.8
  • m me mee at 211 today going for 185
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I'm definitely in! Current weight has been back and forth from 193-195 and I'd love to be 175 or less by Christmas! I look forward to tracking our weight losses together!
  • tsjourney
    tsjourney Posts: 156 Member
    Would love to lose 20 lbs by Christmas!!

    SW 280
    CW 238
    GW 160 - ultimately!!! but will settle for 218 by Christmas!!!
  • kc9agz
    kc9agz Posts: 58 Member
    Count me in! Not sure I'll make the whole 20 but will do my best.

    Current - 136
    Goal - 116
  • carolinewellings
    carolinewellings Posts: 3 Member
    good incentive

    weight 212
    goal 192
  • InfiniteEcho
    InfiniteEcho Posts: 40 Member
    I would love to join! I was a bit discouraged earlier today as I am battling an injury (hoping to be walking by Christmas) so I will need to be extra creative in exercise to lose but I am up for the challenge. Any and all please add me if you are looking for additional support as well. I need to get back on the bandwagon and need all the help I can get.

    Current -149
    Goal - 130
  • I'm in. I would like to be 20 pounds lighter by christmas. I weighed today and at 194. My goal weight will be 174. I have not seen that in 18 years. It would be nice. How do I sign up?
  • MPwife10
    MPwife10 Posts: 130 Member
    I would like to join. I lost focus after a trip to Cali and then my husband coming home.

    SW: 169lhs
    GW: 149lbs (that's what I was in April when the hubby had R&R)
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    Okay for the guys to join too? I'd love to be down another 20 by then! CW: 249, GW: 229.
  • Anamaere
    Anamaere Posts: 60 Member
    I'm weighing myself in kg, so am not sure on the lb conversion. but am currently 116kg. i would LOVE to be 100 kg by christmas/new years. I havent been 100kg since about 2006 (highschool). i think 16kg is closer to 30/35lb?
  • neetneetneets
    neetneetneets Posts: 95 Member
    20lbs is about 9 kgs. I would love to be there by xmas, but don't know how do-able that is for me. However, I'll give it my best shot.

    Current weight (let's be honest, it fluctuates because of my eating/my scales) but it's around the 70kg mark
    Goal weight: 61kg (although anything below 65 and I'll be happy!)
  • imajuett
    imajuett Posts: 13 Member
    Pick me! I'm all in for this one. Twenty by Christmas was my own personal goal so having others to share it with and keep me going will be great. SW 263 GW 243
  • cdell531
    cdell531 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm definitely in!!! I'm very excited!! We can do it!!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I'm in! Starting at 170, would love to get to 150 by Xmas (but realistically 155-160). I've been in a bit of a rut for the past few weeks, so I need a reason to get back on the wagon!
  • cdell531
    cdell531 Posts: 3 Member
    Starting weight 114 ... goal weight 100 :)
  • clm3347
    clm3347 Posts: 6 Member
    Oh I def want in! I am new on here and could use the motivation! I am weighing in tomorrow, so I will post my numbers then :)
  • I'm in! Starting weight is 165, goal weight by Christmas is 145! :)
  • I'm in, too...

    Got back in the game last week at 218lbs which is down 44 lbs from the highest of 262 in Oct 2010. I've lost 4 lbs this week, and I would like to be 194 by Christmas. Feel free to add me...
  • lao482
    lao482 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Wow...huge response. There's over 80 of us trying this... Good news is we'll have a great support system. I've written down the names of everyone and will add you to the group if you are not in there already. Also, let me know if you don't want your starting weight posted. I'll get all the numbers together and pop it on the group board some how. Glad to know so many of you have similar goals. Our family always does a family photo while everyone is together and I really would like to be 20 lbs down for it. We can do this!

    Good luck everyone!!!!
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    Twist my arm Lauren... I'm in.

    Starting weight:167
    Goal weight: 147

    That is super low for me so here we go!
  • lao482
    lao482 Posts: 68 Member
    You can do it Tash! Knew I could count on you!!!
  • lao482
    lao482 Posts: 68 Member
    Ok everyone....I hate to do this, but there's 125 people in this and I won't be able to keep up with many more. Good luck everyone!

    We are going to look SO good for Christmas!!!