anniep106 Member


  • i love my new balance 661 minimal shoes so much i just bought a second pair. they are fairly inexpensive too. i run in them, lift in them, and wear them to work on days i can. i really love them. a lot.
  • computer just got back...3 yr old dropped it.... i dont feel like the term 'crossfit mom' is a negative. i guess i might be overly sensitive today, but im slightly upset that some feel combining the terms isolates a population. i think 'crossfit mom' is more something to be proud of. ive survived growing a child, raising…
  • Feel free to add me also. Im new on MFP. I am still a beginner at cf, but love it. Im on here pretty regularly since its summer (im a teacher, so freeeeee). I could use a few friends to keep motivated also. Annie
  • for trips/snacks/quick eats i love paleokits by steve's original. it has saved me a few times while i was too busy to to cook or just not anywhere i could stop. its not a meal solution, but it is really helpful and really good!
  • 6/21/2012 WOD 800m Run 30 Wall Balls 20/14# 20 KB Swings 53/35# 10 Ground-to-Overhead 45/25# Plate 400m Run 20 Wall Balls 20 KB Swings 20 Ground-to-Overhead 200m Run 10 Wall Balls 20 KB Swings 30 Ground-to-Overhead
  • Im so sorry for everyone's losses. I went through 6 miscarriages and infertility treatments before having my daughter. It helps to talk to others. Dont feel pressured into being silent. There are a lot of support groups out there, both in real life and online. If that isnt your thing, try talking to a therapist. A lot of…
  • 21-15-9 overhead box steps 45/25# power cleans 105/70# shoulder-to-overhead 105/70# Im not going until 730 tonight.....impatient!