

  • I developed full blow allergies to eggs and dairy. And most recently figs...which are high in latex. So, now I need to get checked for latex allergy. Even though I've been GF for three years, I'm developing new allergies all the time.
  • When I get accidentally glutened, my first symptom is nightmares that night. It's really horrible. If it's a lot of gluten, I can have panic attacks for days. If it's just a bit of gluten, my anxiety disorder reappears and I'm at a constant 8/10 on an anxiety scale for about 3 days -- in addition to the GI symptoms. It's…
  • There are a lot of benefits to fasting. I think that in this country we associate them with a cleanse. Before you do a fast, you should look into it. Fasting isn't a weight loss approach, and shouldn't be considered as such.
  • I've been gluten, egg, and dairy free for 3 years. Diagnosed with celiac disease and egg and dairy allergies. It's the holy triad of celiacs. I don't have a problem with raw veggies...I would be so sad if I did, so that must be even harder. Fortunately, I live in Seattle which is awesome for gluten-avoiding people. There's…
  • You would have to eat 3500 calories over and above what you're burning to gain a pound of body fat. So, unless you've eaten an extra 14000 calories in the last 4 days, you haven't gained fat. You are most-likely gaining water weight. I just started back hard-core exercising and I'm seeing about a pound a day myself, but I…
  • You can get a really cool running waist pack: I gave you the above link because I've found the reviews to be really helpful in choosing my pack. BTW -- these aren't fanny packs. :-)
  • I think it's everyone's personal choice as to whether they share their food diary or not. However, if someone is going to go on the forums and ask "what am I doing wrong" "I need help" "My weightloss is stalled" -- then that person should open up their diary. I have mine open to everyone. I'm not doing it to show what a…
  • What she said. :-) I was going to suggest that it could be a hernia. Umbilical hernias happen near the belly button, but are rare in adults.
  • I'm really against weighing myself in every day. Weekly weigh-ins are when you'll get a true accounting of your actual weight loss. There are so many factors as to why you'd gain wait from day to day. Don't pay too much attention to it. Just drink lots of water to stay hydrated in that warm weather. When I got really close…