acidglaze Member


  • I used to get Tom Hanks all the time too. Never saw it though.
  • They all float! They all float down here! And when you're down here, you'll float too!
  • Tokyo Gore Police. Not a scary movie, but the imagery in it is not for the feint of heart. I couldn't finish it and that says a lot!
  • Oh.. another is Hachi. About a dog who goes to a train station everyday and waits for his owner to come home. Well, one day his owner dies at work. this happens about 30 minutes into it. The rest of the movie (another hour) is about the dog who refuses to leave the train station until his owner returns.
  • Toy Story 3. At the end when the little girl makes Woody wave bye and Andy has a look of surprise. Make me think of that point yo0u have when you realize that everything will be different from this point on and you have to say goodbye.
  • That's great. I used to use the Monday excuse also. Then, almost 2 months ago on a random Sunday morning, I pulled the scale out of the bathroom and weighed in. I told myself "this starts now" and started that morning eating better and learning how to track my food. I've since added running to my routine and will soon be…
  • I log my food 95% of the time on my phone. But I do log in almost everyday for some forum chats and my group forum. You can't do those in the mobile app.
  • Most gyms offer an introduction to the weight rooms where they will explain what the machines do, how to use them, and what muscles they target. I would ask whoever is at the front desk if there is someone that could help you familiarize yourself with the weight machines. Most are happy to help as it also avoids injuries…
  • [img] Fitness Pal/May_18_2012.jpg[/img] [img] Fitness Pal/100_0598.jpg[/img] Woo hoo!
  • Hi Anna, I too first opened my account almost 2 years ago, but really only dedicated myself a few months ago. My wife is on here also and she has done weight watchers in the past. She seems to like this better since you're focusing more on what your food has in it total vs simply doing a points count. And with both of us…
    in Hello Comment by acidglaze October 2012
  • Hi Jake. Congrats on becoming a new dad! I've got two myself which made me want to become a more active person so I can do things with them. It's a great daily reminder and as they get older, they'll help guide you to becoming a healthier person also. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • The GS3 is an awesome phone. I have it on sprint. The only issue is Sprint's network is really, really, REALLY slow. Though LTE is slowly rolling out, expect a huge difference in 3g when coming from verizon to sprint. If network speed is not much of a factr, go with it. I love not having to worry about my data caps. And I…
  • You just have to really think about what you're ordering too. A grilled chicken sandwich is a staple at most fast food places, but ordering it without any mayo or other sauce can really save those calories. I know several people that will opt for a kids meal at fast food lunches also, since the portion will already be…