

  • I'd like to join-I started logging on this site a month ago but I feel I could use the extra motivation. I'm going back up to college in a week and will be getting busier, so I'd like to be part of a flexible group that supports each other.
  • I would say that first, just accept that you've had a couple off days- it happens, so don't punish yourself too much over it. Sometimes, it's even good to have a day of indulgence so you won't feel deprived. Just think of it as a bump in the road, but hardly a roadblock. If I've had a day where I may have gone over what I…
  • Thank you! Good advice on not weighing myself everyday, I really have to put the scale away for a week! And I like the idea of a reward...that isn't food. Sometimes, if I've been trying to eat healthier, I'll justify having something "naughty" because I've "earned" it. Thanks for the tips and good luck to you!
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