LOVELY LADIES SUPPORT GROUP starts today!! 8/18/09

jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hello all you lovely ladies!! I have been gone from this site for a couple of weeks, AND I CAN FEEL IT!! I haven't been nearly as active or aware of my eating habits since I left.

Anyway, I was looking for a support group and there isn't one that has just started, so I thought "Hey, why not!"

And so, here we are!! I would love to join with other ladies who want some support and friendship along this journey! And who want to rock our bodies, just the way they are! We are works in progress, so we might as well embrace where we are now and look forward to our goals!!!

Anyway, please feel free to comment and we will get this rolling! We can post pics if you want, figure out weigh in schedules and mini goals if we want's all open for discussion!! Post any ideas and we'll go from there!!!

Embrace who you are now, it will make working towards your goal so much better!!!


  • Kanderson47
    Kanderson47 Posts: 110 Member
    I need ALL the support I can get.........:grumble:
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    Count me in!!! I just started the timing is perfect! And I perhaps if I had someone checking on me...maybe I will be a little more structured!
  • I'm in too! I had a rough weekend and I am trying to get back going!
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I'm very interested. There are a log of great groups on this site but starting with one at the beginning will be great. I've been on here a little over a month. Love the site, checking in every day really keeps me focused. Thanks for starting this, I look forward to getting to know everyone.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I'm in I'm in! :bigsmile:

    I weigh-in on Wednesdays -- "Weekly Wednesday Weigh-in" i like to call it. :wink: It helps me remember. And also helps me not step on those scales if its Tuesday or Friday.

    I'm not a great goal maker - I always make them too hard to achieve and then I'm left empty & angry that I didn't reach it. :huh: This I need help with.

    Anyway - I'm happy you started a group today - I'm famous for missing the 'start' of groups! :flowerforyou:
  • labamba
    labamba Posts: 46 Member
    Would love to join as lacking support and motivation! Looking forward to the group chats!
  • I'd like to join-I started logging on this site a month ago but I feel I could use the extra motivation. I'm going back up to college in a week and will be getting busier, so I'd like to be part of a flexible group that supports each other.
  • teeneu
    teeneu Posts: 21 Member
    I'd love to join a group for support too! I weigh in on Wednesday's too. I haven't been able to find a group that's just starting yet, so this is perfect timing!:smile:
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Yay! Count me in! I need all the help I can get.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Count me in too. Want to be at my goal weight by the end of October, and need the support. :happy:
  • aythakay
    aythakay Posts: 26 Member
    me too, me too! It is hard to check in as a working single mom but I SERIOUSLY need all the support I can get!:tongue:
  • I just started a few days ago too...I'm in!
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 674 Member
    Count me in too!! I'm having a competition with a friend, and I keep getting off track espically when we go out to eat. Help me stay motivated please. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • melmel12
    melmel12 Posts: 21
    sounds awesome! I would love to be part of a group! I need some support :smile:
  • Mausie
    Mausie Posts: 38
    I sure could use a bit of push and shuff ... err i mean motivation myself ... if there is still a spot available ... please count me in ... as I really do need some help ... I do fine for a little while ... and than I give up ... and try again ... and .. and .. and ... I'm sure yall know tje story :ohwell:
  • i would love to join! i just started this a week ago and i have already noticed a difference! Over the past 2 years i have gained 50+ lbs. due to some life stresses and lack of confidence. I've noticed how my weight gain and depression has really taken my life in a downward spiral. My goal is to feel more confident and be able to be better @ my job. Oh yeah! for the last year i have been working as a landscaper in the spring summer fall and i am a shoveler during the winter months. i also clean a preschool @ night which is also quite a workout. you would think i would lose weight working out so much but i dont do to the fact that i always need a quick random meal. i try to pick healthy meals but how healthy is the hess gas station or a dollar menu. Lately I have been changing my meal choices to things i bring from home and been using this website as a great tool! one problem i have is finding healthy tasty foods, could anyone help me with that?
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    i would love to join! i just started this a week ago and i have already noticed a difference! Over the past 2 years i have gained 50+ lbs. due to some life stresses and lack of confidence. I've noticed how my weight gain and depression has really taken my life in a downward spiral. My goal is to feel more confident and be able to be better @ my job. Oh yeah! for the last year i have been working as a landscaper in the spring summer fall and i am a shoveler during the winter months. i also clean a preschool @ night which is also quite a workout. you would think i would lose weight working out so much but i dont do to the fact that i always need a quick random meal. i try to pick healthy meals but how healthy is the hess gas station or a dollar menu. Lately I have been changing my meal choices to things i bring from home and been using this website as a great tool! one problem i have is finding healthy tasty foods, could anyone help me with that?

    check out the recipes thread. there are TONS and TONS of amazing recipes on there. my fav is the slow cooker salsa chicken. anybody can make it & it takes like no effort. :love: yum!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I'm so happy to have found the start of a group. I need the encouragement and just people to share in the journey with me. I guess I'll start & share my story. If you want to call it that :tongue:

    I'm 24 & a mommy of 2 (4 if you count my dog & husband) oh yeah, I also acquired a 17year old this summer. :noway: I work full time & my husband stays home full time with the kids. This is why I find it hard to get in exercise, I feel terrible for wanting to go to the gym or even workout here at the house after I get out of work because I know my hubs has been here all day with the kids & needs a break. He supports me in the food aspect of my lifestyle change, but i understand his lack of effort in getting me to work out :tongue: Work is a lost cause. My boss tells me daily that I'm obsessed with my weight & that I need to stop starving myself. My co-workers are constantly complaining about how they can't lose weight and I'm tired of the "you need to stop losing weight, you'll look sick!" I just want to scream at them all. Anybody can see my food diary - i'm hardly starving myself. And just because I have the motivation to work out at 10pm at night, doesn't mean I'm obsessed!!!! Whew, now that that is off my chest. I just want to lose these last 30lbs. They won't budge. :angry: I need the serious support/motivation to get my diet on track so I can start losing again. I don't want people to judge me for losing - I didn't realize people even did that until I went back to work after my maternity leave having lost 40lbs. I also have a bet with my Dad for who can lose the highest % of weight by the time we leave for vacation in September. $50 for winning it and another $50 for whoever keeps off the most or loses more between September and New Years Day. :bigsmile: I WANT his money. LOL

    Anyway, that's my book & my life in a nutshell. I LOVE this site its such a great tool and the help & support I hope to gain from you 'lovely ladies' is priceless.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Lets get this party started!!! Weigh-in tomorrow! :noway:
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Yeah! I am sooo excited about all the positive responses that this feed has recieved today!! Welcome to all you Lovely Ladies!!! Well, it looks like tomarrow will be our first weigh in - :tongue: So it has been a super long day, I wanna go get some rest and tomarrow we will all begin our Lovely Ladies Tour of Life together!!! Hope everyone has a great night and we will get this party started in the morning!!

    Good night and God bless!!! :heart: :heart:
  • llcoolj_pm
    llcoolj_pm Posts: 8 Member
    Count me in!! I need all the support and motivation I can get! I have been on and off this site for atleast a year now and it is time for a change! :bigsmile:

    Mini Goal: 149 lbs. by 9/19/09
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